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<br /> to ltye panchas�r.vrittrout.�ht os'adempuo�.tht'ifrustee s titk and all rigAt,title.mterest an�claim of the Tsustar and his�ars .
<br /> • itt infe�et�ad d'al[�daimin�bY a thm�h ot ut�iht�t.itt at�d W 1he Vmperty sdd.inctt�dittg alt s�uh�ight,titk.it�tt�E .
<br /> saQ cl�im i�Or tlid`�a such prnperty�cqni�ed by.the Ti�stor or his successar�in interost subsequent w the exocutt�m of the Tru.�st�e Tbe .
<br /> Sr�tl�e sAatl�pty the PEOCees�'�of t�e Tras�ee3 sak.Pu^st.`W the cast and cacpenses of easseisi�the i�r af safe,�d of'ihe s�le, � .
<br /> , � in�di,nr t6e payment oT the Tcustee's fees actuatiy incut�d nat ta Cxceed the atnaunt wf�irii maY be ptaviQtd fur i.�t the tmri Aeed. `
<br /> � seooe�.te p�ymait af tfye obit�aes sstured byr the wst dezd,as�d t�e bslu�ct.if a�;to ttie petsQn or peisons kgalll+entitkA thetet�
<br /> r- , . . � . . :. . ,
<br /> ` , �V�d t]re.T�stee coVen�ats fiithfuUy ta perFarm the tra�t heTein c�aud � . .
<br /> '��NEF�CIARY mry fiom ti�me tQ tiwne aubstitiue s sn�ccesaor or svccessars ao any Ti�usteo nan►ed treitu�ar�iuig t�nder ta � -
<br /> � '�aoeaKe thi�Tru�t Dad,tJP��b�PA��nent and withaut e�yaace w ttx socc�essa Tr�tec.t� tat�r s[�li bc ve�ied vPith�il .
<br /> tit1R poweis„snd d�uties c�upon otty'E'ntstet henin named or�cting henunder. Fact�such appoint�ent and substitution shall
<br /> . be tt�by�rritten ir�truntent aad execatat Dq Btsxf{ciaty.c�taininB iefeitnce w this Trast Qeed aad i�p1�e oF a�ecat+�.which,whet�
<br /> .recoeded in�tha otCice af iri�a Re�isoer e�'D�eeds r►f the countY a caaatieAs in which said p�aperty is sttaated.s�ail be ccanciusive pio�' _ ��
<br /> �of p�nQe�appointraent of the successor Truste�Tl�e foceaoing pa�+er of substitution and the pmcedute�U�ecefon sha11 pot be eactusive�,
<br /> oE i}�e power smd ptoceQur�c�mridtd for by 1aw for the snbstituticfn af a Trustee as Tnjstees in the plac�c�f the TrasUee or Trastees , -
<br /> � mmed bateia � � � `
<br />� Shnuld the Tmsior or its sace�essar in inteerst withaut the consent in writinE of the&nefciar�se�,rc�m�`er.or convey,ur�pernut � �
<br /> , �a be sa�tl.tr�nsfemed ot conv�;ed,by�reement for sale os in any manner. ets�interest in Uu aba�-�descn�i real estate(or any put ' �
<br /> . t1�of�,t8en Benefictiary m�+ctecl�re alt stuns secuned henby immediattty dtu and p��table.su6�c�¢�.a�iicabk aaw. _
<br /> - 't'I�waiver by Tntsta or &neficiary af any default hf�'tustor undcr this Trust Qced st�a{!not be IIr Fi�e deemcA to be a arai�rct �-
<br /> of any ott�er or similar defaul�s subsequerttty occurris�g .
<br /> 7'6is Trust Deed�hall inure tn�nd bind the heirs�,kgatas.devisees.administratois.executais,succe�ors ana Assigns aP the parties � .
<br /> tienw � �
<br /> The Trust Deed shall b,s cunstrued according to the www e�i the State af Nebrasfca. � --
<br /> � .
<br /> ?he Trustar requests that A capy oi'any notice of default and of:iny nptice n�saie hereunder Ae maited t�him by certified mail
<br /> ' . at the addneas tsercin�tf�t set Cnrih and evi�tanee af tiuch mailing sh�i�ttstitute evidence af rece�,t os such natice. �° , -
<br /> . . , �
<br /> , . �� �
<br /> Tru:�us��cepresents nnd warratzt�that ihe atx�ve�fcurii��d reat eytate is r�ut used fnr an agr�cultural actiwty.
<br /> � .
<br /> �. � Whe�rer Ihe cantext su rcquires,singular wurds shall be c��nstrt�ed in the plur�l and �rce vtr�,arnl th+e masculine gender shall
<br /> be construed ta include thc femirrine and vice versa. ' �-
<br /> . i
<br /> ; IN WITNES.S WH�REO�.the Trustur h�s hereuntu sct hry h;�n�l the day and ywr fir�t atxwe written.
<br /> ; . �..
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<br /> • R'charcl J. Wetaon
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<br /> (.'�UN'fY UH _... . }�_ 15�.
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