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<br /> : i ' - - - - = -�- � - - . _ � ,� ._ . , _ ._ - � --
<br /> � _ �lbeE 3�t�id to.a��/ae�sitl IIn�oa B�ink t} Z'rnst C,o. � . ` ,
<br /> of' G�itnd Island ` . " � . � �
<br /> , . � . , - - , .. � (herd�attu refemed wa�
<br /> .: � � �.wiw.t�t�fs atfrot�.pLo�d 6�n�meu tt 20QS �d. �'tbb Rd. ��ect in Cwaad i�had, -
<br /> ` .� H1i�4y.N�• • � . " .
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<br /> ' .. ; _ doe�l�ee�bi►mocti�e. �!.�.�n�,ar�d catw►s�►!tota tl�moitPyee. its�oas�o�s��, aQ ot the fol-.
<br /> . � I�ri�d�tibad propaty°sittiNe�d md bein�i�t�c Caui�tY oP ; �
<br /> ' �ta1e�t� � .. ,
<br /> . ; . � . � .
<br /> . f . ,
<br /> " Lt 3 in Suaset Subdivisian Deing' a par.t of tha Horth half of the 2lE quarter of . , . .
<br /> ' ± � �ectton 11 to�whfp i l N. rauge 10 West of the 6th pm_in Ha9.1 Conaty, I�ebrae�ice. • �
<br /> i . -
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<br /> ta�tther with sii tlie tenemsnts anQ apputtc�nanca thGr{es:�beton�,ins, �Il !he trnts. issues and ptofits thcrcot'.and aU
<br /> �,r:.; asen�e,.ri�.royahies. miner�l.oii and ps ri�hta�!prdi ts.watrr.wate�r�.�hts,and water scock.and inctudinj
<br /> , � � �sU hatity�, pfumbinY. retri�erstion. ii�htirts, equipmerxt and sll fiatures oF every Aescriptian belon�ns to Ihe
<br /> ; � . mort�or now ar heraTter att�ched thereto or u!�d in.cannecticM w€th the prchni3es herein described and ia aQdition ;:' -
<br /> � � thereto the(olfawin�described properties wfi:ich are and sh�U be der.ned to he fixtures and a put of the rcalty. and
<br /> ' . � . are a�son ot the secutity far��he indcbtednas herein stated. (U aane.atate"none") �
<br /> �
<br /> : ! TO�IiVC afld I�b IIOW lllt Sill'lC UMd 111C MOfI$�CO.a.s herein provided: y�
<br /> � • '!'�tnortsyor is lawiulfy seiud�nd passessed of and h�s the r��ht 4n sNi an0 convey soid prdperty; th�tt thc � �
<br /> � sam� �s f�c�e fra�n �11 eacumbrxnces eacept as hetrins�t rerited; and Ihie �►rtrnt�or covenants t� wmsnt and
<br /> � tkttnc!t9�e titk aforesaid thereto and every part Ihercat��amst ihe ctairns ut aC�crsons whomsoever.
<br /> � This in�truntent is givcn tv secure tttc ps3�t of a pramissflry��ce dzted_.� I"�v 7,._.199ti .��z_..
<br /> in the p�fnci�ri sum ot S...�ta�Q4�t?Q— ..._...�_, si�ne�� by ..�; -�1�.�_a,nd J�i� p��u __
<br /> • ie bth�tk€�t the�ewl�....,.............�..�._._...... .._._.__._.._. __.--____ ��_....,_. e_.,....�.
<br /> � atso.u such a�te or tMtes rnsy fran titee t�r,inte De modified.trrc+�ed or eatee�ded in writin�. �
<br /> In thr�:�►t the tide to sa�d real ectate is transferred, �: contracted t�be trarr�ferred, from the undersigttcd fur any �
<br /> � re�uo��'by aay method whatsurver. ttK enlire principal sum and accru+ed interesl shalt mt orice brc�me due end .--- ---
<br /> , prysbk at.the ekctioe of tht Qotdet herta�. �aiturt to eztrrise chis optian bec�use ai tsans�er nf titte as above stater�
<br /> . io.oee instane�e�a1i twt constitutt a waii�:�er.cxt the ri�ht tv ezrrc'rse the same in the event af any subsequcnt transfer.
<br /> _ � � ,
<br />--- -� - 1. �'35e morig�aor coven,tnis and agrces as toltowsc - - - - �-� - - -. _.� � ; :
<br /> . `��r. To promptty pay the indebtedness evidtnc�d by said promissoty note at the timcs and in the �nann�r
<br /> � � . . �ia,t'ttia�ruvidetl. .
<br />. b. Tcr pay aU taace�. tusessmenls. wnter rat�s. a�d �the� goyernmentat ur munieipai charges, firtes, c�f rs
<br /> .. lmpc►�itions.for wh�eh�rc+visinn has not t+een mad� hereinbe[r.re.artd will prcrmptiy drliver the affival rece�pts
<br /> ttrercfvr tc�the;���d rni�tga�zc�. - . - ;�. .
<br /> � -
<br /> c, tv p�y su�i� esprnses and gce: as mav be in4arred in the prc,tect��n :tnd m�mferrars:e nt �aid rrc�prrt�:.
<br />: � inctudinr the fces s�f anv attntncy rmpt�ped by the tnnttsagee.fc►r the 4oltect�nn nt anv cz�nl! c�f the mcicbteJn�tis
<br /> �tCtC�1y SCCUtCt�, ar f��rrct�surc b} mart�;��er�5 5i1�Q, E�t C(�Uit j+f�t�Cfi�ittK�,4�t itt tiiiv'c�thCr lit��'��ti��tt i�f�+tn�YC`:i�ri}:
<br /> � affert�ng�afd pruper�}. , �
<br /> t{tIY�Y� �
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