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<br /> � � � ( NICMMD �. YI�CK and ELAIiIE J. YIECiC; Husband and �iPe, .each. in his aRd her own right � . �•,
<br /> , . ���! as ,spous� of. each oth�r ,hereia cswd tt�e�rantor+�exher one or mosc, l� , .
<br /> � �� =w � ! -
<br /> � � ' . iaeoie�iiirie�oao! ONE O�LLAR A�10 OTHER YAEUABLE CONSIDEkktI0i1-------�--------------------- � i �
<br /> ; ,
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<br /> reed�nd ho�a�atee�,ds�es�a�,bar�ain,�ell� �nd.confirm anto - ;
<br /> , .� � � ho a . . � � �.
<br /> �`€ Ti�M'S J. TINEINII��and LA�OIM� �K. TIl�EtdlilN, �fv��and and Wife . �
<br /> � ;.- :": � �. -� � , �.
<br /> ,. � as jol�tt teaaats widiri;ht ofs�,ritosahip,aa8 not�s taaaats i:s�axiiamon, the foliowing deseribed real proptc�,r�aa � , .
<br /> . „�, ��. ..
<br /> . ` Ha11 ;` t7�aafi. Nebraska. . :. �; .- ;
<br /> ��,a �,_....
<br /> � S i/i triot.�of tand cce�prising a part of tfie East Nalf of tfie Narthea�t�Ouarter �E� NE�) of SecEion Twer}ty ��t4.W��Z�}• � _
<br /> �'.� 'ToNnship Ti�relvt:(n�3 Narth, Range T�n (10) MesC of•tna'6th P.l1. i n Hal l County, Nebraska, moro partieuTe"r.F.K� ;�
<br /> ; . ; ;.� descPibed as fnt:IIanr.s; Beginning at a �:eant on the east tfne of said Section Twe:rG�•�ou� (2�1, �aid poit� Gs�ingi
<br /> . <; Four Hun�f:ed Nir��'Eight and Six Hud�redths (l99.06� feet North of the 5outheast��rner of seid Northea�i � .
<br /> � psr�rter: �kj; t�en¢e•northd�ly along the eaat line of �said Sect�o� Tren�y Fout.I24) on an aastu�4d bearing of � ,
<br /> � Ou� lbrtb, a di3tartce of 1,t�i'�.6t fee�z thence S 6'3° 11' 06" W, a dist.�.�e of 149.92 feeti tR�?ce S 18° 09' 35"i I
<br /> i E;'3!d1'�e of 1;13.96 fea� thence 34° 36' 23" W� a distbnce of 22�.52 fFet; thence S 67`II '�..'�' SS" N, a � !{ , ,
<br /> t' �dtatanc of 111.6 feet; tfi�ence S 76° 40� S1" W, a dltitance ot 86.53 feet; thertce S 83° 14' Q1" W# a aistance � ; � •
<br /> ' #_ �of 150.4 4`eet; tf�enaq Due 3outh�, e distance of 654.3 feeLZ thence N 89° 27' 06" E, a distance af 556.48 feet � �t ,.
<br /> to�Ns plaee of beginning•and contai�inq 1�.072 acras more or lesa. j I�
<br /> �� � � . , f I� ,
<br /> `.. .. � � "�
<br /> .i � � . , � !' . - _
<br /> � � j :�.
<br /> � ' �� �� ' To ba�e.�to�old the sbpve dsserlbed premises to�i�er with a�1 tenement�. 6ereditaments.and i�tgnr- ; ij .
<br /> f �tenanca thereto belonging u`nto tIIe gr�nteea and to their aseigas, or to �ra� heire an8 a,s�igns ot the snr�i�or ot ; i� . ��r-f
<br /> �� �
<br /> , � ����!�►.Mt..., - - . � i ' . _ _.. ---.
<br /> ' Attd grantor does hertby covenant with the geantees And with their ae�igns and with tite 1�air�and anigas ; �� " -- _—
<br /> , ot the�urrivor o�them that grsntor ia lawtaUy e�ised oi eaid premi�es; that they are iree irom encumbrance � � � `
<br /> � , excepting ea��ents and restrictions of record t �
<br /> ; , . � �
<br /> ' � � j tbst gsantor bs�r 600d sight nnd tawiu�sut�ority to convey the eame;aat� tbat grantar v�arrants snd wilt defead } �; -
<br /> � �� � ;Lhe title•to�aid pte�e�againat ehe tawinl elaims a!�11 persons whomsoever.
<br /> ' , ( I�is the ax�:entioa ai sll psrties t�enta that in the event of the deatL of either of the qrRntaes, the eatire i �f __
<br /> t.e 'I
<br /> � �;. % ��' �tee�imDle title to tff�e real e�tate ehd� sest in the eurviv ing pjrsntee. ��
<br /> ' , i Dated .i��� �..� �g 9� ' . � �
<br />�. � i ' ..... ... ...:............ .................... . .p�'���.�3 �. .*. ......... � ,.'.
<br /> , , . .. . �.. . ,
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<br /> . � I 8�it�O� 3:.Y.R�►............... : i� �
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<br /> '� � HALL
<br /> ; . � ; Ga��at�r cd ...............�.......... � �
<br />� . /S/9.�d.......... .
<br /> Tb�tor�oie� fa�trum�nt wiu �ctcnowl�d�etl beiaz� ..�'�.. ..
<br /> � ° RICHAR� S. WIEGK and EI.AINE J. Wt�CK, ,sw:�nd and Wife
<br /> � , b7 .......................�,...`'.,;_.;yyy��............. ............... . ................. .. .... .�... ..
<br /> � �� . ' 'Mrwews � . � ..... ..... .
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<br /> ' • } ........:...dy ol.............. . .... 19. .... .,at...... .....o'clock aad...........minutte ......... ..It., . ; "
<br /> - � # =and�seeofii�?r�ir�,�........:.:...�...,.n4..........._....._..�i ba.�. ' -
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