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<br /> .. . . _ S , . . . , _ . �
<br /> �� ` � � -. 90� ia2682 : . ` .
<br /> � � t u. �e loe��. Yru�tar h�s�by rsauest• �coor ok �n�aoeic� af datsu�t a11d that �Dr r < .
<br /> • , �*otie�ot NU�r�lse bt�iled ta�4'rustor �rt th� sddsess se� fotth io tbs tir�t pasastaDA o! tAi� , , ; � ,
<br /> o.w��a sswa. � - . . - .
<br /> �� li. A�etdt�set of Sueee�=or Tru�ces. �eneficitr?�ay, [row ti�e to�tf�e� 6r vrictep in�tr�arac `
<br /> ' weteurN Mi �eTaavloi�l b� �ea�fieLst* �sif�d to Tsusto9r a� nccreed A» th�Ca�aY !s�vAleb the � r ' �
<br /> i��f ts lacsa�d��L7� ot�r�eiss ea�p1�S+eiL� tkit-asa+rislaes of-tbe �glitabte !er vl�the Statc - �
<br /> ' �t�ipr�i'Ir�,��Mtitu� • raee�swr os ruccsssoz�to�tAs ituate� n�sd htrsio or �ettq�her�un0at. '
<br /> - ' lT. a�ers aw! Asss . l7�la Dasd oL:-Yscsat#pp2les to adi t�a* to tM bendit oi aad 4fads �
<br /> . �ll prt a 1�MSyiRo, tMic Ic�isa. lept�w. detrSs+e,�s� P¢rros:i ra;t�see�ae�res. wce�asois �ed aasfyu. � , .
<br /> � � 2`f�� t�e�"M+�i�3al�r�" Mw2t�1at tl+�aM►es aMf t+�2isr of tb nou. �As�thar or� +sa�ef as #�e�t�t�rr •
<br /> ' ' �{��� . . . � �`'r� . ' . . .. ' �
<br /> ir. ��kri's law�r. Yichoue aft�ce��.tbr Elabtilc� ot ang ocl�er pes�aa 1labie 0'ni��ala.pa�- � � ��
<br /> '. � - ' fMC.OL M7���+toa 1��If1�ra!lA�r +��� sfEaettt� ttw lien or.ch�s�e o�'tlita Didti�a�ltwt '
<br /> � up� n�r Borttm o! tif� Q[op�re�nes thef��ar'`�rt�tr�toiore retea=ed u �eeurity tos th� tuli Os�t ot � , �
<br /> ' � al2 wpi� otili�atiau• tse�fiqiasT �s. fros tAwc so tl�e aad vttGo�s aocic�: � . . �
<br /> 4 (a) t�lears �Y persoo� so Iiab2y; ,
<br /> ' . (b) rsCaad tba�tpsit� or altes ae� of the t�tr oi an� �uct►ablisatian;
<br /> (e) �rint ot6a tudnite�ts; .
<br /> , ,. . ' (d) rtiRase os se-convcy os caws co be releued o� re-coaveyed st ans � �
<br /> : !t�,at peltlCl�s�'� oytiaet� �A� paTt�l. portlm oY flI of th� pTOy�rtf: '
<br /> ; ,� (�) cQur os r�iwe aaY othsr os additioaai �curie�r tor aay obli`atlon �
<br /> �- . Mt�lrt MIItlAtML{ Oi e . - •
<br /> � (!) �aics co�positiaes or oth�r asransMent• vith d�bcots la celatioe ch�rtto. � . ,
<br /> • , .� 19.- Cowrwlne Lv. II►is ps�d of Yrust aiutl 6� Ror�rn�d Dy eM lavs of th�Sut� ot NNsa�ka �d�
<br /> • !a th���tat atiy aeM ar wre of the psavl�ions contalaee !a tMs Oeed of lrust. os ehs noi� os sny athet
<br /> � �eeumit� lasts�aent �iven in eonneetioa with thi� tes�saction �tY�11 he tor any tea�an M Mld to b� in-
<br /> � . , ��1ld, �li�i or ua�atoree�Dl� in sn� r�sp�ct, such lnvalidttX. llle�al�ey or u�eaforeablllcy �t�a12 . .
<br /> not ali�et oy othes psa�3�io�s ot thts Desd qt Tr�t, bat ttr D�iA o€ 7sust shall bs eons�rueQ u !t
<br /> 'stxh iara114. illssal or eutore�able psovisias ds0 nsrer beea cont�icie3.hesai� os th�r�in.
<br /> • �p. tifst of [orbaaranc�. Jta,y Lprbearmce Ay deneFiriary or Ttntte� !n exticlsina an� ri�Ac o�., ,.
<br /> s�i� hasawdsr. ar aMi++i.• �ffor3�� by �ppitcable Ls�; nh�Ii not b�a vai�er ot or preeYude ths as+er: � .
<br /> , ebr ot asg s�ch claht ac s�+�edy AEtennEer. Likrvi�R. ��++�lvsr 6y sa►eficlar� or Tswtee at any �le�auit '
<br /> � pt the lrwtos u�6�s tt�is D�d ot Trast fhall t�¢F ba dedred to ba a wiv�r o! �nr othes os �iwilu de-
<br /> i�ult wb�aqu�ntl7 oecruslns.
<br /> ' 11. Re-caewy,�ca br Trwtee. Upcn vrttten request oF th• 6eaeficiary euting that ali s�s seeureA � ;
<br /> - h�rsb� Rav� ��n aale. �ad upon aurrander of cdt� Ue�d oi Trust and tAe noce to the Tru�t�� [os c�ncel- _
<br /> _- --�- - ��--- S:iG:�:.�v isCTi�Civl Pj+a v�irct-peyiicai�op s=�itOT Of iC�ili�s �l�s CTII�LR' RT�St ri•COM1Ry CO 'C�UlLOT� ' � • " - — .
<br /> or tha p�t=ao or p�rron� l�plly entitled theseto. vlchaut vatsanty, �ny postian oi eh�psopt�ty then ' � -
<br /> ' Aeld h�r�mMr. It�citr�s !a �ucA re-convey�neo of any wccar� or tact� �tril D� conclwiv� prooi ot ch�
<br /> • tsutAfuUt�ai tt�ereoi. Crante�s !n che rercanvayance �y 6• deaesl6eA �a "th� pit�on or p�s�an� l�pily � ���-
<br /> � , �atitied thtt�sa." ' •'�,`.`Q
<br /> ft. M���tnc�hg ?eustee. ?ru�tee �ccept� this truat Whtn this Oria ot ir�rst.,duly �secuted �nd
<br /> �eimovl��d� :s�aA� a public reco=d as psavtded by tav. � ,
<br /> IN YItNLSS WHL�FAS. Tswtor ha� esecuteA cbt• Deed oi Tsust on t1n 4ate i![et npted al�sva. , � �h '—
<br /> ? 1 �� .
<br /> . : �,
<br /> ;�T� ' ri� .
<br /> ve L. pf
<br /> . , ! : .,�f3 � , ., � ,�
<br /> �, �T� UarY�ne I. Knc�epfcl
<br /> , sr�n ar�a�sw► ) ` .
<br /> • f sss . .
<br /> : couMnr a w1td. � . � , ''�, "
<br /> .,
<br /> Otr thlr gt�'1 d�9 cf ��. . 19 90 , before ae. ct�c unEessf tasd, • Notary •
<br /> T�blic dul� co�luloae,$ and quayi �cd Eor ra�d County, psreonelly cafiaAlVE!l'IH)fl l,. _&_D'al'lf:n� I,. Knc�epfel
<br /> to N 1norN te e� t� ldentfc�l pet�s�an(e) vho�e narls) �re sub�crlbed toihe tor��olos instr�ent
<br /> �M �clraos+��r1�e0 eA� execution ch�.;�r,t t� be_____.thF?fr..___ _vo�u,sasv .cc �nd Qs�d. _
<br /> Yftntss�q► h�d �d Notarla� Sea1 at GL�"etSiC� Yti2.Fl.►lt�. :VI: .�:,�f» eesa eo�ncy, tF.e date
<br /> «�cr���id.
<br /> Ky co�Fa�3ae► �xpise�s... J_ � �/
<br /> , . • . ` �
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