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<br /> (���NOt 11M�aMd.Exsenston ot ths�ms tor paymam ar modiRcatlan at amart�ution ot ths aurris securod by this,
<br /> � , aNd d Trustprattt�d OyL��K 10 anysti�C�lsor in irrtsrestof Bo[tower�ttaii rto6 oD��t�rsle�se:in aay inanner.the CiabiGty � -
<br /> ` ot��arlpinal8oitow�t�ttdBortowr�r'ssucc�ssorsininterastLanderahalleatberequtredt�cammencaproceedirtgiaQalra�t ,
<br /> �ucbwcr.N�arorrMuf�toenlendtimeforpsymentarotherwisemod'slyamortiraUonafthesumsseeurodbythistlssdolTruat . .
<br /> . . : by rwa�of any dert�nds mads by tt�e oripinal Ba►rower anQ Barrowe�s succ;essors tn in�emst ' '
<br /> (b)L+NId�r's POr�M�.Vlf'tlhout,afla�tinQ the flabitiry ct any oll�er peraon tiabfs tqr�e piyment of any obfip�Uon hereir� •
<br /> , ' men�on�d.and wNtiGW afl�cdn�the tFen or charse ot this Deed ot Trust upon any portion ot the Properry nvt then or tharelubrs ,
<br /> rst�at�Q as�eurintorthe futl amount otail unpaid obli�stions.Lender may.trom timeto ffmeand withaut notice n rels�teany '
<br /> psi�on fo liabl�.(ii1 extend tl�e matarity or sPoer any o!the terms ot arry such obtigaaans.�Iil�rant other indu►yertces.Cry}tate�se .
<br /> . . ar racortviy.or cau�s Lo�e teleased ar recanveyed at eny Ume at Lender's optian any parcei,potion ar atl ot the Prop�ty. ,
<br /> . _ (v)tske ar reta�s�any otlt�or edditioRal security for any obligation herein mentioned.ar(vi)make camppsitians or cMer ,
<br /> ; z Arra��cn`nts wnh detiWrs in rela�on thereto. `
<br /> � (c)FotbM��a br��ndi►Net a�siNr.Arty torbearence by LenQer'in exerclsfng arry�gttt or�emedy hereunder.or •
<br /> � � ` oth�rwiw affordod by appficlbie law,ahali not be a waiver of or preclude t1�e exerGise ot any sucA dght or remedy.The
<br /> t, � procurement of insnrance orthe�symenTOftAxes or other lierts or cAaraes by Lender ahalt not ba e w8iver ot lsnde�a rfgh!to
<br /> accsterate.the maturiry ot tl►e�inQe6tedness secured by this E?eeti of Trust
<br /> < . ������N��;��g�Wp�;�ptlom,T1;e covenanis and ayreemee2i herein can- •
<br /> . fafned�ful!bind.and ths eights hereunder ahall irture to,the reapective auccessuss and easiQns of Lender�t'iustor_AI1
<br /> � � covenaMs and a��aemenb oiTiustor ahaif b�i joint and several.The captions and headirtga ot Me OaraD*aDhs��!'�is Deed af .
<br /> : Trust are for convenlence onty and are nat ta be used to�nterpret or define the pravisions herec±� �
<br /> (s)R�wq br NoYcM.The parties hereby request that a copy ot a•�y notice of Qefautt hereurt�er aad a copy af any notice ;
<br /> . _ _ ot eate hereundar 6e mailed to each party to this Deea ot Trust at the address set taRh a�nve in the manner prescribed by
<br /> . , eppiicabfe Iaw.Except for Sny Cther Rotice�equirea undei ap,plicable law to be given in another manner:any�►o6ce proviQed
<br /> fo�In this Deed at Tmst ahall be qiven by maitinp auCh rtot�e by certitie0 mait addressed tu the other paRies,ai�e address set
<br /> , � , tOttfl ebOVe.Any nadce provfded for in this Oeed of Trust shati be eKeCtive uAan maiting in the manner Qasi�nated herein.tf
<br /> ' Trustor is mare than o�e peraon.notice sent to the address set tortn above shatf be notice to ell such persans.
<br /> ��tnfp�etlo�.f.ettdet may maka or causs to be mada reasonab[a entries uport and inapections ot tlse Prope►ry,pravlde� .
<br /> � � ' that LenQer ahttl�fve Trustor notiae prior to any sucn inspeetion apeciiyfng reasonabte cause theretar retated to Lender's � .
<br /> � inisrest in the Property. . � � .
<br /> (y) R�ea�w�lanct.Upon payment of atl sums secureQ by this Deed ot Trust,�der shall request Trustee io reconvey the , ..
<br /> • ; Property and�hati eurrenQer Mia Qeed of Trust and ali notes evidencing�ndebtedaess aecured trr t9*is Deed ot Trus!to Trustee.
<br /> � T�ustee shall�econvey me Praperty without warranry end without c:�rg,�to the person o�pas�ns Iegaliy entitted thereto.
<br /> . ' Trustor ahall pay all cosb ot recordation,if eny. , .. .
<br /> (h)PlnonN Prop�rl�;S�writ�Apr�nt. As additional secunry for Me,a:Yment ot the Note,Trustor hereby�rants _;_. ..;
<br /> _ � - LertdB[urt�erme Nebraska tirmorm f.ammercrai Gade e securrry rrtterest m a;�arures.equrpmer�artd other personai prope�rgy - -i-. ::.
<br /> ' used in ConneCtion with the real estate or improvements tocated thereon,and�s4�atherwise dectared or deemed to De a paA of �
<br /> , the re31 estata eecured hereby.This instrument sha(1 be consuued as e Secur�ty Agreement under sa�d Code,ana the Lender
<br /> , shall hava all the ri�hts and remedies ot a secU:ed party unde►aaid Code in additian to tne►ights and rernecfies ci8ated under
<br /> ' � 8nd acCOrded the Lender pursuaotto th�s Oeed af Trust ptovided that Lenaer's nphYS and remedies under this para�►epA 8halt _
<br /> _ � be cumutaGve with,and in�o v�ay a limitation on,Lender's r�ghts and ramedies unQer any other securiry agreement si�ned by .
<br /> BoROwer pr Trustor. �
<br /> ��? (i) LNn�and EneumbnncN.Trustor hereby warrants and represents thet there is no detauit unQer the prrnris+ons of eny •�
<br /> mortpa�Et.deed of trust,lease or purchase conNact descr�bing a�l or any part ot the Properry,o�c:her c4ntracl,instrumeM or ��
<br /> � apreement constituting a lien or e�cumbrance egainst au or any part ot the Property(coitective►y."liens"),existing gs of the
<br /> � dete oi this Oeed o1 Trua1,and that any a�Q ail ex�sUng Uens rema�n unmodified except as d►sctosed to Lender m Trustor's
<br /> Wr(ttsn di¢clOture ol liens an0 enCUmbrances proyide�t'ar here�n Trustor shatf t�mety peAOrm a11 of'frustor's obt�gationn.
<br /> � � covenants.rspresentations and war'ranties under any enA a�:`eMisiting an0 future t,ien3,shan promptty torward to lender copies
<br /> . • ot ell notices ot detauit seni in connecGan wdh any and aU ex�sting or future L�ens,an0 shall noi without Lender's priOr writton
<br /> consent in llny menner mvdify tha pravisions of or atlow any future advances urtder any exist�ng or tuture Liens.
<br /> ' (j)AppNC�YOnOf Payet�nh.Untess atherwiso requ,red by taw.6�.-"�s Daid t0 Lender he�8unde�.�n�lud�ng w�thout t�mitation
<br /> � � psyments of princip8i and Uterest irtsurance proceeQs, c�n�omnat+on proceeQs and rents and profits.�half be epp�ied by
<br /> ! Lender to the emounts due and owing from Trustor end Bar+::we►in such order as�ender►n it9 sote 4isCretion deems desirebte. ��'.,i
<br /> ' i fk)l�fM�blNfy.11 eny prpyision of this Oeed af tr�st Confl�cts with Applicab�e law o��s declarea imatid or otherwise
<br /> ' �
<br /> unenfOrCeabte,suoh ConitiCt o�invalidiry shall not aftect the othar prov�son9 ot qhis Used ot Trust or the Note wh�ch can be
<br />• � piven eHect withaut the CoMllcttng p�ovision.��d to th�s und thp prov�s�ans ot this Oeed ot Trust and tha Note are dectared to be
<br /> eeverable. '
<br /> (I)Tinna.The terms"Tr���"and"Sorrowdr"sM�: �r-r,tude both s��gu�a�a�d D�ural,and when tho Trustat and Borrbwer
<br /> . ' ere t!'6samo person(s1,tt�ose�r.�ss as used in this Oee�at Trust s�o11 bo interchanfleable _
<br /> � . � (m) Gowrntnp Law.Th�s�eec1 af Trust shali be gavernod by thv�aws at iho State ot IVe0laska.
<br /> • ' Tru�tor haa executem"�:�Qeed of Trust as a!:�e��ate wr�ttan above . �� ,
<br /> �. � �s_-�._ i.=s 1!ys_ �.. . j.:s�.�. .��.�__._. n.
<br /> �� . . , Trustor ��arm.�L Caster)
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