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<br /> � - � ,d�}�i�.L.sa6er N�Y.eaccept as limited bY refuiatiuns Issne�d Dy tht S�in the case of psynrmt defau�u�.reriuIie •
<br /> . � � imn�ediar pag�mt.in faD af aI!�mas secu�d bY this SecaritY Insaumest if: � • , , .-
<br /> ' ` . (i�8or�ower�efwits by fa�1'pj to pay in full any monthty pay�ntltt rcquixed by this Security laswma�t prior tc br an
<br /> the ane aak or c1�e naa maetkl�pa►naeat,os , .
<br /> `� � . ('n'j 8or�owa deisWts by ia�.�Faa�a pes�uG a�thiny dsys:to�erfca��3+e�esablf�ssittn�cx�'snea 3a t�is SauriEy = - - -.
<br /> [m�eat. , t
<br /> :_ , A)S�ic ivilntC'lrit A�w�L��6d1.if penmae�bs►!Ppiicabie Csw�.vith me pr;nr�pp�wai otd�c Sxietacy.�oq�a�e , . . �
<br /> ,_ ` hnsa8i�piSrmpit�6oit aF all A�e soms aa�ea try�Sxanry I�� . � , � . ,
<br /> . t � {�.A�a p�et at mc Peopety is o�tr�esf�ed(at6es dMe by de�rise�ddc+mt)tsY d�Bor�o�er�aa� , ,
<br /> ` . ' (ii)'t1�t tnape�ty�e aot acFapied by d�e�or�r�oee s tm a ba prim�y ar�eooed�ry rasiaeme,or dr p�a or � . . � _
<br /> . yt�feedas�000cupgdie�tapatyl�tbisarlKrceaiitbsaatbeo4�ppeovadimaootrdw�wid►tbe�aq�mesdnfdieSer�ay. ,
<br /> ;�`;; ��eDlri�rYat+is_If�tnra oaur t�at wonEd Da'mtt L�d�to require im�iediau psyment in fu11,bnt Zeader doa not , : �
<br /> .: ._ � teqvire stiCh Da9meau.L�r Goes not wtiive ita rijhts�vit1►r+es�ect ta subxquent events.
<br /> �• .�.; t�)�YIM�+d RUD 9reeee�7.Tn mury circumstancea aNlarions issned by the Seeretar�+v7U funit Leeder's riahta.in
<br /> ;<;:;:.`�; t�e are oi ps�rment deFiuuitss,�acquire immediatc pxyment in fuli tad[orecbse if aot paid.This Security iastrumrnt does .
<br /> !>;;:-; Aat�ntlw�iae aocde�atioe os f�ctosure if aot permitteil by re�ul�tians of the Se�*.�►. . ; .
<br /> , . ,'..<. _ -
<br /> � . � 1�.�Mw�1.�0tto�wet Isu a ri�t to bt a�;L�stated if Leader�s.�aired im�e�iate p�yme�x in tail beatuse of
<br /> ': ; " ::: �orrqrrer's faiWre ta�ate�amount due uiider t�c�iare os thi�See�iri:9 C�tea�t.3'h�rs�t aggQaes a�z§n after forec�osusa � . . , ,
<br /> . prec�eiediqfs are institi�:To reinetau the Sa�.'tnstniment,Bosr�l�v"is,"s9r,i uada ia a t�p sr.�al&a�ouats required to ,
<br /> ;: " . brin��iaer�+rfr'�accaam cdrreat inctudiaa.to elYe�tteat.t�'��i�.z.obliaa�.'�of Barres�.�dr'��.:s 15�rstitp[nsuvma�t. ' � � .
<br /> °� foredof�+G:c�ets aad reasowble an� euscomuY attorael�`& "x� and exD�nses PruPa[`�'.�ssoci�r� R:� �hz F�rcxbsure . . '•.:.
<br /> _ . �.�j. . ��:�lpon�re(estatesuetlsY B�wa,this S�nriry In�,��i and the obtig�tiorss tai it saYUa s'`a::sea�'��dfect as . . ' •
<br /> ; `.� 3���d not raquired immedii�tepiYmrnt{n fnl1.!�'awe��,-�td"er�s aoc reqaired to persnit�eiauai�+-�t if:«�nRer trzs . . �
<br /> { . , � acecp[��zeinstateimeat afta the commea�cemeat of fa:ect�s•�,.se procxc"�-�s vrittin two years ima^.s�ate1y p:eo�'►n�the , .
<br /> ;`,`s �t�eni df•a ctucent fate�ute ptooad'sst�.Ciy�mt w2'��'-"xSu�e��.;�?�':�sute on different gasc�ds in t6e
<br /> `.'�t � future,e�(f"ia)[einstattmeril will��rssty affat the prioriry c`c�c lien arra:ed b}tt+:..�5�r•"ty[nstrumen�. -
<br /> ' ,U,�N�t�fw�t;Peeie�ra�ce t�I,e�tet Not�W�f+ra. ExteQSian of the timc of psymtnt ar modif�cation Af
<br /> amartiYatian af 1he amas secured by this Security Instnsment�rantea by L.cnQer to any successor in interat of Barrow�es dhall not
<br /> . opaate to tekase Yhe isability of the ori�inal Borrower ot Borro�wEr'F successor in ioterat. Lender sha!!not 6e requ'sred to
<br /> comp�enc+e proceedin{s yatnst u�y sucassor in intaat or refuse to extend cime for payaxnt ar ottxnrise modify amortiz�tion �
<br /> ot the sums secured by this Sewrity�nstrument tiy rcason of my 6emas�d made•by�he ori�inat Borroxer ar Borrawer's �
<br /> � � succe�ors in intaest. Any for6eu�nce by [.endtr in rxetciring any ri�At ar remeQy,slull not be a waiver of or prectude the �
<br /> ezercise ot any rijht or�emtdy. • �
<br /> ' �•. ...n�..�.�..1t�..�•.t��.�A±�i.rw.t 11��ilitv<<'o.�Mva.The cnvenants ana a{ueemenu of ihis Security� � ''
<br /> _ . _: :�: �.�-----�—--- -• -- --- - . -
<br /> lustriimeot shaD bitb at�Q btrteGt the eucctssors and assigns of I.enGes and$onower.subjeci tr►the prov�sions of paragioph 4,b. • -
<br /> BorTO�rer•s covenatfq and qreemsnts shall bC juint and severzl. Any Borrawa who co-r�igns this Security I�strumer.t bue doa
<br /> . eot excrute the Nate:ta)i�eo�sisninj th»SccuritY lnstrumenr only eo mnn�e.Rrant and convey�hat Banow•tr's ineerest in '�:-�
<br /> tAe Properly under�ha terms ot Ihis Serurity Instrument;(b 1 ic Roi personaliy obliaated to pay Ihe sums secured by this Secur[ty �
<br /> tnstcumen� snd (c) asrea tAat Lender An0 any other Bannwer may Agrec to eatrnd. �nodify. forUear or make any
<br /> • iccommod�tqtu with rejatd to[he ctrm of this Srcurity Imtrumertt nr�he Nate wethvut that$crrra�ret'e cort+en�. . .
<br /> ' • U.NMi�e�.Any notice to 8otrowu provided for in this Security Instruinent shall be given by Qeliveting�t or by mailing it by ��
<br /> � Mct class mai!uniess applicabk taw�requira use ai anosher me[hod. The noiics shali be d�rec¢rd to the Propeny AQdres�or any
<br /> , � other address�3orrowe�desi�nates by na:ice to LenQer.Any nauce to 1 ender sh�Il be giveo bY�tst c1ASS maii�o l.endds address
<br /> stated hefsim ot tny�Qdtess Lendet deaiy►ata bg s:ssuce so Einrrawe7.Any antice pruvid�d fnr in this Sccurity Instrument sh�li
<br /> bt detnfed t�p luve bosn�ivea to 8arrower or Lender whtn g��cn a�pravided in thit parograph.
<br /> 1�1.C.�w�iy I,s�;Sr�etYMN�.This�3ernttty dnstrumc�t ct��il bt goterstcd by Federal law ans�he l�w of the jurisdutian in
<br /> i �hkh the Pra�erty is lortte�.(n the eytat that�ny provisia.n ar cliuse af ah�s tiecurity Instrumrnt�r the Note canfticts Kith ap� f
<br /> pGq�.tt f.3w�such conflict ah�ll nni affeet oiher provisions of ehi�Security instrument or thr Note which can be givrn e(lec�
<br /> � witbout ihe conilictit�ptavision. To�his end the pra.ivions vt shi�Security Instrument and the Note aro Qeciared ta be
<br /> severabk. '��
<br />, • • '�:
<br /> ts.ire»*ef'�C;o�g.Harrowe�ahaJl 6e gisen one confc,r�r.ed cupy�t this Securlty Imttument. • '
<br /> ii./1MIp�eN af RnV.fiouawer uncundi�ic�nilty ass�griy and transfers to I.ender nit the rems at�d revenaes uf the�a�perty.
<br /> ' Botrnwer authorius Lendrr�r LenQer's n�enb cv cc►ite�i the rent�anA revenur�and hrreAy direcis cach tcnant af chr f'rr�perty
<br /> to pay tRe rents tu LenQet ar ttndtt'e�en4s•tic�sYver.�sr.iar u�Lendee's n•ut�ce to gurruwer of iitittowet'�bte�Ch(ff dny cuve• ,
<br /> ' eN1nt or�teeme�t in the 5ecu:ity.tns:rumenc.B�.►rroWU shatl culiee!and recerve ell rents:�nd re.enut<<►f�he Pe<�prrty astructee
<br /> , . for the berufit of l.endtr and gosrowrr.7his n�si6nment ut rents cumun�sts an abeulute ecvgnnier.t And acu an a���gnmeni fur,
<br /> aaditton�{�ccvrity only.
<br /> � If 1 ender aives nolice of brcach to Borrower:(a/a11 rents rtce��cd t+y Butrawer shalt he hefd by Bursnwcr af trustee for brnedit
<br /> ot Lendtt onty.tn be apyikd tolhe tums securea by the Secunty lnstrument;l b►Lender shaU be ent�tted!U Cvlltcl ef�d��CCIvt ell
<br /> ot the rthts uf tAe property:and t�)tach[enant o!the l�rayarty sh�11 pay yll rcats due und�nptid tu Lendcr�r Leader's a�gei►t
<br /> on{xnder's wtittta drnund tu Itu tenant. �
<br /> Borr��•rr ha�nnt exscuted en;pt►or asvgnment �( thr senl�end hn+uut nnd cti�!i nc�t ptFfc,rii�a►iy act[hat w:,utd preti�ent .
<br /> I,entkr�:om etncisina iis fights uttdtf thls �ragruph t6
<br /> Lcackr sh�ll�wt tx reQuurd tv rnttr u�l�,iak°c��ntro!ut c�r ma�main the Prapcsty bttore ar after g��:ng n�art ul breach to �
<br /> Eiorrowrt.HoNevcr,Lender ur R auAic�alty x��xnnttti teun�t acaq dv su at an�time there�s�breacfi :iay apphrati.��ot reats ___ _ __
<br /> . shaU^��f.��urt ot wnivt aUy defa::te c�r�malidatc uny other rig*� ar rernedy<�f Lencfrr '►t:;,:�5�igninrnt of tu�te nf„�c ti?tv��ty ` ��
<br /> shui!�,�s.z�ats when the deCt sF.:4�reil F:y ttte St:urity Ins[rurrrsu is�a�d iri fuii.
<br /> � . . '
<br /> ' � .
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