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<br /> . ` tU Od�it.l,mdiT may.sxoent a��bY����by t6e Se�rewY ia the ais�af paymmt det�ulta.rr�lwr� . . , ,
<br /> . , : �aiededwt�P�l�a�tat in fug cf al!sums savred Dy this SeauitY Iastrument if: ' � , � �
<br /> ' ` . (ij 8ortawer detauks 6,�r fa�aE ta pay in fiill any ufaathh►D�Yme�t required.hy this S�COritY Ins�eat Drior to or an . �
<br /> t�e due due o!tt�e uest manthiy p!yment.or . ; .
<br /> . � . � �dehutts b#r f�,fot s pu��nd of thiny dsys,to paiorm u�y ariier obGgations conuined[n t�►is SecuYity : ' ' –`
<br /> . . s� �. l�SNit Wll�t Csit J1�ewr.Ir�der sEaU.if Qea�illed bY�Pd�iax aid with tbe piiot ipprovd of the Secta�ty.caNise ; .
<br /> • �ine py�ee�.ia fuII tsf aII fl�sa��ecucod bryr this�ecvtag Ins�m�if: � ,
<br /> ` ,' � � O AH ar p�t d die Peopnty i�o�eiweee traasfaied fa1�r�an by devi�e a descatl bY dx Bonv�r�er.aod ,
<br /> � . = •{7 Tha t'mpetty is not aa��ied by tbe piuetma ar�,tao�ee ss his or her piowy ar�ecood�y�dmx.or thr Wrc�ht�or •
<br /> ' I �elne doe�eo oc�v�py�e Ptupe�ty b�hi�a 6aaedic hs nat bom�vrod m aooasd�oe arih the neqimanods oftbe SaQmry. .
<br /> { ���p��1�r�jt circumstaaop oocur that�ould permit Lender to zequire immediate psyment in full.6ut Lender does not ,
<br /> , `f [equit�w�h psYments.Leader das not��ive its ruhts wltb respect to sub�equent events: � `
<br /> - i t��i�IMbr N HlJD�e:et�rl.In msn]►circuafstaacGS resabtiaas issu�d 8Y the Se�cretarY.w�l limit Lender's ri`hts.in
<br /> .' r • t6e p�e of p�yment defaWis.to rsqnfre i�odisu Dsymeat is fiilt and forectose if not pud:This Security lastrumertt does
<br /> _ ` aot wthorit,e�cceiq�tion�fnreclosure if aot pamiusd 6y rejufa�ioas of the S�crKar�►. '
<br /> • ' 1�. R�I�wK. Betrower du a r�j6t tti be reia�itted if Lender 6as requ"ued Immediate psymeat in full because of
<br /> , � i Borrowrc'a��'ture to pay fn tawunt due a�erttie Note or ihis Security Inshomeat.Thss ti�ht appiia even aftes foreclo�ara .
<br /> p��p�i�ipit�Q,T�nlnst�te tbe Secruity iastnt�eat,Bosrowa sbait tender in s lwnp sttm all amounts reguired to
<br /> � . .bti�Borra�er's accaunt curreat includin�. to the esteQr•:t9asy are obti�tions�af Botro�rer unda this S�t�r Instniment.
<br /> ; ' � for�edoaue oo�ts tad rasouuabk and eustomar4 attcmi�.9}"s fas and eapenses PrapalY associat� with tbe foreclosure ,
<br /> • . ' proaedins.Upon aie�statement bY�Ra��.t����m�t�d the obtiguions that it srcures sbaU remain in effect as . � ,
<br /> , ,�f�6a�not re�uirod im�Ody�te paYmeaeiii fu11,Havvs�er.Ltreda is aat requirM to permit reinstateraent if:(�Lender h�s . _ .
<br /> aecspced reinsntemcnt after the commeno�a�nc of forectoryro prova�ings withtn two Y� ����y P�nB tPce
<br /> ' � comme�t of R cutrmt foredosure pra�edinB�(ii3 reinstatetnec� �s�l Prcelude forectosure ars different�rounds in the
<br /> � future,or(i{n reIruutemeat wfU adversely aff'ect the pr�ority of the tien created by this Security Easirument. , .
<br /> � U./u�e+swa NN Reks�ei; Pae�arat[s�1 eder Not�WaEoer. Eatension of the time of Qayment or modiGcatioa of �
<br /> � smorti�atloa of[he sums sec�rad by this Sec�u�ty Insuument granted by I.ender to any successor in i.axsrest oP Borrawer shsli not
<br />' � � operi�te to rekase the liabtlity of the ori�u�1:(3orroxtr or Harroarer's successor in inttrest. Le�ar shalf not be required to
<br /> - copunence proceedln��ainst any success�3+�ur.srest or rcfuse to extend time for paymeni or otitexwise modify amanization
<br /> � of t6e sums serured by tAis Savrity instr��.`�y rpson of any demaud made by the ariginal 8orrower ar Borrower's " �
<br /> auCCessors in Interat. AAy forbearance by I.en�sr.i3 ez;;�.tisiag any right or remedy sha11 rtot be a wAivet of or prectude the
<br /> • ` eaerciie of iuty ri�ht or remedy. '
<br /> : �2.S�ae�wea aY A�Y�t oaN:JoW�19e�eN l,fabiYty:Co•Sk��Thc co�venants and agreementa of this Secudty i
<br /> � -- ` Gutntmrnt shall bind and be�l the suCtessors and stssigns oF I.eadtr attd Borrbwer.subjert to tne�iovi9i6ns Oi paTag�b�.b. ��?—, �-
<br /> � Horrowet'a covenu�ts and agraments shal!be joint and several.Any Bonower who ca-signs this Sesudty Instrument but does
<br /> � not axocute the Nate:(o)is co-sijnias thl�SeCUdty Instrument onty to mort���e,ara�r,an�convey that Borrawer's interest in ,
<br /> tde Property pndet the tttms of th'ss 3ecutity Instrtimmt;(b)i�not pusonaliy obligacal r�rey tht sums secureQ by tfiis Security ' .
<br /> . Instroment; u�d (t► airas that l.endsr a:�d any othet Borrower may ag�ce to °�torsd. cadify. forbear or m�ke any
<br /> iccommodatfons witb reprd ca the tertn of u:7is Security Instrument ar ehe Note witttout thst B�rawePs consent. .
<br /> 13.Nefka.Any notioe to BorroKer provided tor in this 5ecurity In:trument shai!be given by Qelivering it or by mailing it by ' '
<br /> first clts�mvl unkss applicable I�w requires use of anott+x.c•�etAnd.The notice sha:i fs�directed to the Prajxrry Address nr any . ��;
<br /> other addres�Banower daijnstn ay notice ta Lrndcr.Asu,�totia co I.ender shall h..a�,�ca by first class mail to Lender's address *'�
<br /> � auted lureto or any addrass Lender daign�tes by not�ce to Borrower.Acc�.eotfce ptoa��ed tor in chis Sesurity Instrumen�shaU �.
<br /> be deemed to have ban�Ivm to Borrower tr'be�Qer when given ag praziQed!n this puagraph.
<br /> 14.G�an1�I,�w;Se�e�Wty.This Security Instrument shaU tre governcd by Fcdera!law end the taw of the jurisdiction in � •
<br /> .. ' whkh the Propeny ls tocated. lu 1he event tiiat any pravisian oc clause of th9s Serusity Cnstrumrnt or the Nute conilicts with ap- •
<br /> plkabk Iaw�su¢A cantlict shaA not qiPect other provisions os thfs Securiry Instrume�R or ihe Note wbich can be given effect
<br /> , . wlthout the conflictit�pravision. To thi�end the provisians of this Security Instr.:,nent and the Note are declarcd to be
<br /> : scwerabk.
<br /> • � L�i.Eo�rawePs CoOy. Qorrc�wer shall be�wen nne cactr.•-a�ed capy c►f ihis Securuy Instrument. '��.
<br /> K.A�ipinf o/Re�b.Ba.-rower�mconQiti�naUy ass�gfis and tran+frrs to I.endcr all the rents and rcvenues ot the Property. '
<br /> " . Borrower authorizes l.eedrr or(�ender's ag:�:;s�o c�itece the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenent of the Pr�puty ..
<br /> to pey the rents to 4ender or L.ende�'s Agea!s,..gtow=ver.priot to Lendet's notice tc�Bnrrowet of Bortower's bteacb uf any cave- .
<br /> � n�t or A{reement in the 5ecuriry Instrumr,.t. �orrav�er shail coll'ect anQ receive all rrntq and revenues oY thr Property as irustee •
<br /> for the benefit oY Lrnder and Sorrowsr.TAi��s.t�g.�mene ot rente con�titutes an absof;�:e assignment and aat an assignment for
<br /> ' addltionil sccu�ity oniy.
<br /> . s�tendtr gives noticc ot brtach to Fwtrow-r•(a)all rentc rcceived by Horrower sha:i�+e hctd by Barrower ac trustee tor bcnefit
<br /> • o�t,�nQer on�y�ta be applied ta the sums sec�ar�r,ed by the Security lnstruc:��t;l b)I,endet shal!be enutttd tu culfect ar�d teceive a11
<br /> of the renis of t,hr,;�ropetty;and tc)eaCh tes�::of�he Property shall pay all rents due s�tid unpaid tu l.endu ar l.ender's agent
<br /> ca LenQn's wnttee demand to tht tenant. ' •
<br /> B�crower hu nut executrd any priur assi�nmeat at the rent�ana has not and w:li �nt perfarm any�ct that would prevent •
<br /> lxu�er trom exercising its righN under �hi9 paragraph ib.
<br /> �ender shtil nnt be requiced tu cntcr upon,rake cor�trnf oY ot maintain the Propeny betvre or ofter giving noti�e af breach to
<br /> liorrower.Nowevet.l,eeder ar a judicia!Ig as�+�mted rereiver may cto sv at any t�me there ir n br�ach:Any�ppUwtiun uf rents
<br /> shtll not cure ar wwve nny default or in��ini��e at�y ufher right a zemedy ot Lender. �his assignment of rents nF the Pm�erty : _________
<br />' sha(1 terminate when the Gebt scrured bY the Security Instrument ic paici in full.
<br />. � .
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