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<br /> � ; . _ " ; , 90-�- 14�745 � � ` �� �
<br /> . , ' � , . , .. ` p,ElWER O� AZ�.'�RNEY , ' .
<br /> KNl�W atcI. MEN SY T�IES� PRESENZ'S, that �e, Nec� A. Arnold and Marga�ret �. ' ` , �
<br /> � � - Araoid, �o3ntly aac3 severall.y, each fn his and her own right and as ' , :
<br /> � spouse�AE each other, do here}�y make, ' constitute and appaint our sons, �
<br /> =�vi.n C� Ar�o4t�3_and ,Clifford g. Arnola, au� A�tax7neys-3n-Fact. or _ - - - -- _- -. _--
<br /> � • . � � eitl'ier of thaa texcepting as� �.imited in paragraph 3. belowy, to do fo�� � - , ,�
<br /> . . ' 'us ahy Qf�t�e. �oliow�ing: � � . ` . .
<br /> << ' . . � Z. To, �vrite cl��cks upori and wi�hdra� fram any checkir�g accounts � ,` ' . �
<br /> � , . ' � we, `or• either of u�, may now or I�ereafter cwn. � • �- - -•
<br /> � . ; - 2.. . To withdrarr� fr�m or to rash in�,.��.i.�i;�assl�ook..�av.�ngs accounts, . ' � �
<br /> � . � ' � savings certificates, or .cert�,��e��es af de��i� which we, or `.�: �
<br /> . _: . efther of us. .:may now or herie ,a��:own.: � � �
<br /> ' � 3. �o sell arty. .i�al esta�te or perso�al propesty now or hereaft�r: �. • ` �
<br /> t � • - ;. oFmed boy us.` ctt .eit�r of us. . i�cZw:3ing �anY Prope�ty �rhich .� "
<br /> �. , mag be .exemp�.�_��:i�� '.�r wY��ch.may Pr�e. aur homestead, at sueh� � � ,
<br /> - � : •� prfces, on su��w .�erms,� `and ��s sucln niann�r; whetY�er at private' ��.:�`� . . . :
<br /> ' , dr�public sa�� as bo�h of �ur..Attarney�-#:r�-Fact may dee�, ., � �; ` ' �' �
<br /> � . � advfsable. � , . .' ,. ' � � � ', ,. . ' `, . .
<br /> � ' .� � 4. To. receive any funa;� ��ayab�e `ta tts; or either .of us, including : . �
<br /> ' � � social secursty psyments. . , , , • .
<br /> ; � � � .
<br /> �� ` 5. To contract' for �an� aoods or s�r�i�es for us, or .either of us, .
<br /> , .. and to contract for �ny i'mproveai�s�.�s, repaira,� ar. �replacements . � . .
<br /> � . with respect ta any �roperty now �� hereafter awne8 by us, or
<br /> either of us. To.enter in�o any agreementa, including rental '
<br /> . , � agreements, wi.th respect ta any property now' or. h+ereafter �
<br /> �' � owned by us, or eith�� .of us. . . .
<br /> � -
<br /> .1
<br /> , - --- -�- -icr�cn7s�nti--ca--any �ica1� prot�eaures �.�t eitrrer--vi us. - - - - - - - - -
<br /> � 7. In ge�eral, to conduct ang businesr� affairs for us, or e�ther � .:
<br /> . af us. �
<br /> , .
<br /> ' We, jaintly and sevetally, ratify and confirm all acts done by o�r Atterneys- ':
<br /> . i S,n-�Fact under this Pawer of Attorney. We reserve the right to revoke � "�
<br /> � �»�is Power of Attorney by the t'iling of suCh revocation with the offiee . ,
<br /> vf the County Clerk of Hall County, Nebraska. �This Power of Attorney '
<br /> � shall r�mafn in fu21 force and effect even though one os botti of us
<br /> 3houlc� hexeafter becar�e incompetent.
<br /> Dated this 17th clay of August, 1976. ' � .
<br /> , • � , r '��
<br /> . , � . .��,, � �
<br /> �. � � � . N A. A�cnold � � �.
<br /> �h: � � ,.
<br /> . �., 1 :n A .T"�.'�� �f.t _�_.E_c�i��.�...�.+.
<br /> � . . Margaret H. Arnala
<br /> . � � �S�TA�E OF NEHRASKA y
<br />� : ss.
<br /> � COUNTY OF HALL � )
<br /> + . .
<br /> an this 1'lt� 8ay of August, 29�6, before me �I�s under�fgned a � . .
<br /> � Naeary �ublic within and for safa° coun.�y, personall� c�me Ned A. Ai�old
<br /> �nd Margaret H. �noia, �ac'!a in hi�s and her own right and as spousc� of
<br /> � eaci� ath�r, wlzo are knawn tio me and known to me to be the i8entic�l , __�-_
<br /> �ersons whose names are so affixed to �h�. forec�oing Power �f Attorney �
<br /> and they aevera2ly acknowledged their execu+tion thereof t� be trieir ,
<br /> � vp�:unt�ry act and deec�. ,
<br /> --- ; - --..- -_ _ ; . , � _. . - .,
<br /> , WitYiess� nty hand an8 notariai s�al't�� elaCe lasti above writ�ere.
<br /> t�:y. nata�i.al commi�sion expiress �ebruary 4, 1980. ,
<br /> � �
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