y����` K^�.,r� � 11� _ �-�.;l` 'S Yh� � rAr vt.�^�_, S�'�Y'L��lTCS"�+�t' tft1'' %t'�- � 1 ,ba l
<br /> :.-5.�- ��i vfi`- �,,,��s. f- '`k.i��l;,i"'L���d��"�' 'Y'1,�,C t gC�',ti�i$- F�a-
<br /> - - ------- �1Y!£�[{�e.��Tl�I�M7fC171fF .�iD`�G1i1Y�1�'�r. Pi 'QS�.=.,;..... ---
<br /> . _ .___ --,_—� ._ .__^� -_�� __ __— —_ . . _ __
<br /> .- ..... . . �.. . � . . ._.. . .. . . . -���' . ` _ - � . . . . � . .. _ '- . " . �_ .t-• �
<br /> . . .. ' . _ . . . . . , . . . . , . . _ __. . . :i-�:.
<br /> . . . . - . . c . _, - - . - . � `�'•;:=.,vr_-. '- . .
<br /> aw��rFa . . . . . " .` _ .. ` . . . � �..�. - . ' . a- , .�.� . � .
<br /> � `� ' ����Y���� ., , .
<br /> . • L Tq�d rii■ei�,ralerMt ar LMe CYe�c Hoirowrt�psy when d�the prindpal of,aad intaesa oa«ihe deb! , .
<br /> � e�vidanoed dl►the[Vots and latc ciur�ta dues��r tk�N�e.
<br /> 1 Mw1�lI�ot Ti�w.l�wnree a�DIYeeCd�ei.Baroxer shall iaelude in each.mantWY D�Ymeat.t�*nt6 = -�
<br /> lj� the pdacipat+ind i�taest��t fatb ia tlje Note aad�ny Iuc cbar�a.an instammmt of tny ts)tues�ad sp�ssl a� �
<br /> .�1-` �ied of ta be te+►fed apiost abe PiopeitY.t�y kasehoid Ps�nts ar Qoaa�ren�s an the Roperty.u►d�c)�e�s fo: ` - _ -
<br /> � • . f�oe rsquired by P�a��• � . - � `
<br /> F�ch ooatt�im�ta�t[or iteoa(s),(b)md(c)sbaD equ�l ons-tweifth ottae annual amonnts.as reasonably atiauted by ° ,
<br /> � Le�der.DWs aa�suifldmi to mai�tain aa addiiioa�t b�tRnce of aot mae tE�n one-suth uf e3e adm:ud amonab:T6e `,
<br /> tu�aauai a�ou�It fae�cb ia�th�tl be aoatmaf�ted b'X l.eader�eltdi�r�period�.one,.inaprh before an hem�►on�d `
<br /> - _ , . . beeame�eJioquest.i.e�der sha11 hoid t6o�aaaunss�ed ia tnut to paY Itsms(a?.(b)�od(c)�tfetc the!►bec�e ddin9�eat. . .
<br /> ` If st as�r ti�ee tlk t�otal oi tbe psymeats 6dd by L�d�foe itans(y.(b?.�t�?.�with the future mantbt9 txl�ts ' .
<br /> ` tor mcb itmm�psyable to Len�kr prior to tba due dues of sucb itea�s.eaoeeds by mae Wa ace-aixtts the euimated amauac of . .
<br /> .. � Pa�eats reqaired to p�r pub itaas wr�a da��udd if Dif4xnts an the Notc ue corrsnt,t�en Lsitder shali dtfia cefwd t�e � .
<br /> es�t ovu one.si�th of We estirnatat papments or raedit the a�oas oea one-m�th af t6e anlmrted payments to su�sequent
<br /> ' ' 'papmenis bg Borrower,�t t6e optioe ot Hono�ra.If the tou!of t6e psymeats msde 6y Horrb�rer for it�(a).(b).or Ic)is ' ' '
<br /> � .• s ' � iawitidCOt to pay tLe itiem whea due,tlran Bo�rawa shW paY to Leader anp amouin ne�ry to ma�t up ihe dsficieacy An ar . �
<br /> . befote tbe date t�e isem bacoma dae. ' _ � , � '
<br /> � � As med ia thfis Savriry�aaumau. "Sern�ury"maos tl�e SecrehrY of Housios sod Urbn Itevebpmbnt oi his or tur .
<br /> . clenlp�ee.11[oat Seera�►Instruments i�tAUed b7►the SoaetarY arc iasuted unGtr D�����advsnce FaYment of the `. '.
<br /> � eatire matp�e ia:uraaoe pcemium.It this Securit9 Instraon�nt is c�w�a iasucod under a pco�tm xhi�h did not'require aQvaaca .
<br /> , � p7mept af tbte�he mb�tl��P��•thm ac5 moncf�p�tyment ihall aTsoinclude eitha:(�ata instai�meat af¢�m�e ' � .
<br /> ' ' aapwl moitpre ir�utaave pcaaiwn to be paid byr I.endes to the Socre�ary.os(i�y a manthty cuaRe�ste�d of s martp�e �
<br /> . iawr�uoe premivm if this Sseurity la:trwnent it 6eid by che Secr�tary.F.ach moathtyi instWment of tNe mort�e insucanoe , • • ,
<br /> �premlum shaA be iA�us aia�ouat suffideat ta accumulate the full snnpal mor[�e insunace premiusn with l.eader ofle moatb
<br /> • . qar to tho data ti�e fuli aeaual aao�ty�ina�naoe p�ium is due c�the SecretarY.or if thi�Saurip►Inst�ment is Ire�d by t�re ,... : , .
<br /> z Se¢[quy�pch aoonthty chuse shaD 6e�an amount equal ro o�e-�rwetfih of ane-hatt percent ol the outstaA�ina ptin�sai '
<br /> � ba4rn�dae on the Naa . � '
<br /> I` � � .� .
<br /> , !f Sorrowa teaders w l.enQer the futt�ayment of alt sums secured by this Socuriry Instrament,�orrawu's accaunt shaII be
<br /> creditod with tho bal�nce remainin� fas v!instttl}maua for iteau Iv). (b)and(c) and �nY mort�e iac¢r�ce nremium
<br /> instal4neat th�t L.ender h�na beaame a6Npted to psy to the Socs�tary.and Lender shAll prumptly refusi@�y e�cas fuads io
<br /> ' Barrewer. Is�me�di�cdy prior w a faeciasun sate a!the PropertY ar�ts acquisition by Lenckr.Borro�ra'a account shaiIl k�e �
<br />- ' credited Mith emy bal�ure rcmainins fot aD instailments�or itaes(rr•t.,�rb)and(c)• ' .
<br /> i .
<br /> . � ' 3.I��aN�s N h�b.All p�yments under pua�p6s!�Z�shW be apptied by t.endtr u falto�rs: . �
<br />" � F{B�T.to the mortta�e iowr�nce vremium[0 6e prW by Lender ra t2ce 5ecretary os to the maathl�r chuse bY the Sec�ary
<br /> • instad of t6e manthly morc�e insura�pnmium,unless Barcos�s paid[be asure mort�e insurance Premium�1�ee this . .
<br /> , $ECUt1ty tllfttlutl6tnt 1iYi3 di�:
<br /> - - -. ' ���14� eoe. eR.new w•r.ma� . e��+`s.�T.C..^�==°fPm.lL'�tL'.22�%." '�flf:�i�.`�' wiiQiSLtS.°t�3�+Li�Sii�AIT°.3S^•C ' ---
<br /> i P���a![OQQ�ICdi . �
<br /> �.. r..,
<br /> ; .t0 iAtlflit�11E tL:.+eT t}St 1�i�LC, �
<br /> ,to amortir�tio�a�t1�e gs�ci�sl af the ti,.-�e: ' '
<br /> ' �.t0�IIB Cf{�l�l3 Q'Y+i BAQCf fZbC�lOtl. -
<br /> • 1.iYq i'MN iM 011�H�tw fwr��r.Aoaawa shalt fnsus��L imDrovemems an the Property.whetha noM f n existmce
<br /> • � or subiepurntly erteted,w3nst aoy huarQs,casualtles,aad canrr.gsscies,includind�re.for which l.ender requites insat�na. � —
<br /> i This iestttat�thW be rtspaezaincd in the�nouass a:r.!tor thr petiods that[.ender «�uires. Barrowrr sh�l}�lw iruure all �Y
<br /> i improvementa on the Proptra�.whether now in�isterx�flr subsoquentty aected,ayii�st los�Ay floods to the e�rnt cequited by
<br /> • the Secrdary.AII insu►ancr nhall be canied with comp�teid spOtvveA by Lender.The insurance poticies and ony rencwals shall
<br /> : be held by Lender usd shall include lass payabk clauses in iavot Q�b'.anQ in a farm acaptabk to.Lender. ,
<br /> in.tlx aveat of f or�.Borroxet�haU�ive l.ender imtae0i�te natice�y mail.Lender may ma�e proot of lass i!not made pra���t- ,
<br /> ty by Borrower.Eacb inwwn¢e compafy coaceraed is hereby authc�d�nd dlrected co make psyment for such tos�diratty to
<br /> � S��det.instRb of ta Horro+rer u�d to l.endes�ointty.�t or any pan�t she insutance ptoc�eds ntay be aDplied by l.ender.at lts
<br /> � c3�tton.ei�6er(a)to�6e rcduction of�he indebtedrsesa uader the Nate and�his Securlcy instn,ment.tirst to�tny dellnqueat
<br /> ' � amoueti aDplbd ie the orQer in Pue�t�h 3�and thert ta flrep�y�nt of princip�l,or(b)to the reatontFon or repair of the �
<br /> dan�ed ps�etty.Any application of c'u,e prooeeds to the prtncip�u_z'�all not eatend ot postpone the due date of the maeehty
<br /> ' psyn�eeu�iti'ch ue referrcd ta in Paragzaph 2.or chan�e the omoL�:nt such psyn�rnts.Any eacess insurance pfocectts CvCr an
<br /> smoaat reQuired to psy alt o:si9tandln j inGe6tedaess unCer the Note r'�d thi+Secu:ity Insaument shatl be paid to the erstity lega!- � :��Y
<br /> ' ty es►titkd thereto, .
<br /> � te the evsnt o!toteciosure of this Security Instr�tat ot other transfer of titk to 1he Property Ihst aetinguahes the in• ,
<br /> . debtedeessw�I f�Il��dtle and ineerest e��arrnwer in�nc�tv iasur�se pol�ciea in force shall pus to�he purchaser.
<br /> ; S. �N{N�i MWIeWCe ot`�ie It�q. l.e�eNfi�. Borrower ahall nat commit waste or destroy, damagc or
<br /> substaatWly chae�e the Pn.^�eny or ailow 1Ae PropertY to deteriorate.«asonabk wear uud tear eaceDtra. E.ender may Inspect
<br /> the propertY it�he prone�n���va�nt or aD�adaned�r ihe loan i�in 8efault.l.tader msy�ate reasonabte R�!ir�,ta prot�ct and
<br /> . � pre�erva such wcant or aB�Qaned propsrty.if tAis Stcurity�estrutnenl is un a leasehotd,Barrower shall ctr.^.;:�with the pravi-
<br /> , aioa�at tlte 6att.If Bortower acyulres ttr dt(e to�he`?roperty�the teuehald and tee titte ihall not be mtrged unitss!,r•�er
<br /> aQea to tAic�tea�et in Rnsuy.
<br /> ; �.CMr�M N�wee�,N troteetl�o�l.eNePi R�u N Ue 1'ro�eetf.gnrrower shall psY�il gmvetr.:��:al or mur.�cip�! .
<br /> eturYa.Mes�nd im�irk�ns th�e ue not IacludeA in f'araatapb 2.tionawer�ha!!psy these obliEations or:��;:e ducctiy t�the
<br /> tnti�y whkh b 6wM�he p�ymen�.it(aiturc to pry waaid sdvor�ety sffect Lcmdcr'e interat in the property.«�on�t,cnda's re-
<br /> , quest 8arrawa shall promptly turnish[o LenQer rectipta evideacins these paymrnts.
<br /> If 8otr�rt�b1b tb mate these payment�or Ihe p�yrnent�required by Puqnph 2.or f�ils to perfatm any othes covenants artd
<br /> ureemeats coet�lned in this 5�curity Instrumrnt.ot�here is o tesal Orocredina ehi�may significanity atfect Lender's rtghts in ;--�___-.
<br /> tht�'ttlptrty(�uch ts�tiro�trdit�in bankruDtcy,fa:condemnalion or tv eafarce laus or reeulations).theo t.ender m�y do and
<br /> �ay wAatevet is�eeessuy to prntect the vdue ut the Ptoperty and Lender•s ii�hta ln the Vrapeny.including payment�i taxes, � '
<br /> � Mwrd inwru�ce and ather itcros mentioned In Pu�r�nh 2. .
<br /> � My vnoun�s disDutsed by tender under this puagr�Dh shall becc►me.an addiiion�l debt at�iorreswu and be securrd by�hi9 � �
<br /> ' Seeuritp tQSLruaKet.'t[�tsr rrniounts shatl bar intnrst from�he date v!disbursemenl.nt 1he Note rate.and�t the option oi �
<br />' Lxnder.ahW be taunediately due ond p�yable.
<br /> ' � �.CsM�WN�.Tfie ptoreed�oi ony award ar clalm fur damsga.direcx or cansequentiaJ.in connectian wufi any candcm-
<br /> nat�an at athe takirq af any patt oi lhe Proprtty.or for eonvoyin�r in pface uf cundemneEion,nte hereby assignrd ettd shal!be
<br /> paid ta l.ender to tha extent of th¢fuU amaunt of the inQebtednes��hat remaens unp�i�un�er tht 4ote and this ytcuntv tnstra- �
<br /> mmt.LenBtr�hall appty such procteds to the reduction ot the indtbtrdarss under�he Ainet and this Srrurity Instrument.fint tv
<br /> ' �dtAttQu_ent�ouau itppl�ed in Ihe a�der Dr�rlded in i�tua�r�h 3,end then to�repayment 6i prinrip3l. Any epplicauoit of �
<br /> the proctat�to the prinura!shal!not e�tend dr p�9ipnrtE the duc date of the mantfity payme�ts, whicfE are reterred ce+ir� -
<br /> Puaga�4��'.or chu�e the nmuudt ot s�ch pnymrn�s.Anq�acess Dre�crcdx u�r� at�arnaur�t re�urteit t��pay att��u�st�rzdmg in•. �,_ „�
<br /> dtbttdntss uader ti►e Nute anJ this Stcuti�y lnsuuute�it shall be ps�d ro the er.utp tegally ens�ttcif thnetc�
<br /> 8.fce�. lendtr rnay rvl[�cE (ees and ehatges authartrcd by thc Secretasy.
<br /> I'.u�t 1 ut i ' �
<br /> _ _�� , �� — -- �.=r��:-��-�_�-�_•,..--�.��s�.. '��, -= - -- -
<br /> � �_�
<br /> -� _ �_�-�._-.,,�...�-.�,._— . „_.,; -
<br /> _._�<�r� --- - - ___ t . _ - — -- ._._ _ -
<br /> �
<br /> -a . ----� i �.r -.'... ..a ���_i_ --�-��-;- -- — - '�--:--'=i ._Y r ri-•� ~ �� � -
<br /> .. . . .. E.. .. ' . � . �z� . . . . _, . .. . 'f .^:�. . . .��. . ,. -� . . . ,.y= ,i . , . . . _..=-
<br />