<br /> --__ . .... .. . :.. _ .: _ . .. . , __ _. . � :_ _. . . �.�+�! __� , — -- . . _ _ . .
<br /> . , .. . . « � � .
<br /> - T , . -c � ' ,. � 1 , , ' � . ` .` , �
<br /> , . . . . . ` , ' . ,
<br /> �. � � ' . . _ .
<br /> � � � - , . ' ItEAL ESTATE MOItTGAGE � Q/��„ ���b'��
<br /> ' � `` . _ . , �iV _ - ,
<br /> � ��, TBtS 1K�SRTGaGE is erstered into between DAt►ZD �L. L�RSQ�i and � • � . . ��
<br /> � �l1T8F.RINE !!. I,PlR&ON, Hn�band. and Wife, each in �tis and �i+�x. �own ;; �
<br /> . -. : , , iatercat and as.-apouae o� t.he o�her, as "1►�ortqagor", and ���,
<br /> : � INC., . �herefnafter referreQ to as "Mortqagee"._ . . : . . .
<br /> , � - � . - .. :-:_>:`
<br /> � ' � � M�rtqagoz is indebted Lo .the��Mortqagee in the principal anm ' ���-f����•': ,
<br /> ' ` �of Sevea Thoua�nd Faur Hundred Porty Dollars Efghty-Seven Cents � �� �'1'� �`�
<br /> � t$7,#40.87'� evidenCed by Mortgagor•s Note of even date herewith �
<br /> - � .4 prav��ing .for prinefpa7: aud interest with. the ba�ance af the -
<br /> � fndebtedneae, if not sodaer paf�, due and payable on December 1, •
<br /> _. _j :,�990. . � . .
<br /> . , :r:;,:',,, . .
<br /> , � ..:r`,;'..`:°.� . T�:�;;.8ecut�:°,,.��he :..•�a�sent , o� .,;�.#� Note, wf.th interest as ;;�:;:;:
<br /> ,���vi8e�.�er��;,� the�::.��ent of a�,�:�ther suias, with intereet, . :,. ::��:.;:
<br /> „ • , ''�z�=�anae�:��+Y i��,�a;r.�,9ee'�'��� Pxot�t t�i���. security of this Mortgaqe, � . �
<br /> '�.;';�, � , . ';;�t,� the �,xerfar��ce of the..; i�r�venants and aqreementa ;.���.,� the `
<br /> �.�. ;:3lS�tqaqo�e . caAta�i"ed hereit�, �i�gaga�r daes hereby a[or��g� :artd ,- . °.
<br /> �� ; :,��.�►�� >�o Mortqacyee �e� folTawirig-��«rfbecl property� loaa��ed in:' � . �",: ,
<br /> :-:.� . ��� ���.��nty, Ne�a�ask�s. ..` . . . . ;. ,� �
<br /> � ,� . . _ ._... '���,.
<br /> ;: " � . . .
<br /> . .:,; ..,. .� •: � ; .
<br /> ,,,;,„ . . . . •
<br /> ��;;. : . . . Lot P�v.�� f 5btrr� �.`+3;1ct�T�::. ��i�..:., 43)► �Q�Yd� , ���3.I�� . .
<br /> .,;;��.::; . . �%� � S�bdivfsion, to ����.City ag :.���nd Isl�tn�, ;t��i , � ;
<br /> _ C�aanty, Nabraska, '
<br /> � toqethe� with a11 builQinqg, fmproven�snts, fixtures, ea�aements, � � � �
<br /> . rights, prfvileqes and appurtenancea located thereon or fn any � � �-
<br /> way pertafaing the�e�o. an8 thA �'A*!k_c� f�su�o �:�� �i�ig�r�, - ; -
<br /> --- reversiens ana� remainders thereof s includfng, but not l fmi�ed to, � ?:.=-�
<br /> ; h��ting �nd aooling eguipment an� sucb personai progerty as ���
<br /> attached to the improven�enta so as to cona�itu�e a fixturej all
<br /> � _ of whicb, fncluding replacements and additiong thereto, is laereby .
<br /> � declared to be a pert of the real estate secured by the lien ot
<br /> _� this Martgege and aYl of the foregofng being referred to hereia
<br /> s ai�i th@ "prop0rty". � _
<br /> .. ,�
<br /> Moztgagor further covenants and agrees as fAllows:
<br /> � 1. �Ps en�t. To pay the indebtedness an� tbe inter�st
<br /> . thereon a� pr�'"ov�e8 fn this Mortgage and the Note. .
<br /> : 2. Tft2e. Mortgagor fs the owner of the property and has �
<br /> the riqht en"i�'autharity ta mortgage the property and warrant that '�"`
<br /> .� �he lien creatQCA hereby fs a valfd $econd mortgaqe vn the
<br /> glcbperty. �''
<br /> 3. Taxee, 1lesessments. 'To p�y, wben due all taxe's, special -
<br /> • aae��s$ntenta an e ot er c argea ag�inet the property aad, upon
<br /> �vrftten d�mand by Mortgagee, �o add to the payments required
<br /> under the N�te gecured hereby, auch amount �s may be sufficient
<br /> � to enebi� th� Mortqagee �.o pay such taxes�, assesaments ox oth�r
<br /> charges ea they became due.
<br /> . ' 4. Insurance. To keep the impravemente now or hereafter
<br /> locatec9 an�i 'reol estate �egc�ib�d herein ins�ured again�t
<br /> damage by ffre and such other �:�c�zards n� Mortgagee may requfre,
<br /> _ ; in amour��� and with cczrrpanie� a��ce���ble to the M��tgagee �nd
<br /> with loss payaY�te to tl�� Martc�r���e. Yn cas� of las� under such �-=_= -
<br /> ; policiea, the *�s�ttgageo is ���Aorized to ��i�u��, collecr And � `
<br />;.;,�� c�a�pramise, ir1 .tkhe discr�taa� of �he �Iort�agee. ail ��.afms
<br /> - -- - ' �#�v���ti��t� �� ��iirFcyagee:.s sa��-�c�tia�� �nB ta ��i+PP1Y �f:e proce�as - - - -- -.
<br /> upan tt�� fndeb�edness secur�ci . he��l�y with paymentb hereunder
<br /> � contieui�ig unt�I the sums secr��ed h�reby are �+.aid fn fu21.
<br /> ■( . _ S. R_ apa�r Mafntenanee and Use. To prvmptiy repair,
<br /> ■4 restore mr ie�uiT any _u nqs or imp or vements naw vs� herebft�x
<br /> on the prrrperty= to keep th� prop�rty sn yaoc� cnnd3.ti�n and
<br /> �e�air� _ wf�hvu� was�e, ant3 fsee frot� t;�e��ar�3C'� c��- bttr�r Iaens _
<br /> nat exprebsly �trbvrc3inat�d tc� the lien her�crf= nc�t to mbke, -
<br /> suffar vx cammit �ny nuisanre ta exist nor ta qfmsnist� ar impair " `�
<br /> th� vain� af the �ropE►rty by c�ny �ct ur omi55apn �a ac:�t �and tc�
<br /> cpmply with e2I reyuirem�nt� cs� �qw wfth rpspe�t tb th� �rvp�rty.
<br /> - �-
<br /> =— ir . J �-}�..._ � - ...�� ..�'_�. j�� C^^^T�-�t `/�?:J�!+!S"1+�
<br /> _ �_
<br /> ��
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