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<br /> ' • Norw�r 8ank�A�nske,Natiorn/Aasvciat�on pEED QF' •
<br /> � , p�T�' RECONVEYANCE
<br /> , �. ��<<�z� p�s � , . � ' � ���i��s� � �
<br /> . . . � . •< ` AA�:
<br /> �''� �, ` ' � � ��.�— <
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<br /> � . KlVt�W I�t L MEN 8Y�THESE Pi�ESEAfTS: � . , ` � . � ,
<br /> l• f < � . . ' _ . . '
<br /> ` ��,Kl�s, R�Cri�ld B ir'feCiz'ated Eleine i�, 'Lt�ek� R�aBAn o»A i',�f� ,
<br /> � • , -
<br /> • dt ttftCl�y Q� Gland Is �nd ---- -� 'COtlRtj/O� A4t i , . ,
<br /> . � � .
<br /> " ; � �n tJ�r�tata of �w•x��•�� _by[�ed of Tru3t d►�ted tha ���*a� day of D�on-� �9.-8b._, . �
<br /> _ � , ai►d du/y naco�ln tf+�offlae nf the Reg/tter of Oe�a�ds of tfie Count�of �Y � ` � � �
<br /> � S _ /iIYD THE Statr af �' Nebraska ,on the 2nd dsy of �eC�•hpr f9�b..__,in ,
<br /> . . _ � ,
<br /> � �_ .nacww�at �8b�i0b8Q6--�'�''� of the!�lortgege Reicord,�fn said office,conveyed ta � , �
<br /> � �. . NORWEST B�t�1IK NEBRASKA, NAT/ONA� ASSbCIATlON;certain rea�estate in said L7��d of Trtist described,in `
<br /> , . irtnt,to se�cur�e the payrtxnt of the indebtedness mentianed therein, A tract of land comprising a part of the
<br /> ' 8�st 8a1€ qf the Noriheaat Quarter fE}NE}}.of�Sectia� Tventy Four 424). Towasbip 'I'Welve (lZ) North, ,
<br /> _ �rge Ten (10)�West of �he 6th P.M. in flall County, Nebraska, more particularly described �ae . `
<br /> �olZovs: � �
<br /> Saginni,ng at a point on the east line of said Section Twenty Pour (2G). said point being Four` . ,..
<br /> • Hundzed Ninety Eight and Six Hundredths (b98.Ob) fe�t north of the southeset cor�ser of�said . � �
<br /> � : �iortheast Quartet..�(NE�); thence nastherly along the �a�t I1Ae of said Section T�senty Four (24} on . ,
<br /> �sn asawued bea�.��. of D�se North, � c�i�taace of 1,161:61 feet; thence S 69° 12' 06" W,• a dietance ;-'.:
<br /> ` �f: 1h4.4"� fect��,:=h�ence S 18° 09' 3�" E, a dietan�e of 143.96 feet; thence S 34° 36' 23" W. a '�_:�`
<br /> dfst$tt�_'�f 220,52 feet; thence & �3° 4G�' S5" W. s diatance of 111.6 feet; thence 5 1b° 40' SI" W. -����.{�;;;;�:
<br /> �:�::.-;
<br /> � '.. �a diata�ce of S6»S3 feet; thenca S. &�` 14' Ol`" W. a dietaace of I50.0 feet; thence Due Sauth, a � .•';.;�;>>>
<br /> - ;c�ietaxCe af 654.s �feet; thenCa N &�° 27' Q6" E, a dist$nce af 556.48 feet to the place of beginning , -� .
<br /> � , :g:ic� �7s t. a° o° .2 . .. . , ' -�"•:
<br /> . "����R�S,sai��nc'F�ebC�fin�st Ass�n pasd and the purposes ot aaid trust�nave been fuffy tatisfiect; - -
<br /> ', �-°�
<br /> ' ' N4RW�ST BANK NEBI�'�SKA, NAT/ONAL ASSOClATlON, �Joes heieby remise, release and quit claim unto tlre � . -
<br /> '�,• preaent owne��dr awners the�id ieal estaie and t�nta the heirs, auccessors and assigns said owner or awners fo�ever, -
<br /> .;,;.;.�� a1J the rig�ht,a�i�le,ahd intemst which.it has undei and by vinue vf said Deed of Trust fn and[o the said real�state in
<br /> . � . � . said.D�ed of Tiust particu/arly described,rele�ence to which is hereby made !or gr.eater certainty. -
<br /> .�� i��''�i►AVE AMD TO HOLD the seme,toy�ether with all and aingu/ar the p�ivileges end appurl�n$nces[he�e►to be%nging
<br /> .� 1`ors�AND FURTHER,thst raid Trust Deed is,by these p�esents ta be considered as/u!!�and absolute/y re/eated, r�
<br /> :� 4 can�slied and loiave,�dr�charg�ed. .
<br /> + Wt'Z1'IESS my hav�d and se�l Mls i�Lh day of *+�..- -, 14 � -.
<br /> . A7`TEST.• � �� NORWEST BAN1�NFBRASKA,Nat+ana/Assvciation, Trustee
<br /> ., :; . . .. � . � ,�:..
<br />� 1� •,' � .�-_�.- -- er' � �°1:1 '• � C�,�:��t*/'�s. „— ' . :�;
<br /> � STAT�EOf.NEBRASKA � � � v�ce President , �'�"
<br /> �
<br /> ' ' . • J ss.
<br /> � �cnurorr.of H��x �
<br /> . ,
<br /> Ths forsyolnp instrument w�s ecknaw/edged before r'ne,a Nota�y publ�c,on thls il stL.K....,.,._.. day of M_�r
<br />� . , �9 9n_....Dy..._....�ItAL1;�5�..]�.�.41stuL._V1.rN Prg�;td�nt.... _..._..W..,.___.._ _—_.... �
<br /> oi N�RWEST BANK N�BRASKA, NATId?N�G ASSOCIATION,a,Natio�ral Banking Assvciation an trehaJf ol said
<br /> .., carparation. . . �. . . �
<br /> ' 4'.rN��'•��%''',. • � f�� ` ��f'
<br /> .R . • ,ISE'AL/. 1� _ �;�' � �"- " . ---
<br /> ,' Notuy oubhc , ,
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