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<br /> - A lssct af land �comprising al l of I.ots ,1� tbau Z0,• Iactusive, , ' �
<br /> . �- Chisf Industtisl Psrk Subdivisfon.� and s psr.t of tbe Soutb FIsIf
<br /> �5�� ,of Ssctioa Trv�aty Sis Q26). Tawasbf�p Elevea (11g Nortb,
<br /> , Rsnas T�a (�0) we�t of the bth P.M. fs� Hsll Couaty; Nabraaka,
<br /> mors psrtfaalarly d•.aribed sa �follops: �
<br /> � ` BeQinnfa� st a paint•oa tho �vest Itae af �sid Sectioa T�venty
<br /> � - Sis �Zb},, aaid poiat befa� 554.97 feet anrth of the sauth�rast.�_� '-� .
<br /> � cora�r of �s#d.Sactioa 1�aenty Six (26): �ttienae aartherly along. . �
<br /> � th� �esR 13ae af ssfd Saclina Taveaty Six (26j oa �a assvmed be�irlag ,
<br /> � ot Due�� Nortb. a dfstamce of y08.1 feet: theace N 58° 36' 14' E� •,� :, ,
<br /> � 2..�49.13 f eet t thaacm $ 89° 55'. �!6• E. 69�1.35 feat= ther��e Nt -'�<�;}�
<br /> . ..` 44 52' Z6* E, 36.68��feet: theaaa S 84° 30' 09�. E, 1,013.12 ��eE,
<br /> � � � � • to the aorthss�t e�or�er of. Lat 11. Cbief Iadu�trial Park .Subdfvi-
<br /> , siaa: theaae S QO L�:` 39a W aloag the westarly 2iae af �iefa� �
<br /> Str�et, 1.000.0 f eet t� the sodtt�e�st co�ner of Lot Z0, .
<br /> � Iadustrial F�rk Subdivi�foa: thaace S 53 25� 58" E. 321.84 fe�tf
<br /> � th`s�c• 8 t8°� �5' 3?" W, �54.88 festi thanc� S !t° 36i il' W, . � �
<br /> . � � 23?.13 feet: tbeace S 15 00' S9' E. 28?.4� �feet: thenae � 25°
<br /> � �gx� ��1� W, 89.55 fees: tbeaae N 89° 56' 04" W. 36b.g5 feet; the�tce.
<br /> N 36� Z?� 1g" W. 96r9�9 feett thenc�e S 89° 39' xa`s W. 531.6Z fa*st;
<br /> �.sh�ncei S 00 30' �9" E. �5.11 feet : �thence S 17° 29.' S1�' i�. 19.� � � ;r
<br /> ___� _�� isst: i�1nesiae � o� �°' �3e c,;. r�r��n- �eet: theace N 1B° 3�`- ,flq" W. ��,�i
<br /> 19.4 laet; thence N 00° 30' 09� �W. 45.33 feet: tbence 5 �9� 3'► � . {�,_�:
<br /> 20" �1• 135.97 fe�t; thence N 00° 20' 40" W. 19�.53 faet ; thence
<br /> N 57 !4� 58" W, 164.6 feet; thense S 83° 05' l�", W. 221.92 feet; , _
<br /> � tbenee N 5Z° 42' �9" W. 67.63 feet: thenae N 3Z 05' 4$" W. 68.22 . -_
<br /> fsst: tbeac� �ti 24 36' S�' W. 3?9.51 feet„ tbeace N 20 32° �
<br /> � 3p� W. 15s.�� feet; tl�eaae N 13° 44� 51" W �53.?5 feet: thenc� . �
<br /> . N ?T° 54' 23° W. b�t��16 �eet; thesrce S 88a 3?' OOp W� 20?.19 "�--
<br /> ' ieet; theoce S 33 35' 32� W, 89.9� feet; theace S �?° 3d' 08' �,
<br /> 569.19 taet; thence S 09° 09� 46' E 334.09 feet : ibenec S 03° , ,
<br /> � N 99 53 +�set: �,
<br /> �` ' �0� 50' E. �0�.0� feet: thence N 8G 00 2� W, �? •
<br /> � � th�aee N 16 5Z' S9• W, �32.33 feet: thence N 26 �3' 13• W. ,
<br /> � 394.96 teet: thtQCO S 50 Z�' tl" W �4�.5? feet; tlnonce S 27° t�
<br /> 3b'� 09' W. �95.22 feet; thdnce S 008 l9• 39" W. �Z6.0� feet;
<br /> theace S IQ 9��' s3" W. 283.59 #eet; thtr�ce S BS 52' �!0" W,
<br />, 399.63 fse! 3o tbe plsce of beginafng ar�� Contafning 114.5T3 �,�
<br /> acr�s more ar lesr. , �
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