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<br /> r�a�r vrfa��aivsrrwKrs.eo�:a�r��.�,�,��,: �
<br /> � : "' , - 1z��dre:x'1.ni�e.u t�aei mseaire p.qmo�o fuu��9,Laider mhr iaw+ate tbe�ir o[a�ie -
<br /> . . rd�r alret ee�edies permi�d'tiy a�4w.�rades el�be a�ed tn col xi ��i_expene�iocuned ia pu�acin6 tbe rrmedxs ' '
<br /> ' ; ptori�ed i��iep�r�iT,aciodi�,bot mt lin�ied w.tearoaebie asorrsya'feea�d aa�t oi dtie tYiQe�oe_
<br /> � � � ���e�w�r�adeiY���ti+il�eiie�eiw�rtloe�tidl■�veae�ca�tytEelicra�p�rtdileR'eetyit4ealed� � � �
<br /> , a■i ir�a1�s+ytlt rtwt!Mlta�Ire�s iy a�iioiit Lew to D�e�o�er�w0 q tlle a�f�e�paser�e�crbed
<br /> ' a�e�Ye bw AMe Ire li�c e�e�teM������.7ti�ee�i���t aMioe t afe Is t��e�t a�t�tie '
<br /> � ��i.+Mj t..'� �..i..1�e+.�. .lnier�efat aW�t�ouei�t_ . _
<br /> ! �¢ �
<br /> -• - � Mii�e.atlreli■�aMl��ler�ele�sd�eli�1laa�licsa[s�kisaearo�rpe�atlEss�R�d�rTr�+e - -
<br /> d�M��iir.71��1a lwl�wic w�lt�[a1�r s�re�aei lfre y��iie�cs�t at i�e tl�e id�i�oe�t� _
<br /> ' ' � �i��`uY�W�Irir�r i0t��s�l�t�i�e�at a�l�'� �
<br /> • �r�af�t�[�rl1Ye�tioe�i i,�'efMt sW�ewes b tit�e+c�e r Trrec's ieei �e l k a p e e t j.'l1�e . .
<br /> Y f�t'I'e�M�e' �r i a r#i t M t i�f k i e e�Y�e�f trrir�Ilie�e�ie lied�7'��Me��t!lie�e�ceefi � `
<br /> . , .r�..��.����:wrr�.a�.r�e���,����.,���.«-w:.w�rs.r ` � .
<br /> � weiie hw�Y e+�1k aW�e7s'lF�:M as r ss a�a��d i�r�i s.adt��a�i tel+r�!anst�s t�c�� ` � .
<br /> � ' - �i�il aM�ii t�M.
<br /> �l��j�P�Y�af���eaura�bY�Semsh'1�rument.Leaiiera�te�pe�t Tturee tn tmm�y tbe Aapaty
<br /> • aed.�wrimd�er�is Sa�ricy ta��0 ilt ao�es evideacina dd�t saauN by�s Socarity Ir�shumc�t�Tcs�loe.9aetne shll -�
<br /> � `` �M'�!'`��Y�y���Y�*�����P�«P�+��9 sotitbd to it.S�xb pe�soo or pe�sh�II �
<br /> ` p�it�i�e��ed�s ooets. . ,
<br /> � i!:s�iiMtlde�I�e.t�eadetr.at ia opio�,mt�r 5am t�e ta mae�ove T,u�ee�nd apQoios a suooa�u�t�tee a aay Tra�Mx _
<br /> ; � a���by an.ierrtrmest reou�de�ia i�e a�rdy u��hich tl�is Sa�ray I�et is n+�aMe�d.alatias ooavelrasoe of�e ��
<br /> P „d�e s�O4e�1ot tnMUe�hit wo�aed 1q at! Ihe t"tk,pa�rer aM dur�a cooferrod upaa Tr�ee 6asiu aod�y�pt�c�6ie 1sw.
<br /> • .� � fie N�fiioer.Baso+Y+es te�det capies of�e aa�ti�xs a��0efauk aod�ale be sa�to Boeower's aQdeeia a�ir.h ia the
<br /> . PtopQtg�ddast. .
<br /> � �rro�arapKt��o�W�iaSec�rrity G�rument aad Bie 000e scca�ed me�ebSr mt be dip'bie fas�noe�mder the Natioa�l Ho�ia6 �
<br /> , _ kt�ril�it ,9D By.S ft�dle dMe hteo�Laber mag.aE ib aptjon aad mt�id�di�anjrdm��Par�apb 9,�aqul�e _ . .
<br /> .. ' ia�nadiate pa�ueat in fdl of all acmn secared by @iis SeFurity Imtnimat: A Nsittao�temes�t of a�y aulAoriaed ageat of tbe Sa�y -
<br /> - , � . � da�od w�e�q�it to 90 Oays � trom the dte I�cneof.decYining w ins�ue d,is saauiey lm�eat une�he uoce securad , .
<br /> ` . - �aiely,�1 be dem�cd 000cAt�ive ptodf of such ic�Iig�iliry.l�io�wid�uod'�og tbe fat�a,this�ptiou a�y mt be e�renved by l.sedei � .
<br /> � whea th��avait�b�ity of iosur�e is sokly due t+o Lender's t�iluc�e 10�-a mc�c�e ir�uan�e prrmi�m w the Seccetuy.
<br /> � . ' � � . ' � • ��r,
<br /> � ` • Rlders to tMk Ste�rhy I�stn�eet.lf one or more dders are eaecuted by Barrawer and recarded together wiih�his Scruri�y
<br /> Instrument. c�u covenanu of e�eh such rider sha1:be incorporaced�Rto and shaU amend aad supplement the covenaats::�ad
<br /> . agaments eP�et:is Stc�rity Instrument.,^.5 if the sidcr�s;.wcrc in a�s:�..�f this 5ecurity tnstrc.,�:t.(Chcck applicable ba�:fS�sel•
<br /> . , . _
<br /> ,
<br /> ! - `v l -
<br /> - - - �Cutw.�tirii�iwir.^.i.�,:f t_..1 Adlusi,ridc Ratc sinkr i _t E'mfwwrrtg tqmty krdCr --- ------ . __-_
<br /> � , . �-";-_
<br /> � ❑ Ptanned Unit ikvcG�prnena Ridcr � �iraduated Paymcnt R�de� �X� (hAcr Acknowledgement
<br /> BY SlGNINCi pEI:OW.Banawer aecGpts and a��•[p the ternss contained iri thi�Security tnsrrument and in any riderffil
<br /> cxecutcd by 8onower and recorded wiih it. . �
<br /> ' .�
<br /> { ' . ' '�
<br /> . � Wilness: -',� �,,
<br /> . ; � � /
<br /> . ._.--- - ----- - ----- � ��1� ,r.�_p�, "14ra11
<br /> ..i�are J. umnhr � � ' r
<br />_ , , r � i:orr,.N�� . .
<br /> S ,._,,._.�_._.._—_----- �-�---- ----. ._ . .._ g.-..��, 15ea11 . •;��
<br /> t �Cy hia L. Num,phrc� � ��. �...,�, . �'
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<br /> . _ .__ . . lScall .
<br /> . r�.,,.,.a�,
<br /> . . . . 1'�eell
<br />- ; SCA7E OF NEBRASKA. M�1 i . ��Y��
<br /> ' Oe 8us 1?th d�y of P'lay , t� �p.bef�re ate.she unAcrs�gnod:a IVotary Public
<br /> � ' �Y����d q�C�f��d��tY•P�jY 6a� Lofen J. Humphrey and Cynthia L. '
<br /> Humphrep, Fiusband and Wif� � .cn me Icnown eo be iho
<br /> �: ideatle�J per000(s)whose aune(s)are aubscribed tb the furegviag iaswment and aclu�ow{odged the exavtioo therouf tv be
<br /> . their � ��Iu�atY•a oad deod. . -- ---
<br /> , W'�'+my������ Grand Island, Nebraska in s.;�ax,rey. �he
<br /> �I�e�to�es�W. �
<br /> _ _ _ My Camani�sian expites: - ' - �.�t�� �. ���st�. _. _ : . � .
<br /> ����� Ncxary N�+tk .
<br /> i d�i L KAM(IE. .
<br /> , F..,_ w�i�►k!!T!!1 R�Qf1�ST�OK[�Cb�IVfYANCF
<br /> Tu riust�: �;
<br /> Tf�e tur?ersigmd is 11Ae t�ot6er ulQic twte ar nntra sfxur�cl by�hi�Uced uf 7tw�.5an1 autc��mtes.tc►�ether w,tlf al{c�t7►cr urtet�[ednrss
<br /> . , aecvrad by thi�btred ot�'r�w,har•e bcert paid in fuL{, Yott ule txreby dirertraS tn ccu�e!sa�rinte esr�nntes aad UtiY t�rcvf nt�i-ru�t.�tuch
<br /> atC tkli�:ettA hertby;ood tcr[ecc�nvey.wcUustsf wartaa�tq.aIi the e�rate�+w ficid by}�t�nd.i tffii IIf�Lrt t[�t5j(t��IIC�!Cf5L11 uf pL•t�tc - f�
<br /> kSziiY e�titkd�hereta. � �r �
<br /> Uite: .
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