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<br /> . . . ., ��l�{4x.et '��. �l. ,.`i(cjt�# _ - ' - . _d
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<br /> .. '"" �.'+'�""` .. - �. ..... � � . '�._..__ J . i. �. � _ � ' , - . .�.v '- .. .' _ . . .� .
<br /> - -- -- _.. , . . , .r_�� � �OOb3fs���:dm � . <
<br /> , • . -- --, : , ,....�.:_.:�. . • ,
<br /> .. _ '. ' , A5SxGIil�izT 03' DF.ED OF :l�UST A��� �0���� , ' , �
<br /> � `_,,:; - '' ' a . . .
<br /> e. k. '�� �. !�l1Gii ALL �!i BY TN�$' S<PIl�S�1'S. LhiC PZRST PEDERFiL SRVZNGS AHD YA1,N ASSOCII�TIQN 6F � -- � - ,
<br /> , �.` LZ?�Of�t ("Assiqnor"? iEor�qoo$.end naluable cons38szutian ta it fn hand paid �y ` , - ` . � _
<br /> � . , C¢!!HZ'RCI]!L 1�t}EUIL HORRG�►GL' CORPOR�1TYdN� 11 Ii89R!lSi� CORa�CRATZON, Orqaaiz�d uad�r th� � . `
<br /> � � : , ��rs of th� State o� 'Ntbx�t�ka E•�isaigtt��•f. th� r�cei�t aF whic� �Qasidexation is hsteby `
<br /> . ackaowl:clq�d, 8o�i hareby ssafgn. eransfer aa� sat ov�r aneo Ass�qn�e a2i Its right�, . ;
<br /> , : ' '�itl• aad 3nt�rift iR �tec1 eo th�at esrtaia Orce9 of Tr�sst �x�eute� bp Joseph B. Sullfvan �
<br /> . and Lauret A. �Sul�ivsn, husband� and wlfe, lointly and each fn their own right, ' �� �
<br /> � ' nnto CO�CiAL lLD�1L�S1�YI8GS �APD L011N AS&OCZI�TS0.7, Tru�tss, dsted l�piil 30 _, ` ,
<br /> ` 1990 , coy�ring thi toiloWfnq d�scrib�8 real prop�rty locatad in thr Cauaty of
<br /> � Hali , stat� ot ll�bras�td:
<br /> . ' . . . � y ' ' '. .� �
<br /> ' , ; :Lot Three (3), Block One (1�, L,iest Bel Atr Addition to the
<br /> � . C�ty af Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. � ,
<br /> , . - '
<br /> attd tile8 far record in the of�ice of the Register of Deeda of ��ll � � .
<br /> . County, Nsbrt[�ka pn tlie 1ST day o! �g , 199p a�s� a�paatSng of recor� fn �� ' '
<br /> - � I�61�[ I�nst. Ncs. � 90-I0236� , togeCY,er vith t3►e lJ�tets) and ixc�xbtedness described � � !
<br /> iss ar�d aecur� by the instrument aforesaid. � � '
<br /> _ ; ' TO. �AVE �p_TO liQS�D tlte sim�:u�to t.he_seid ��ur��Tnr. 4Fl1PObF. Mwa_-"�F C�^_9.*.�0l:, • _
<br /> • • A HESRIISltA C�+ORlIT�ON nad utttEi ita aucceaaora �izt n�signs foreve=_ �
<br /> . TAiS ASS�GNMENT LS ��l1yDE etxpr�nsly aub ject to and irt �cCardaace aith the warranties � ,
<br />, � and rfptesentatS.ona ai Asaiqr.�r with.Asaignee pursuaat t� a cer}..ain Mortgaqe Loan
<br /> Oriqi�atioA A,�t�aateri� betweeZ �.�5siq�sor and Asaignoe, a ca�y of .ct:eLC'!i is on iile in the
<br /> OlPice of As���te�. ' � �
<br /> � . , ��.
<br /> � P.XECUfiED At�ID OSLIVERED thfs ��p � day of t1AY , 2gg0 .
<br /> ; PIR5'�° �'EDERAL SAVitiCS �3 LOAM � .
<br /> 11SSOCZATIO:� OF LZlJCOL.'�
<br /> � • � ' (Nams of l�,s� os f � ��
<br /> 11TTESTs , .
<br /> BY s _ �..�! � ..�r`/� -�.�I'�'�..c��l�*'Z- �, ''.
<br /> HY: ,
<br /> . 11��iseane Sanr z•,+ TITI.�: Ua�,�laa ��::.,i,� .�+s.:��A`r�,'�.;. PreHfdcnt �
<br /> ��� .
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<br /> �`.��. .�� �.
<br /> . •y:: .� ,
<br /> ST!►TE OD' N$�aR]�S1Uf `�� INCOP.�fRATED '.� �
<br /> 1 �e�e. •..�. • '
<br /> . � . c�vrrr�r or nouaras► :'�; 1947 ;" -
<br />. ;,,,� � -
<br /> . Ths fvseqaing inf�trument wam acknovle8qed hofoza :�e this�•,t,��'��.��x�o�•!�� ;.y�y � ,
<br /> � � 1�990 b�>Duu�;la� 5. lJ.�►�.�f�. 1'frst VicE� 1,'r<•r;id�•r�t °, of �'2R5T�PEDL�Fe11L - .
<br /> SAVIIi�S t�;0 Lbl�N ASSOC2ATIOt� OF Lil7COi�.�, the Aasigncr, a J:7I;ED g;til�A�q�+'1�►MERjCA
<br /> CCrporat�vn m! �1seo�iation, ort behal! of thi CarF,aratfon or Asaa�iation.
<br /> C�iITt�ESS my hand an8 rac�tas�r�2 aeal r�C my t�Y�'::�e in aei� Aougies Covnty at omah�. � ' f
<br /> �hia 3RD �S p c�f !tAY , Z��y0 ,
<br /> � , ,_
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<br /> :. � �wa�',."�," �t;s�4rt : �" �. 1'", _�r' � . .
<br /> � a lA . ti93 t _ar� pe.�ifr
<br /> , " � .
<br /> - ' My Cortiriil�s#vn ��pire�: 11e��:u�[ 'i, t'���i. - - f �
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