{ � ` � ! . ' ` � . � -. .. ,. � .._, �
<br /> � � , � �A�KNOWL�DGIV��NT �--���.02'73�� � � �
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<br /> . _. .
<br /> � � . � � �� �. �ea� a�a �.nusoana �a � � �
<br /> . • ` . I1We. Slm�is E. Mdluah.� en �ried �, .and. �eurella A. l�CNtwh. / �ri£e�("3'rustor"} � .
<br /> ���< under tb�t iert�tn Deed ot Trust ia the origiAal princip�l arnount oi Seve�tLee� 1?ausand Tw Hundred end � ,
<br /> n0�,100. Oo12ai's 17��00•00� )und dated
<br /> _ �ta�!_li, 4994 _,(Deed at Trust!to�nteeed it�ta�mong�'susEar; . �
<br /> � � ` Earl 0. !Il�sclwwde. IlttorneY � ("T�ostee")and.THE EqUI�ABLE Bt1ILDING AND � �
<br /> � LOAN AS80CIA�ON OF GRA1�iB ISLAND t"Benet�cisry"1.covering the foit��win$desen'b¢d prnperty:
<br /> . A taract of:_ls�d �isf n9 s part of the Sarthesst Quarter {S�) of �ectian Six (6). Ta�nahip .
<br /> . Ten (t0)• MQrtt�. Rdrge Ti+el�re �32j Mest of the 6th'P.!!., itt Hell CotKttyi Meb�aska� �UOre per-
<br /> . t.icularly descrabsd as follars: .8egiming et ti�e Southwest cmner of�said S�G; tfienee sut- � �
<br /> nirg Nmrtl�sr�.Y elang tt�e � 7.ane of ssi.d SBf a distance of Tiro Thausand Sin`Nun¢rad FortY- �
<br /> - , Faur snd pfinety-Six H�x�dreQths (2.6�4.96) fe�t to the Na�tfwest ca�ner of asid S�i; thence '
<br /> � rumfng Easte�ly s1Rxg tl�s Mm�th line af said Sd� a distaoce of �ne li�red Sixty (160:0) : ,
<br /> ` ' feet; thancs deflecting.rigttt 151,degrees 06• and ru�ning SoutMiesterly e di�stence of Ninety- .
<br /> ` S�t s n d� Fmty 7w H u�r s d t h s (96.�42) feet; tt�tce deflecting lsft 60 de�ees 12' and ntming -
<br /> � SouCteerriy s distanee of Three Hundi�sd Fa�ty-?tu�ee and tiine`T� (3�3.9) feet; thance de-. �
<br /> . , f.lectfng le�G 56 dsg�ees 32' and nwnirg Sarttieasterl�r,a distance of One I�unds�ed Seventy- •
<br /> ' '�tQee �d fan'tee� Huidredtha (173.14) feet; tl�et�ce �eeflecti�tg right 55 degrees 33• snd
<br /> : auming Sout?�rly e aist.�nce of Tw� Thousand One Hun�c+ed ��fty-Six end Ei�tX-0ne Nundreths � ,
<br /> � E2.156.�� feat to a poirr� an the Sarth line of Sai� S�: thence ruming liesterly a2ong tfie �
<br /> , South li�a� of S� a di.stat�ce of Tiro H�x�dred Ti�ertty-Seve�n and Minety-Fivo I�dths (227.93)
<br /> ` feet td the point of 6eginnang. �
<br /> hesaby ackad�vledge that It is unde:�toad that l�)the Y)eed oi Trust to be eaeeut�by Tru�tor i�:trust de+�d:asid not . �
<br /> � a moft�ta+e and(b1 ths powrer q�ssle provided tor in tbe Iked oi Tru�t provide�sub�tantially difierent rigl�ts aad �
<br /> ab7i�tions to the Tsustu�t!u►a a raortg�ge i�the event of a deiaukk�breaeh oi abligatton. �. , •
<br /> - Truttor�cknowle�'ges that�bia AcknoKledgtnent waa made�r�-;.�to the execution of the Deed of Trust. ;
<br /> � Execut�d and deliver�d thas lith �py o� Mav ��g9Q�,
<br /> _ . . ` . . .
<br /> .�,�r:.� � � f/� , . ,
<br /> .� e.�t �- � -G[.o -_
<br />: � � , rruseor Gloria E. McHu�h ..
<br /> < _�--- }�.� ,• � - -. -
<br /> . ��iF��i��� „�,'�` 4 +,:.�
<br /> . �"'.�._._' ♦
<br /> Tedstor Ji1�111ie L. Mc�^� ` �
<br /> -�;��r..G=�.�.�--P_.0 ���! .f�(� ���(,� .[�i�c. _ ,
<br /> T�ustor Lgurelle A. Mdiugh ��
<br /> � SS
<br /> . COUNTY C�F Hau .
<br /> ' � �
<br /> The [ore oing inatrument wae ackeowledged betore me this 11th d�Y oi May � : �
<br /> .
<br /> 19 9Q...,bj►. .r.�la.. � . l a�rt�t1,. A M�tu�},
<br /> Witneas my hae�u�d notar��i seyZ at ���d-�- r. � Ga�ty.tht dste atoresai�. �
<br /> /f f ,
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