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<br /> ROBER`T H. ��aAUSE�i' and ERMA CLAUSEY, husband and wife� herein called : .
<br /> r.
<br /> urantar (whethex c�e ar more?, in cansideration of th� sum df One Dallar 1.���,
<br /> rec�ipt of k hich is hereb�' acknow�edged, hereb�^ grants and con�ey s unto Lh�
<br /> " GITY �Jr� GRA�'�D ISL�:.'vD, ?3E�RAS�.4,
<br /> a municipal c�rp�z•ativn itn Hza.11 �aunt�, Nehraska. he�Ein cailed GranLee, a
<br /> pe�•manent and perpetusl easement '���.iid right-of-way to sur�`ey, construt�t,
<br /> inspect, n�ain�;ain, rep�ir, replace, z•elocate, eltend, remnve, an� opex•�te therec�n,
<br /> elect;ric ].ines, power cables, staCic/ground conductors, eommunication lines, ;'
<br /> conduits, poles, v�'zres, fibers, anchors, tez•minals, tx•ansformers, surface markErs,
<br /> �,nd other sppuz°tenances ccnnected Lherewith, in, upon, above, al�ng, o�'er,
<br /> acx�oss, underneath, or tlarou�h a tract of land. located in part af the �vorthwest
<br /> qtlaztPr nf �.he Sout�i�aest Qusrtex• (N�v;*,�Wa) of Section Ei�ht (8), Tau:nship Ten
<br /> (10) tio�.•th, Kange tiin� (9? West af the 6th •P.�i., H�►11 Counti, �iebraska; ti�e
<br />� easement bein� sixteen ,].6.0) fee� wide` with the centerline bein� more
<br />'r _
<br />�
<br />� particularly described as follow s: .
<br />� Commencing at �he Idorthwest cnrner vf; the Sou�hwes�
<br />� guarter (SS�.�,) o� Section Ei�ht {8), 'Ta�riship Ten (].0) North, s
<br />� Range ivine (9} Wes�; thence SouthQrl� alon�' the �vesterly '
<br /> 7 line of the ssid Sout��west Quart�r (547;), a distance af eight ;
<br />� hundred sixt3 and fifty-si+c hundredths (860.�6) Feet; thence
<br /> deflectin� lePt 89°3�'3�" and running �asterl�, a d'astance vf
<br />'� fiftY five and fiv�-hundredths (55.��) feet, to the Easterlw: '
<br /> ri�;ht-of-wr�y of HigY�waz 281', .being the ACTUAL .pDIN'T C)F.
<br /> ,g�GINA7ING; thence coratznuing: Easterly vn the;Iast described
<br />,; course, a distance af.one thvusand .two hundred �arty five `
<br /> !1,245.0 j fee�.
<br />�;� . The above described ease�ent cotxtaining �.45 i act 2's mare
<br />;� ar less, as shown an the plat c�ated �/26/90, marked�Exhik�it
<br />�`�.; "A" attached hereto and iticorparated h�rein by reference,
<br />.+ .
<br /> I� together with the fallowing rights: �
<br />.�:� -
<br />,,:�
<br /> �
<br />;.�
<br />�,<
<br />:;'
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