__________ __ _ _�. � - _ _ , — — , _ .
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<br /> . .r.
<br /> , � . �
<br /> � !.CnM�tas Accei�M 9�M• ', . � _ � ' �
<br /> .� � taf fiN�alt.Lender�0►.accept fi limiced by re�uLtlens issned by the Secraa�y in�Ae case of paYmeat defiWts.cMuire .
<br /> ' . immediatt�al��In Wll of W aams s�cur�d EY�Srcurity IRSwmeut if- .
<br /> . Eij go�cywer defaWt�by failiiM ta pty In full anY monthIy payme�t�e4uireQ by this Security lostruinent prior to or on . �
<br /> r ehe due dite ot t�t�t mor►�Ah►�Ymea,t,or ` ' ' � ' . •
<br /> i-'" � � [u3 8crrow�defanitt b�►lt�iEissg.for�period�sf t3�htY ds3'�,to pafoscn�aY oiha oblsps�ons�on;�ned'u►th3s S�curit�r � _
<br /> . . .` ` Imtniment. � < �
<br /> ` 11)S�fe WMiwt�e�t A}�e+o*d.trndet�11.if permi�e0 by aPPlic�ielax aad.vid►dre prior appioral of ine Santary.m�ti�e < < <
<br /> � in�ee0irt.p4YtnEat io�iiD of�li @ie a�s eeca�rod 6y thls Sac�ity I�eac� •
<br /> . (i)Alt oe Pet af d�e Ptopettg is o�ervise traasfated(�her tdn by derise.o[daomt)67t�Hc+RV�er,and ' .
<br /> <, , . [�)1Le ptope�tr�aot occoped bY�P�a t�as 6is a!iapr�m�a ae000duy iesidmae.ar tbep�or . :
<br /> pa�ee�oes�o ooc�py d�e PtnpQty 6ut hi;a ha cta�t h�nat beea�pQcv9ed in eaaoninoe wi8►tse�equinaneots dtbe SacRtsy. �
<br /> . . � te)N���If circa�mstintes oocur t6u«routd pesa�it Letsder to ralnire immediate psyment in fu�1.but LeaQer doa not
<br /> ��q�te p�ch p�yma►ts,Le�det doa na raive ita rifhta with rapact�o subsoqueat events. .
<br /> . (�I trplNi�t�t Ii�D Sraehrl.[n m�nY circveutancs regul=tioas sssaed by the Seaetu5►wiD timit L�ader's rights.in �
<br /> ` ttse cme of paymmt defiuIts.cQ roquise inunediate paymmt in full and foroclose if aot paid.This Securit}Instroment daes
<br /> ' ``not iuthori�oe�deration or fore`ctos�ue it not perraittal by reavhtidas ot the Sa�eiarst• ,'
<br /> "y ��wt. �oRrotPer �a�i�ht so be ranstatod if Ltedtr 6u requited imme�au Qsgrmmt it�.ful�because of � •
<br /> ' 8otto�'s fiiCun to p�y an timiouat due unda'the Note or this Sea�rity ltutrum�sat�This ris!►t applies evea after foratostua .
<br /> ptoceedtnp are isstitutea.'fo rei�state the SecuritY fastrummt,Bomo�ra shill tender in a lump slm atl�naunp requircd to
<br /> ; brinj Aaro+rer's iccount current inctuQins.to the extcat they are abliptions o!Horro.ver undsr this SscuritY,l�t.
<br /> , fet�closoce costs �sd reawna6k aad cascomuy attomey's fees and ea�pms�es D�oDertY a�aci�ted wtth t�ae fareclosure
<br /> � pracoediu�.EIDor►reinsutement by Bonower.this Savrity tnstrument aad ehe obSgations that it secvra ahall remain ia etfect�s .
<br /> • � � � if Leader had nat rcqaited immodiate psy�natit in fufi.Howcver.Leoder is aot required to pem�it rea�suttemsnt if:(i?��� �
<br /> apcepted teiASUte�mt after Me commence�ent of torxlosure pruccedings within two qeazs lmmMl�atety precedit� the
<br /> � Colrune�toeafet�t of a current foteetoxuce procad'ate. ('ccinstatement wi!!prcctude foreCtosurc on ditfereat graunds in tha
<br /> fnture.or(fIi)reinstatrment wil!aQvenety affect the priority of the tien created by thi�Sec�srity lnstrument.
<br /> � 11. 1�frower Not Reksut; Fo�ean�ee h� i��Not�Wat*rr.Extension of the time of payment or modiiication of ,
<br /> aewttiution�'�the sum�secured DY tbis Security Instcument�ranted by 4rrtda ta any successor in interat of Borrawer shsll noz
<br /> ; opaate to teksse the Uability ot the ori�stal Borroae�dr 6atraxea's sucassar in iaterest. Leadu shall not be required to ,
<br /> f cummeuoe proceediep ysinst ang sucees�r in intecest or refuse¢��aend time far paymtne vr�thcrwise modify amoniiation
<br /> ' of the sum�eoCUred by edis 5ecurfty irsstrument Ay reason af anp dem�nQ ca�3e hy the original Borrower or Borrbv�er's
<br /> � auccsssore in intaat. Anv farbe�tr�ce by l.endu ia eaercising any npht or resrt�Y shall not be a waiver o@ ar preciudc the
<br /> � txercise ot anp riaht or�emcOY• ,. , . .
<br /> � �..Q��p�AIN��60itYYj�Vf�' ii ll�ii.�`�iiirsi� e����r=7i a%[`r�e.�i�L'Pw1LCSS311L:9SS�8$TL'��L^_r!IfC�►911�ig CCF'RtIfV ---1_�
<br /> i Instrument ahW bind an6 beneflt Ihe aucceswrs and as�igns of t.rnder an Boao�rcr,subjcct to the provisions of paragrAph 9.b. , :�_--
<br /> �orrowa's covenants and a�retments sha11 De joint r�u�.t several.Any HorroM•ee�vf+.�co-s�gns this Security Instrument but does �5�:.,,.,
<br /> j �r.r�ta�ecute the Note:ta)ys co-si�nin�this SecuritY Lrutr�rtteni nnty ta mort�z.�nt and convey chat Borcower's intaesc in '�`�'`
<br /> �2fe Property under the�rrmsof this Security last�ument,lb)is nc�t�personaUy o�'�uted to pay the sums secuteA by th9s Security _
<br /> � itutrumeat; as�d (c) a�rees that I.endcr and any.�athtr �ior�•1.v�r may agee to extend.,modify. farbear ot tnake.any -
<br /> • ?s accammodtUons with atard to the tecm��f Ihis Security Insu��r�c'�r the Nate v�ittraut that Borrawtr's consent. ,
<br />� � Lf.lYetita.Any notice to Bottowet ymviCtd for i�thiq Security Cnstrument s1i:cL be giveA by delivenog it or by trt�iling ie by �; —
<br /> � firat class snait untess aqplicabtr t�w requiscs use of�ru�vfrcr moih�d.The'notice s'_-.aTt be directed t�the Property Address or any �'��
<br /> ° other aQdress Borrower designates by aat�ce to Lenc�• !3ny no�ice en!.endu�halt be given by f irst etass mail to Lender's addrcs�
<br /> st�tod hereln or any aGdress Lcnder dc.+�-�ates by rtotice to Bonoucr. Any notice ptaviQed tar in this 5ecutity Instrurrtent shalt
<br /> ' � 6C dCCmed to have t+een aivea ta Bono;�tr or l.ender when x��Cn at provided in ihii paragraph.
<br /> i
<br /> � 11�C�yeN{y U�r;51e�en�Wt�.This 5e�cutity Instrumsnt Qhall be govtrnrd by Federal law end the!aw of►he jutisdic�io.n in
<br /> whkh the Property is located.ln the event thAt any prov�sion ur clause of thie Security Insarummi or�he:�sx�;Conilicts with.ap�
<br /> plieabk Isw.such eonfllet�hal)nnt affect other provisinn�c�f tAis Security Insuumrnz or the Note whicts an be gicen�ffect
<br /> � without tbc wnflictin�provieion. Ta v3as end �he provisions ��'�i;i�Srcurity lnstrumens �n;3 the Nate are decla��i-nt be ��-
<br /> � seYCr�ble. ; � '�
<br /> i
<br /> . LS.1olrewe►•�L'o�y Borrnwer s�Ytl be given�ne c�nfunued copy of�hi�Sa:urity Ins�rumens. ,
<br /> ' K.A�1�f Re�t�.(brrowtr aacoriditionally ass�guti and uansfer+to Len�ier nll the rents and revenuec uf the prot+eny.
<br /> Horruwet�yt'�orius I,endet or I.erttte%+agents to callect�hs re���nn0 revenu�ana hereby d::cris eacb tenant af the E'rr,peccy
<br /> • ta psy the ctstts to L.enQer ar t.ender's agcnts.Nowever,privr�o I.ender'4 nmice ta lkrrrowcr uf Borr�wct's bteach of any cuti e•
<br /> a�ni ur yrcYment in!hr 5ecurity Insirurnonl.Borrower shall.ottect and rereive all rem�and revenurs nf�he Propeny as Iru�tee
<br /> ' fot tbe betttfit of Lender and Bvrrower.7hiti aisignment of rcrns canstnutes an absnlutc e�signment and nnt an as4ignmcnt ic�r
<br /> adQitionat security anly.
<br /> . � !f L.endet givcs notice of btearh to Etvrrowrr.�a)all rmts rece��ea bv Bnr�nwer ahall 6e hcld by Borrawer a�uustre(or benefit
<br /> of Leddta r,sr„1y.to be�pplicd ta the sua:s secureJ by thr Stcunty I:�Sn;�Ument:(b1 Lender shall tre entitted tu cultect end re�cive all
<br /> ' of t1'�rt�ts oP the Pwperty;and(c)r�cb tenam ot�he t'�upeuy�'.:sti pay all rents due anO�si�a�d tv IRnder ur lxnQt�'�eg�ni
<br /> on l.rndte°s written demand to the tenant. -
<br /> &�ttowxn''.1a�nat cxs�uced any priur assignment of'thc rents and t�a�+tot art:�uil�nut perinrm an,act �:�at w„utd pre��eni � "
<br /> Lender�iocro eatrci���r�r•r•r ttghts und�r thig paragraph 16. • �
<br /> � I.endersll�it.nat be tequired�u enter upan,take cunttal of�r tnaintain Ihe Pr�>perry he(ore��r aftc�giving nutice ut.breach to ,
<br /> $utruwt;.,����rever.Ltttdet�r a Judtcially appointed receivct mc�y d�s�at any lime there is a b�each.Any u,plECauon �ii rcnrv � _ __ _
<br /> ehv!not cure or waive nny det`nuU c�r inval�date nny other right ur remcdy�i Lendet.�1 hi�ussigr�sttent uf rtn�5 at th:��.�perty
<br /> • shtil terminate when�he debt se.ured by the Security lnst:ument�t r��a �rf r���.
<br /> -.. : _.. _ . . . • . .,- . _ : �
<br /> � •
<br /> , t�,
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<br /> _ . :_ ;� .
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