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<br /> . . . ` . . , � QE�D�F RECt�NYEY�NCE , � �
<br /> � � - � � (tl�tder Nebraska Trust t?eeds Actj . ` . . ,
<br /> .. � . -.__._ .L__ l�RF4lMf�� .r�r�Vi���fit . , : _ _ ` . : . . , � , i � ` � . ' _ _/
<br /> � � TFfAX Y�tl�REA�,a{Ffpartot the indebteciness se�ured bp the Trusf�eed executed by
<br /> � �
<br /> � . • _ David L. George ar�d i.�►nae.Kr George, hu�b�tnd r�nd x��e � �to Fi�sTier Bank, . `
<br /> . � . Naticx�at Assaeiation,Qm�ha,Nebraska.'the Beneticiary named iherein.dated Apxil 28� 1490 and t�eorded . �' � •
<br /> � .. � �, in the�ftice o1!he Register of OQeds ot Ha11 Couniy. HaY 3 f 198g . , � ,�
<br /> in F�f7R�c[� ltss_�nz»>a Ack�owledqe�ent �88-I022].0 � , � `
<br /> E I�pe has been paid.and said-Beneticiary has requested �
<br /> in writing that this deed ot reconveyance Oe exeCuted att�de?st�ered as co�firrned by its endorsement betow. � �
<br /> NOW7'H�REFORE.incanside►ationotsu�t�paXmentarn}iu�accordancewithit�erc�stafthe�3enefnciaryname�therern, • �
<br /> . the undeKSigned as Trustea daes by these pressnts,grant,rem�se.retesse,and reconvey fo the persan or persons entitted .. � .
<br /> , � ttrereloallthe�nterestantfestateden�e0tosaidTr�sxeebyorthroughsaidTrustDeedinthefoltowingdescribedpremise�
<br /> � . ` but crnty as to st�ti premises: , ' . . `
<br /> � , t�ot 7�ra (2), Sun�et 2nd S�dfvision, beinq a part o� the t�ortls One-half � ��.�
<br /> � . � of the Northeast Quartes f�'YE�i} of Secefon Qleven (IZy Tosat�sI�,.f.c E2evea (11f ' _
<br /> � tlortts gtanqe Ten (10) , West of the bth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. � . .
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<br /> ' tuc�E:ther w�th al!bwtcfinys.hxlwes.�rnprr�vem�nls and appw1enanc�.:��holonging to such premises `�•:
<br /> • � F�rsTieo��:nk.Nat�or.4�/Issoc+ation
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