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<br /> . V IiMQY ALL MEN BY THES� PR�SfitiTS. THJIT : . . � • _
<br /> , . . . , _ � <
<br /> � � t, 3ACK KE�IP. S�cr�tar`y a! Housfn� and �Jrban D�v�lopa�nt ilashin�Lon, D.C., � � ��
<br /> � • �►�tfre� by and throv�h th� Dirsctor, Oilicf o? Sin�te Fa�ily Hous4n�. do hereby �
<br /> c�rtily �h�t�a c�rtain �ort�as�. �tari��►:rticularty d��aribsd'h�r�fnb�tor is, � � �
<br /> - to�Mtttfr vith th� d�ht tA��hebY s�cur�d� cancfllod and :�ci:�i�a and 1 do hQSeby
<br /> � dischar�s t�� sast and e�qusdtc and conso�►t that 1t� b� sati�fi�d ct reaord. Fhe ,
<br /> S . : afor�e�sid �ortfa�si hsin� d�scrlbsd ss iollawss � � � � `
<br /> � � � , Diti: l�ay 2, 3983 � Aeount of Debt: ��22,Oa0.Qa ,�,�
<br /> . . , < , � `�
<br /> ; . , , ;,
<br /> . ; . _.�>.
<br /> . .f - N�rtss�orls)s Robert L. Zavsia and Sbaran E. �avala. husband s�nd �ii� � �`;:' �.�`-',-.;�::,�,;;;` � �
<br /> . , ' . ` „ . �
<br /> � ';. . .
<br /> � � � lfortaa��r�: . Tha S�er�tary a! th� �apartsent of lfousing and, iJrban DQVelaps�nt �
<br /> . � . . .
<br /> . ReCOrd�d: I1sy 2.. 1983. as lt�stru��nt 83-QQ2192, in ttt� OPfice ot Register.Af, ;'. � ' � " ��i
<br /> . ` , , . " D��ds. Hall CountY+ Nebraska , , � , , � . . . :'�:r • `
<br /> , . Lesat: Lot Seven t�l. and the South �7'r�enty-tva feet and �Sfx tnches (522'6�) o! , .
<br /> < � Lot Fiv� tfi�}. !n Btock Five t5f. fa College Additi�r� to Yest Lawn, arc: _ .
<br /> ' Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hs1t �ounty, �:r��raska . _ . . ., •
<br /> . . ' . " :'' ?h� int�r��r.•at tho S�cretacy of Hou�in� and U"r:;an DovalopaQnt rras , , �� '
<br /> � , .acquirtd pursuant to 5ectian 235fe)(�f of the Nationsl Hous�r�� Act .(f2 U.S.C. � � �
<br /> ' , - •1715z f . . . � � .
<br /> • !N WiTNESS .�."'r��EREOF. the undorsigned has hareunto set his hand ar� seal far '
<br /> __ an�! �R_hwhalf nf �the said Swr�rstaey �f fin��efa�_anA Ifrhan fiAVglnne�ant, E�nrlpr , �-�'-_
<br /> authorit� and bY virtua of 5ection 2Q4(g► og the Natianal Fiousing Act. a6
<br /> . a�endsd, and 4S F..R. C0826. � , � -
<br /> � Signsd., sealed �atld dalivQred � JACK KEH� • .
<br /> ,� ' in th� pr��enc� oi: S�cretar.y oi Hcissing ar.� Urban DeveFopaent � � �
<br /> � 6y: =�aer si g Com�isa�aner
<br /> ' . . . By: ��--
<br /> ' � L��r v r,. F!aeren, Uenut� Mana�ror
<br /> . . t Sea 1� ���w��A� .
<br /> STAT� c?� NEBRASKJ� � . ��'� ''�""'r"!'` ,.�
<br /> � � GOUNTY tJ�' DOUGLAS � �5 � �
<br /> Bofors a�. �2i�ton r.,, ,,�n�� , � ta�taTy F�L�!•ic 1n �and for the sald
<br /> Stat• •nd County. on thi� Ath da.y ct i+���� . !� �� . personally �
<br /> �• appear�d T.arrv r.. !lecren vha !s p�reonatly weil known to me and knovn �
<br /> tn se tn be tAe de�ly appointec� f�c.��uf.v t4arin��er uf �the HUlr G�aha pttiae.
<br /> O�ih�. N�bc�sk�. and the �ecson uho exdcuted the loregaing instrument. by
<br /> , virtue ot the authority vested in htm by the C�de ot Federaf Eseeulatfr,na,
<br /> . Tftte 2b. Chaptec tE• Pect ZLiO. 5�bpact G. �na �'ttie �4� Subtftle 11.� and E
<br /> � � hAVfnR lirst �nde knoutt tu t►tm th� e�ntent� there�t. he �id acknatrl�cige the
<br /> ' yf�nir� tfiereof to tre Ais f ree and vo Eunt�sy act and d�ed as �C'S��tttr '�I<�na«er �
<br /> = c° ttt the Omah� Uf!lce. tor and an tieha�t os 1�_•� Kec�p. �G�craLAry nt Hr,ustng ant�
<br /> ',• Urban bovelopa�ent. o! WasAingtan. �.C.. �uccassec3 and as��gr,s, tar the u�es, .
<br /> � purpo�ss ane consideration t�erein sei toeth. __ __ ...
<br /> � � . ' ilitness my hand and afff�iai s'sat thet �tl�► ,day af ��!�-�v . 19 �� .
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