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<br /> 13. i2E UHST F'oR NE3TICE. Trustor hereby requests a copy of any notice �
<br /> _ � of dafault, an t�a aay no ce of sale hereurider be mailed to it at the ` � �
<br /> addresa $et forth i�n the first paraqraph of �hfs Deed of Trnet. , . . - - .
<br /> � - 14. GOVERNTNG LAW. �`his Deeal of Truet s��I be govexned�by the laars of� :-: � -
<br /> the State a e xasca. n the event that a,�ey pro�ieim� or clause o� any a� the : -
<br /> Eoaa Iaatruments confl£cts �rith aggl.ieable laivs, such conf�icts shal�.nat . . � ,
<br /> � �f�� other provisians of such �aaa ZFastruiaents which csn be giveA effset -' . � �
<br /> . � �rftE�t tha canf3icting prcvisfcsns; anc� to thfa end, the provisions of the � " - '
<br /> � � Iioan Instnu�e�L�s are declarea t� be severable. T�iis instr�uneat cannot be ".��-.�:�:..
<br /> - �- rrafved, change�3, di�chargea, or �erminated arally, but onlg by an instnuaent � '��"
<br /> ;���. in �ritinq si�aed by the partg aaafnst wh� enforcement of any'Kaiver, change, _
<br /> _ � . :;�- disaherge Qr termiriatga� �s s�u�?�t. � ' �
<br /> '�t`,;�','�:;t_` . 15. RE�HVEY�.*� BY TRIISTEE. Upon written requeat of 8eneficfary
<br /> - • , stat#�ng tha2 - _sume secure � have been paid, and upon surrender a€
<br /> �=;.�� ' � this Deed.of''�.'�t^-.,:st and t�►e Note� ta.�rustee fo� c�ncellatian and retention and �
<br /> �- � upon:paym�nt � Tr�stuac df Trustee's fees; Trnafe�e �ha2� xeconvey to Trustor, � � `
<br /> . . � .,;,:= : ` or ��t��.'�r�ersan �or persa�s��legally e�ltitle�. theretc►, wfXhoiat warranty, any
<br /> � .r;:��::_.
<br /> po�.�.of t�ie Trust ���[t� then hslfl,t:ereunder. 2'he xe���als in such � ' �
<br /> ` . . recc����yance c�f anp mati��rs or €a�ts shail be concYusi^tr,e :j�i�of o€ the . -
<br /> � � `,`�`�'' , L�u.tb�ulness �:�tereof. The grar��s. iq�t��ty reconveyance ma.y be des�rfbed as
<br /> � . �: "tho,�erson or persons legall�y .���itl.�ad.thereto". � � � '' � `
<br />: � . . . . � :;...,::.: ; . ., � . ,,:.;:.:.;.'
<br /> �:} , , . : ..;��a. NOTIC�.`;� �:�.neve� �ene�iCi � , Trustox, or Tr�stee,shab.I desf��:'��s� ;.�.f � . . .
<br /> �; : . .��.rr� ��r.serve ar�g;na����;�.d�itd.:��e��� � oz other canQrata�i��ti�n a�.�h re�i;�.:. . , ,
<br /> . � ' � �.�5:,�.:Daed��l:����`ru�t,, e�cl��such� �fc�, r�ema.*�.:.xec�;te�t a�r ot�er:_: ,
<br /> ` . , . �.�i�:c�i�ati�itt �i3et�1 b�� ln wr3.�it�� aitd���taL� ise ofifective�az�3y if tfi�:�:.� � ;: . ,
<br /> - - '�9eks�r�r�ed by rsona�, �Qtvfca d� maii.ilac� by certffied �ail posta e "
<br /> - " ��f'�. � 're��s�t� �xecaipt�reqnast�d,, addresaed ta tfte address set forth at the�begi�cu��inq -
<br /> o� this Qeed of Trust. Any party may at thie time change ita adclress for such � .
<br /> notices by delivering ar mailing to thQ other parties heroto, es aforesafd, a ,
<br /> � notice� of such chango. ..
<br /> � � ..�:..
<br /> 17. DU8 ON SALE. Tru�star acknowledqeb that the Promisaory Note and �_.��•
<br /> _ - - ���o vt3Cv EYa ssli8 ardtas Y�{:v[IRT t�CCQtaTc7t� Oti4' i�trtr �.t��ii� [Zttit7tifl� �)L grirtcigal -:�' �
<br /> and aacrued iatorest due and payablo a� one�o �pon tha sal.� af the property to
<br /> anather pereon. Selo of pr��iarty m�y zncludo :.ale by Ueeci, L�nd �ontract, or . _-
<br /> ' Lease-Optfan Agreeme�nt. �
<br /> . : 18. �AC�'EPTANCE BY TRUS�'EE. Trn�toe �ccapt� thi:, Truat when tbis lJeed
<br /> of Truat, du y execu e on ac nowledged, in made a public record as provfded
<br /> � by lew.
<br /> ' IN WITtiESS WHEREOF, Trust�r lsas executud thi:a Deed af Tcvst as vf the
<br /> day and year ffrct abovn wrirton. Tru�t�e accepts� thi, Trust Khen thia deed
<br /> � of Trust, duly flxQCUted �nd acknowladgor3, i.rs rr►�sde � public record �s provided
<br /> ; by law.
<br /> IN WITNES9 WHERE�P, Trustor has �xacuted �hf� [iQed pf Trust as af the
<br /> day and year ffrst abave writton. �
<br /> i�/ �"- ..t.� �� , �
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