�T�;�_ .� __ _ � � _
<br /> . . ., .: �1 .. .
<br /> �'e\ < < _ ' '�i.�.'�t�4}:����F'`"�� . - . Cl`. . . . .. . _ . _._. ___. . .
<br /> _ _ , i' � � . . . , . . .
<br /> _ `C:_�•7:i�'� ..l . __� .. _.. _ . . ,. _. _ . . _ . . . � . � . � .. . , y . . . . . . _, _ . . _ . ._ ""
<br /> - . ,2:t�1� . 't . .
<br /> ' . ' . ' . _ . l• _ . . . .
<br /> . . \ ._ ,. . :�-.r� . ,' � < . .� ,' . . " . . . . # � . . . . . _ °,�.,-�..... . . ���_
<br /> ` .
<br /> � � � . � ,�:�...�.�.��«.�..��. � `� � . 9�0-�102779 . . .
<br /> . --v . . - £wj uiiai�.�.ee6er�r.�a���i't�,��ojt tbe��7r in tite csse�f t���t c#ef+�t►tig:-rdiuitr . -- � -- - ` - -
<br /> • � , ' imanedwte p�rmea�ia full of a11 anms aecared 6p t1�SecadtY[a�rument if: .
<br /> ` .. (i�Borro�re�defauhs bq faula�to pry�tull aay moat�lY paYroedt aequired by Wis S�surity Iastrummi prioi co ar on �
<br /> � t�te due d�te ot t�e nest�.D�Ymmt.af � .
<br /> ._� . Cn�Borrnner d�LaW4 6�r f�u7i�.f�or.s period nf t�irty daps,to per[orm any�ther Nbti�ttioas caatuned in this S�udty - � .- -'.
<br /> , �,� , Imttv�meat: � ` � • .
<br /> � (�S�le WMrNt CRUiR A�e+w�l.Le�eder�H.itPQmiped 6p+�p�iqQkta�r aod wim the prior apponvd of tbe Secrcfi�ty.�equit� . `
<br /> ioee�aidire p�rmat is[di at a11�e mm��ecu�ad by d�Saaaity I�eiM iF , .
<br /> • � G)A9 or p�et af Bje Pmpetty es o�er�fire a�iod(a�6et�n�hy devi�e or de�cmt)b�r @�e BoRara.ard �
<br /> i' � (�7'��P�9���'bY�P��i�as�s a ber prirt�y or eeoond�y�moe,ar tde�a or � .
<br /> � , �t�rleedoec soacLV�We pt+cpQty 6aE hi�or her cia�it ht not beeo appiare�b�ooa�d�o�e�1!k iequ�at�e Sec�y.
<br /> , , ,
<br /> ::,' te�l,!!f�id11E?iiwr.U drcamstaooes ooau t�ai�raWd permit Lender ta nqnire if,;rnediate payment in fuD,but Lteda doa not ' •
<br /> ��...:�, " .. r�lu�a�t D�Y��LRnder does not�raive�ts ri�tfts witb rapect to su6sequeas eveats. '
<br /> • ` t�)�r�f HtTt!�7s ia maRy dra�taaoa a�utatians issued hy We Seaettry�i timit i.euder'�riahts.in •
<br /> •`i ` tbe c�rt'ot ps�rmmt de�autts.t�roqaire immediate paym'rnt in(u1!and fatedose if uot p�id.Thfs Security lnstrument does
<br /> + aot ai�;i�ze uccdaat�on ot forabsure if uot permitted by rc�ulatioas ot the Seaeta�y. � •
<br /> f � , ,
<br /> < � �1: �idlf�IrN1. Hotro�rer tw s ti�ht to be rdastatM if l�ebd�t Qas teqnired immediue paymmt ia fuQ bowu�e of �
<br /> - i � �orrower'�Y�ipue to p�y an�mo�unc due urder ihe Nae ar thts Security trtstrnmanc.Thls ry,ht even afur fomWsure
<br /> � ` tre ia�tuted.Td ainstste the SaeuritY tnatr+imeat.Borrawrer stnil tmder iu a lump s�amounts cequind to .
<br /> � i �O�Yll�f.a00QYeL CYfIln{�YQ�t1s.LO L�C ttYffit t�Ey�C QQ1i�tt[OOS�$Oif01YCl UIIdR t�11S SlCIIf$y I�StT11�f�Tr
<br /> .'-�.3rede�ure ecsts aad r�son+lbk and custoa�ary��eys fees arb eRpea�s�property assocystEd with the forecJo�urc �
<br /> . t ' ' p�oceediq�,�'paa reiq�tatenjant by Borrow�.this SeqarltY Instrument aad the ob}ieui�as that it secures shall remun in tFftrx as � • J ..
<br /> -• if Lai¢e'rir��ot re�ti�ed ieim�diate qyment in fu{}.However.l.endtr is nat m�aisa!to pesmit retnstatemeat if:(I3 Lc�tk��+s- . ..,_. ,..�;c.,.:,,,.':` :.. ,•,,
<br /> f ��t±�atetnent �Rer the commencxment of Porectosute praceedin�,s wIthin two yqrs immediueiy pr��ite ".
<br /> • . �t of a current for�eclasute proceeding. (ii}«instatersient wiU pnsE:sde foiestosure on diflaeat grouads::i ehe �
<br /> . =:�.�.�ar�u�retnsbtement will adversely tifect the.priority of the lien created by thia SecatftY instcument. _ .
<br /> . ! ` '� '1�.r�r NN Rtlevef;Forh�ta�ce�r I�M�er NM s N'a[ier. Extension of�he tiavic ef•payment or modificu�of
<br /> . amottisuism af the�ums ae�ured by tttrs�5�:urity[a�trummt granted by Lcncfer ro any successcsc�intaest of Borrovrer shall not �
<br /> ' opa�te to re�aee the lisbility of the cr.a�iml Borrc,wer or Borrowet's successor in interat. Lcndec shall not 6e requircd to �
<br /> : ' �o�eaoe proceediqRs a�afnst any succetcp�ia intrr�ar tefuse ro extend time for paymeni ot otherwix modify imqrtir.ation ' � , ; �^
<br /> ' ' ` <�Z the wm� eecured bq ehis Sernrity fnstrumeat ts�reason af am demand made hy the ari�inaf Bnrro�er or Borrowa's ,�;;�._
<br /> � .�'aCassors in intertst. My farbwru►te by LenQer in exercising any right os remeQy sh�lt not be a waiver of or pre+ctude the � •f.;;
<br /> . ' ' exadre oP a�Y rijht ar reTaedy. . i:t,
<br /> ;.;�. =
<br /> ' U.Sreti+�Mf�/A�s�0lN;�Ol�t�fie�erd i.l�iility:Co•Si�Oees..7?t4 C4�C�fA:s Ynd YRieeraents nf lhis Serurttv :•;'
<br /> —� :�i;u�..�i��i`iiur�unr oamn irics�assors arni�ssiansar i.eu�erarrd Harroxer,subject ta ihe provisions og puagraph 9.6_ - - � -- '"`
<br /> , Bartowe's eovenanu and asroemeau shW be j�int and severat.Any Borrower wtrr.�ca•signs ehis Security Ins[rumerct but doa ���;�-�',�.�`=
<br /> , , tlot exeatte the Notr.(s!is co-afjning�hls Security rasuumm�nnty to mony�e.g.t�nt and convey that 8orruwer's interest io
<br /> the Prapaty under the tetens of tAb Security lnstrument:Ibf is nat perc�nally obli�ted to pavi�he sums secureci by this 5ecurity � �
<br /> • Instrumeet: uca:.' i.c� qrees that L.ersdkr and any other Hor�ower �ay agrce to extectdT m�adify, farbear or m�ice any -
<br /> a�[nodatiads xith rt�u�co tAe cu*.:r�f this Securisy Inairumenr�r the Note ait{�out[t►�e�onower'�consent.
<br /> , ��:�.
<br /> ' U.1�Nkw.Any rtatke tu Borrawer provided for►:r.tbis Securi�y Insxru�nent�h�?i 6e uven by Qelivering:t cr by mailins it by ' T•�
<br /> i • 1;r,N�tt clau mail unkss applicable taw requires use ot a::othn mef had.the notice shaD bc Qirected tb the Proparty/1Qdres�or any
<br /> . i otfter�ess Botrawtr desian�tes by nouce to l.ender.Any�iucire to 1 ender sh�ll bc given by f rst class mai!to l,ender'9 a����ess ,
<br /> � suttM herein w aey addtes3 Lendet desf�ates by natice to Borrawer.Any nollce provided far in this Stcurity Insirume:�r�firall
<br /> be datiled to havp b�tn�iven to Barrawtr or LenQes when givrn as pt•c,vi0ed in tl�ls p�tagraph.
<br /> i`
<br /> . � N.G����I,aw;9er��,T6is Securiiy Insuument ahall be�ovemcd 67�'�der�f tar+�an6 eAe taw of the�urisdiction in
<br /> E whkh tbe Propecty is louucot.�n the evsot th�t�tny provisian ot ctause ot Mi�Sccurity lnstrumem c+r tho Note ron(licls with ap-
<br /> plicabie Vw..tpcb conflics.3hsf1 nat Af(.�;C olher provi4iun.s of this Security ln�trument or the W�tt whicb can be yver��t:rc�
<br /> ; . , without tht w�tlictil��rovisiont. �e tDis end the pt�vi��ons of t�is Siecutity Insttumrnt rus,] ehe Nate are dtctared t�.3 Ae
<br /> • stvenble. ' �.
<br /> i � :.
<br /> 11.�wrr'�Co��.f�Ftirx�awer ehall bt given one confc�rmed cnqy c�f 1hLS S«:unty Insuustttnt. • . '�`•��'
<br /> � ,�;;.:,....
<br /> ,.i :;.
<br /> � �ji.A�N d RNd.Botrowet unwndRronaUy nssignq and tta,nsfe�s lo l,ender all the rer...anA revenuec of�he Pro�en;. � �
<br /> Horrmrer�u�ahoaize�Lender ar L.endee�'s,a�enls tu culttct the rent�astd revcnur�end hereAy d:rcce�rach tenant vt the PrapCrty �
<br /> • , to p�y ehe re.et�to Lender m Lender's agents.Ftnweve�.�tiot ta t.enQe.v's nt,t�cc to gonawer of flarrower's brea:A of any cuva � �
<br /> . , . n�nt or a�r�rnent in Ihe St�urfty tnsttument,Bor►awer shatl collecc�nd rreei�e aff cents and rcvenue�of ehe Pr�,Ereny a�trustee
<br /> Eor tAe�trfit of Lrnder��t Botro�tt.1his es���tpene of rents constitutei anatr!,+tute pss�gnment ar,cf nUt an nsaignmsne fc,r
<br /> . � .�tio[�J atcurity only.
<br /> � �f Lersdts�f�r�notice of brach to&�a�ruwer.��)all rrnts reccivcd by[3orrowtt;hall he hdd!7�4 ll��rrawtr as�rustee for brnefie
<br /> '; ol L,eeder onl'�,W be�pplied tnth:sumsr.securtd by rhe SecuriEy Instrumem,5�31.endu+hall t�e en�o��ed ta cultrct and«ccive alI
<br /> :' . ot the tent��t'�the Ptoperty;and!c)each tenan�at the Propcirly shall p�y all rtnts due und unpa�d tu I.snder ar Lendar's r�gent •
<br /> , . � �:x�Lertder's'written dem�u�t^o tt�e tenam. .
<br /> � � Iforreswer ha�no1 execuEe�any ptinr usianmrnt of the rents and has not an�!w�U nut aer forn� un>•a.t thnt Would prevent
<br /> Lender fronf a�xttcesina its r�ghts under thiti paraRrarh f6. �
<br />� ' Lendet ehall nrrt be renuircQ ro enter uprn.tnke camraf of or maintnin the F*�ape�ty heture ur atecr giv�ng rrntice��f brea�h«�
<br /> � Boli6�ve►.WBwevel.LtttQtt ur a JdQirially appc�inted recu'yer may da sn at any.nnte thcre ie a breach.Any applitati�tt uf rents
<br /> shsll aot cun ctr wai��e any Qefault ur i���tidatr any uther right ur re�cdy�f Lender.7his avs�gnment of ien�4 c�f�he P��perty `- --—
<br /> shal)tetminate whrn the dcbt sccuted h the Scrurity In�ttwncnt is Faid in Ful1 •
<br /> � f.
<br /> . 4 , •
<br /> . w
<br /> �'.�r,v t.n:e� __��.,.._ —...� �
<br /> -- ------ �t'; -
<br /> _ _ _., - �_�� _ _
<br /> _ _ - _ _ ,.__�� -� � � � -
<br /> _ u � `_.
<br /> — s'- / ":Y. . ., . _. '+�I�.:f __=� _
<br /> --- -_--,._....a....a....:�.ra�cw.u�:�: . . . .. ._. . . , . . . ,_ - . .
<br />