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<br /> � [Pisrsita�C�t. to Fower of Sale in iiill) _ � f
<br /> . , . ;,. . _ ,"''
<br /> • `����-:a1::::WrLLi�it�T, Persona3. Representative �of the Estate of • � _ % �' _
<br /> . , =���R�°�;:;.;�ER, Deceased f. GRANTOA pursuant to authcrity qiven by . ���;;.
<br /> � ' tt��:���3�o� th� Deceas�d,:;�i� cansideration of--FORTY-T�iREE " -
<br /> .� �H�f7$AND- DOLLARS {.��3;.�t��.QO.g�-�.- received fraa GRANTEE,--M R
<br /> �. REi�1TALS, a Nebraska ��a�ersl�fg,--aonveys to°dR71NTEE, the � �
<br /> ' fol.i�winq-described rea�.�;;esta.te t as defined fn Neb. Rev. 5tat. � �
<br /> . � ��-��5��•:• . . ' .
<br /> . . �:,;:;;�:,.. .
<br /> _ � . .`: �A tract of land c�risinq a part of the North�ast
<br /> � Quatter of the NQrtheast Quarter tNE�NE�1 of Section .
<br /> . ' � � ��2�ren�y-One (21�, Towziship Eleven t 11,j North, Range N3ne ` ,
<br /> �. ", � (9) West, of the 6th E.i�. . City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> � � . �-� ��County, Nebraska, anc2�s�ore particularly describe8 as � _ �
<br /> , .. follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of
<br /> ��-� eklahoma Avet�ue, where su�h point i�tersects with the
<br /> �� east line of Greenwi:�� gt�eet, thence running
<br /> . northwesterly a1c��..;;�na ;upi� thFe east line of Greenwich �
<br /> � � Str�et, a distar.��e..o�'��� �it:s:�e8 Forty-Five and Six
<br /> Hundredtbs t145.��.��.���eet; :th�i�[w� runninq nartheasterly .
<br /> . a ciistance of ane z��ndred;`?�r�� �ne and Thirty-Seve� ,
<br /> . . . Hundredths t 12I�.�7� feet;`:t�er.c�. running southeasterly '
<br /> � a distanae of One h�n�rec� �'�*�tg��*8s�ur and Seventy-Nine .
<br /> � Hus��edths t 144.��'�. �eet to a point on the n�►rtt� ],f._n_� —. --
<br /> � o�� i�klahama Avenue; then�� running southwesterly along � ,
<br /> and upon the nort�i..1l�r�e af Oklahoma Avenue a distance
<br /> � of One Hundre� Rwrer�ty-��.e and Forty-Three Hundredths :� ��^
<br /> (121.43) feet to the point of beqinntng: --�
<br /> subject '�o easements reservats�x�s, covenants and �estrictions af -�—
<br /> ` record; ar►d sub�ect tA ,a�.y encrc�a�hsr�e�ts on City riqht-of-way. t�
<br /> GRANTOR cover��ats wit§� .���AI3T�,E that ��ANTOR has legal pewer and
<br /> lawful author�tty ta c�:�are�r t�:e�..same.
<br /> �XECUTED: `g�►Y_ ,� � �990.
<br /> --^ . � �
<br /> ; ' ��
<br />_ ESTATE f�JF WiLHtiR C. MEYER, Deceased
<br /> f3y ct.v�-�
<br /> . � P �n�l Represeatat�ve
<br /> ��. � STATE a� N�BRASKA �
<br /> . 1� 5.�,. '
<br /> � C(aUN�Y OP EiALL �
<br /> , ,.,-c-,�=.,,
<br /> Tha �a�eq�ing instrument was a�Gknowledged befare me on t'��►� ��
<br /> _ , --- _ _ -
<br /> ��....,
<br /> ___.__ ..._, i99Q, tiy JAblES A. WILL�. P�rsaizal Ropresentative �f ... - � -
<br /> the �:s���t� af WiL�1UR �C. MEYER. �eeeased. �
<br /> � �C MA�lei� �
<br /> � I�f#ratNl�ii�l� � �•
<br /> _ • . - - - : :t1�82"Y _�t1�fI�C -
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<br /> ' . My cczrntttsf�:;ivn rx�i��s: �.ie�tf• �f ���Z T- .
<br /> ` �.
<br /> z " ,.�;��� .�k;�� ::� •5, '�`i.- ---la`�:'��'�c. ����!l.�i�'i 's _ ��' _ .. --
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