:w:,3.fl�,A�:�1�i��31a�3� _ .:.:� ;.-. . a �f����^�,m.�}c •.�.r�:nK,�.`l�i�'�attwi��*.i'�TRat��,w��'----°+aY�:�:4�;i�x-��X't3'„nlr�"`- '
<br /> -- -- �'m.:������fF,°s'axx:tm.�ism�acs daura�c���—.e�-a — e ° -
<br /> ' . . - -. - .. ._ . � - -
<br /> _ . , . , _ - t
<br /> � i , . . . .
<br /> ` ` . ` ` ' . , � ' { �.....+ , � . �
<br /> ` ° ` ` ` ��� �V����• `
<br /> ,�TNIi�R�I C�L3YENAN7� �ORaOw'��LQIdfJ�iVi7l�Jit Yrid i�LEC aS fOu01KS:
<br /> ` . , • . • L PlyaN!at Plri�tir!W I�qrerh Prer�at a�i iite Qu�r�r� Haf�rov�er shafl pramptlY WY��a�dae .
<br /> , • tLe,printipal of.3nd intttest oe�Iht dsbt svideneed 6y tTie Note atid anY P�Yment and t�te eharg�d�urtder the ttiiafe., ° .
<br /> , � F�tor Tua Yi!a� 'Subject to apptiatbk Taw or to s aniltsn waiver b}�.ertder.Borrowcr shall pay . � �
<br /> ` `to Le�de�o�the dsy'tnoathiyr psyments are dub artdu the Nate,untii the Nate is paid in full.a sum{"�unds")equal to
<br /> � ' a�s-hrdRh of: (a) yruiy tstes an�asseume�ts �rluch esay attain priority over this Soeurity Instrum�nt;(b)Yesdy . . , ,
<br /> `faxboid qYments bt trouad reats at t�e Pr.upatY. ��Y;f�1 Y�ly Awrd irtsurance ptemiutas; 3nd(d)Yar1y
<br /> � . . a�ary�e imanmce pceminmr�if u�y:T1kse iKlns are callad"esctow�items."i:endu may estimate the Fussds due on the `
<br /> �sdcurreat data aad�acso�bteaainsat�soffutureescra�r itarts. .
<br /> �. The Fubds s�all be heW in ari insututioa the depasilts as eccuunts of wfuch are insured or guarantead by a federal or � . �
<br /> • stN�e s�p�cy Cnciudit►j L,q�dar if I,ender is sucb an inuitut,i�n).L�ender shalt appty the FaRds to paY tbe escrow�items. _
<br /> �.mder msy nat cbar�c for 6oMica and applyinE the Funds,an�llyzing the account or qerifyiag the escrorv itema unkss � , ,
<br /> � �� �P�YS Bara�►er ieterest on the Fa�ds zud appticxbk taM pet�mits Leader ta maEe siuh a ci�arge.Batra�rtr a»d �
<br /> iauder may s�ee in�vnitinK tl�t interat sl�alt 6e p�id on 3he Funds. Unkss aa ageemmt is made or sppiicabte l�sv .
<br /> requires inierest to bc p�id,Lcnda shs11 not Ix requireQ,to pay Borrov�rer any interest or ramengs en the Funds.Lemdet
<br /> , `� sgall�iWe to Burroxar,:w�+bout charrae,sn annna!accounting o[the FaMs showing crodits and de�ts to the�unds and the �
<br /> gurpose fof Rhicb tsch debit to the Faads w��made.T4�a Fonds ue ptedgod as addirional socusity for the sums securrd by
<br /> . tlus Sedurity tn�stra�nent. '
<br /> ` If tbe asnoun�t of the Funds hdd by:t.euder,toaetBer�vith ehe future monthly payments af Funds psyabte prior to _
<br /> ` tbe dtu datrs of t�e escrmv etatts.si�all exceed tlie atnount required to pay the escrow'itdns when due,the exctss shall be, : .
<br /> it Borro�►tt's aption.dther pro�ptIy stpaid ts Borrower or eredittd to Borrower on inonthly payments of Fundc.if the
<br /> � amount�t6e Funds hdd by I�ender u aot suttiCCimt ea pay the escrow items when duG 8orrower shalt psy ta L�mder any
<br /> smount tieczssary to m�ke up tbe deficiency in c,ne or more pay�reer�ts as requirod b}L�ender.
<br /> Upau�ymerit in full of all surns secured by this Security lnsuumen�l.ender shall promptly refund to Borrawer .
<br /> any Fm�ds beld by Lender.Ii under potagrap4�19 the Property is sold or acquired by tt�cs�der,L.ender shali.apply.no later
<br /> than�imtr�distdy prior to the sate ofthe Phrapertg ar its acquisition by l.endes,any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br /> , , application at a etedit�t tAe sum5 secared by rJhis Security[nmurrttnt. � �
<br /> , 3. AAiiatio��psyr�b. t/nless applicable law provida•otherwise,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> �sst�raphs t and 2 sh�it be spptied first.to tate charges dae unQer the Notr,s�aeond.to prepayment charges due undu the .
<br /> . Note;third.t�a�rnaants payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to interest dnr.and lau.to principal due. . '_
<br /> �. �ar�I3eas. Bntrowtr shaU pay all laxes,assess�nents.charges.Rna anA impasitians attributable t�the �. �
<br /> . Praperty �hicA may a�aia priority.aver this Se�:rity lnstrumenb and 9easehold paymrnu ar ground �ents. if any.
<br /> � BarnoMa shsll pay thesrcjbligstions in the mannar provided�n paragapb 2,ar itaot paid in that manner,�onower shal! '"``
<br /> psy fhem on time dirrttty ta the person owed payment.Bcirrower shall pramptly fumish ta Lender all notices oi'amounts -
<br /> to bt psid c�ucier this paragszpfh. lf 8vsrawer makes these payments direcdy. Borrawet'4*�all promptly fumish tn Lender .
<br /> rereiptseeidencing the payments. •
<br /> Bornower ahali p�mptly discharge any tier�which has prionty over[his SccuritY Instrument unlcss Borrower:(a} ., .
<br /> . . . ,.:
<br /> ..._ a�tras tn wr+ting ta the�avment�f the�sliaation�r�c�,reA hy�h�lie_ir_�n►��e�ePgtsbL:�!.�tdrs:�,'s;:.ar.t�:n D-'� _� _-
<br /> faith the lien ls�+.or defrnds agr�inst enfatctment os the lien in,legai procee�gs which,in the Lender's�pinion operate to ° � ;�`
<br /> prevrnt the cnf::rcemrnt of'the Iien or farPtiture of any past of the Property;or�cl sac?:u:'�from the hot�er of the lirn an � -
<br /> aaretmrnt satisfictory to Lender subordinating the laeo to this Security lnstrument.!f 1.'epder determines that any part af '
<br /> the Property es subjx!tct a lien which may attain Qriority over this Sccanc� 7nstrument, l.cnder may give Borrower a �
<br /> �tice idcntifyina 4ht tie�.�iarrower shall satisfy tis�:tien�r taice one or maN�:c�f thc actim►!��et fartb a6ave within iq days . _-
<br /> c(#tht pving of nntice. � .
<br /> S. H�ti I�wneet. Borrower shall kcep the�mprovements e�ow eaisting on c�reafter er�cted on the Psoperty �3�
<br /> insured aasiast fass by fire,huards ir.�G;aded within the term"eattndeA crnernge"and any other harards for whici��.�rtder `
<br /> �equires insunnce. Th:s cnsutance s1�ra11 br ma:�iaincA �n the amaunts and far ehe peaods that [.etrder requ�res. The �
<br /> insurance catrier pr���g tho insurance sha11 be chasen by gorrower 5u'��sct t� Lender's appra�•a1 which s6�i1 not be
<br /> unreasonably with�-^t�i.:r �:
<br /> Ap insurance�.i�ic'ies and renev�als�hall be acceptablc to Lender and shall include a 5t�ndud mortg-r,PC�iaux.
<br /> I.ettdet shsli have the�i�i�t ta holQ the policies and rcnewals. YF t.ender requires,Borrnwe�shal!promptly givcc��.�.ender
<br /> � all reeeipts of paiA preinia:a.ns an0 renewa!natic�c.In the event��f t��ss,Hntn�wer shall geve prompi�nt.ce to Ihe insurance �
<br /> camer�nd Lcnder,l..e�,cfcr�may maice proof of toss�f nc�t madc pramptly bs i"y,irrower. ', r ,
<br /> Untess l.ender and 8arrav�rer otherw�se sgree�n w•nting,�nsurance prncerd�tihaU he applied tn restnrati�n��r repa�r ;'�;���
<br /> of thc Pra�erly d�m�ged.ii'Ihe restaratinn or repaa�s erunor:ncalty f�asiblc arcd L,ender's sccunty ts nc�t lcKSened. If Ihe
<br /> testotatian ar repair is not econnmH,.:71?"y ftas�ble nr t.etidrr'q�:urity wauld Ae Ies�ened.Ihe in+urance ptaards shall t+e
<br /> . � applied to ihe sums secured by Ih�.4&�urity lns'rumtnt, whether or nc�t Ihen due. w�1h nny exce�.�paid tu Bort�.ywer.1P
<br /> ' Borrawer ab�nd�os the property.at dtx�nat a^��er wtithin i�days n nat�ce from I,ender that the cr,suronce catraer has
<br /> o�ered to seuk a cla�m cL�n Leader may collcct the�nsurunce pr��ceed�. E�er�er may use ehe rracer�r:ip re�au as rc�tare
<br /> Ihe Prnperty ar to p�y s�:s�,ura'b by thic tiecurily instrumr.�t,whethe-L�r root thtn�iur. "fttc 34Auy pen�d w;+tt}►rgm •
<br /> �vhcn ihenoticc i�giyrn. .
<br /> Unfess Ltndes ar.a�Sorrawcr o�hrrw�se agrce�n wtu�ng,atiy ap�+licata:,.-c:�f pr�xeeds ro pnncipai shalt nut r.�fend nr
<br /> pastperne the dut date of.t?:e monthiy paymenis refesred tu�n��ragraphs I a:;�:.vf ch8ilge IftC aut(,un.t�.��IIIC�fJytI1C11[5.II�
<br /> •' under p�ra�r�ph 19 the F'roperty is acqu�ted Ay t.ender,Hnrr��wer'v rtght u1:::�y mvurance�x�.lu�e�and prcxeedv re�ulnng �
<br /> from ciam�ae tQ the Pruperty pri�r to the acquis�unn sh•rl)pas�in I.ender tn the e�tcnt of the�um�secured 1►y thn Serunty
<br /> Imtrumrn��m�ned"utelypn�ttotheacqw�it�nn. � ,
<br /> �. �'est�vftion�!�lalstternet ai Pra�esj�r;l.easeholdt. BarraHer ShaU nut dc�truy,dama�qe or sub�t:snUally .
<br /> chenae the Praperty. allaw the Aroperty to detenc�rate c�r comm�t wa�te It thw Securuy Insirument �s c�n � Ie:ssehold. �
<br /> Horrawer sh�ll c�►mpty wi.th the pruv�sic�us of�tte!ea_�e.and�f EWrtoxer arywres fee t�11c tu the Prapecty.thc leasehald und '
<br /> Fa title shall nat mrrge urslrss t.rnder a�rees to�he merget�n wri�ing ---'
<br /> ' y. Ptatcctioll o� I,tMtr's Ai�ts is the PraOtttf: 1lort� lasurtnce. lf E3orn�wer f���s to perfvrm the �
<br /> : , eavenants�nd ag�eement�conta;�tt+dl3n this Secunty lustrument.or there�s a Iec;al priKeedmg that may s�gn�ficar,t�y afTect �
<br /> Lesdet's tigbu in the Prn�ctty (such as u#�re+cceri�n�t m bankru�tcy, t�s4�t+.�tr:k�s cpndrm�atEi�f���r to rr�furcc laws or � �
<br /> reEulatinns).I�en�.tn�tr m3y dn aad pay for wh�att��er�s nc*�ess:�ry t��►pruiecllhe�utur of the Yru�rr v a:.d I.cnder'r nghts � � � . �
<br /> m�he Nrapetty. LRndei s acturrrs may mclude p�y�ng any�urr��secureii hy� heR ahech h�c pr4:}�s� :��cr tt►i��erufttp
<br /> Instrument.appeafing in cnurt.paymg reasonable�Uu�aey!�fee+und entetu�g un the Y�ct�rt�t��aiake repairc A:thti�ugh �/
<br /> � . Lcnder may take actcon untter this paragrv�+fi 7�Lendcr dc.et nc�t have tc�dc�sc�
<br /> Any an�ounis disburstd by I.ender under th�s�+;�ra�traph 7 ahall hecame add�ttona!debt of lin�mwer�ecu�ed hs•thic
<br /> , Securily Instrument Lrnfess 8orrowe�nnQ Lender a��ree t�uEher�erm�c�f paymc�r��, thcye anaaunt��hall[*�-ar mtcretit frc+ni �,�,
<br /> tite Qate af d�sbntsement at the Nute rate an.i aha11 f►e, pa�3hie. ti��ith i�iterett. �r�+�+u :�r�si.r iv��rn t cr,�±c�r t:� 11E�rr��«er
<br /> � te.questin��Ymrnt
<br /> _ _ , - � .- ,..;
<br /> ��. _
<br /> . . • . , �
<br />