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<br /> �' . �.�ti:':�;�;;.���'�-'►. � . _ . , ,
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<br /> " _T:
<br /> . . � ' . . � �i^_!�'--e:T'a'�::' ?'��4:`. :. . . _ � .
<br /> .� ��f�l�Gt[lq111ild�Si�!1fii8i�iCt is f C011dlt(4D O��Ii1tiII�tliE IOit1 SOCIifGd by tT11S StCU�ity[�S{Na1Cl1�. - . -
<br /> -: ' Bocrm�ver`sbalI P�y tI�Prrmium�requined to mainuia tlx inwriu�ce in dfxt until such dme a4 the roquirrmeat for tDe
<br /> . imunnce termiaata in accordance witb Ho�ro�rePs and�ar's�vcitten ag�raeraa�t orappticable law._, � � �. '
<br /> ` � � �. tr�eetiae. I.mt�er or its aaa�t msy mslce retsonabk er►tries upan and inspections of the�roperty.I.tnder • � <
<br /> � . s�aU�Ive Barrorva notice at tbe Yia�eofor prior toan inspeciinn spacifyina rawnabk cause for the inspection. .
<br /> , !. �. 'I�c proc+eads�f any s�►ard or claim for dimases,direct or consequ�tiak in connection'weth .
<br /> . � � � uiy candemnation a ather tsJcin�of any put of tIie Prapertg.ar for conveyance in Geu ot condemnuion�are hereby, , � .
<br /> - .` aai�nad and s1u11 be piu�d to I.ender: �
<br /> : In the event�a totat taking at the Property.the proceods shall be appfied to the sums secured 6y this Security
<br /> � tustn�ment.whaber ornot thec due,with any exc�ess paid to Horrow�r.!n the event of a partial taking af tbe Rroperty.
<br /> � , � uniat 8or�avcr and Lendet oEh�cwise agrec in writing,tha sums secured[ry this S�urity Instrument shatl be redu`ced by
<br /> ` • tBe anw�cnt oP the proceeds maIti�rl;;ed b�ti�t falto�ving fraction:(a)the tatal amaant of the sums secure�immediately .
<br /> be�'or�e�tbe takina,divided by(b)th"t fiir marivat aafue of the P�operty immediately befnre the taicing.A�y balance shaill be .
<br /> . . �id to Bo�ro+ver. • ' .
<br /> � If the Praputy is ai�andact.ai 6y BorroMer.os if,after notice by�,enda to 6orrower that tba cottdemeor Qtfers to .
<br /> �� ' � makr an aMUd ar settk a ctaim fcm �
<br /> damaga,$orrower fails to respond to Lender within�0 days�tfter the date the notice is
<br /> . ' p�ea.I.et�der is�tuthorized to colkct and spply the pracoeds.at ib option,either to rratorstion or rcpair of the Property or , '
<br /> ' . to thesums secuted by this Security lastn,ment,whether or nat then due. •
<br />. Unle�s Lendcsand Borrnwer other�ise agra in writing,any applicatian of procoeds to principal shall not extend or .:-`.�� . �
<br /> , postpors�t3�e dne date of the mantfity payments referred to in puagsaphs i and 2 or change the a�ount of sucb payaeents. .
<br /> , t�,. �Horrower N�t Relwrtd;ForbesR.ce By I�,der r'ot a Wsiret. Extensiun of the time for Qayment or .
<br /> madification of amortixrition of the sums secured by this�ecurit�+ Instrument granted by Lender ta any successar in'
<br /> � iotetat of Botrowcc shaf!not operate to release the liability of the original Barrowa or Borrawer's succ�ssors in intertse.
<br /> � Lender shal!not be required t�cQmmencr pracadings agairrsi any succcssor in.i^terest or refuse to exte�sd time fas
<br /> � � ` ps�rinent or otherxise modify amo.�tiun csfthe sums secure+d by lhes Security Is�,;:curs^ent by rcasdn ofany cfi�tasnd made ' "
<br />`;'�;.�� .� 6y tbe on�ins!Borrower or Borrc�4e.er's surc�ssors in interest.Any forbearance b�-i:r�d:r in exercising any rigii�+_�remedy �':;;.;,�, ,
<br /> � s A a l l n o t�.�w a i v u c�f o r p r e c tu de t he exerc ise a f any ri g h t ar reme dy. � �� , � • " '
<br /> � ` 1k;'�ocacoes s�A A�sipu How�d;Joist a�d Seseral t3ability��4'"�.�i�ers. The covenas�ts and agreemenu a� ; '-�
<br /> ' tbis Secur�sy Instru:r,�nt sh�l!bind and Denefit tht successor�as�A assigns ei(Lertder and Barrower,subjeCt t0[hQ�trOti'iSI�:',�s._�� � � �.
<br /> of pua��ib 11.&►rrpwec's cavenants�nd agraments shall be jaint and sevrral.Any Eiorrower v�ho rosigns tt���:urity ;� �
<br /> Instru�z�but does rtot¢aecute the Nate:(a)is co-signing this Security lnstrume�t only to mflrlgase,grant and convey
<br /> — - - tirat�miwer'3 imsress ia the F�raperes u�►der�he terms af ttrxs�ecarr[y tnscrumenr(Df��n�t perscmalty�►bligated to pay .
<br /> i the sums stcured�y this 5ecurity Insuument;and(c1 agree�that l.�nder and any a�her Barrowrr may agree to extend. -
<br /> modify,farbear or make�ny accommodat�ans witb regard eo the terms of thi�Secunty Instrument or the Note withou�. �����.
<br /> tlut Bunower's cansent.
<br /> � � ` 12...La�Glar�. If the laan secur�by this Secunty Inscrument�s suh�r.�cao a!aw which�elc mariimum lodn
<br /> '"-��: cbarges.;;�,�ad tttiat (aw i� finally interpretai w Ihat tAe intcre�:t nt oiher loan charges collected or to be cofiected it[ �
<br />,';::�;`; connecrir�with the Rnan exceed the perm�tted limits,then: (a)any sush toa»charge shalt be reduced by the amaunc , •�"�
<br /> :�-:, : ; rte¢rssary�to rcducc the charge to the perm�tted limit:anA(b)any sums:�l;rr;ady cc►1lected frem Rr►r�nwcr which eacecQed� '
<br /> ; tsermi{ti�f.°imits wili be�efunded to I3orrower. Gtrtder may cAa��e tcs:T*ake thir refund by reduceng the prinripal awed ' �� �
<br /> :�,� �� �nder th�c 1.►�fate nr Ay mukins a d�rect payment to Hbrrower L�a.refu►ed ieduces principal.�he reduction w ill be treated as a
<br /> psrtialper.frayment withoat any prepaymrnt charge under tF�.-hate.
<br />` • 13. I.e�I�fatios Af[eetia�I l.tader•s Ri�ts. If enactment ar eapirat�on r�f appficahte laws h�� the cfTect of -
<br /> ' � rendeting tiny prnvi9ion af the Nate or this Secunty In.+trumrt�t unenfarceaMle acc�rd�ng t�i�t�tesmc,IRRtIt(,Al 114 p�1iMb. ��
<br /> , may requia immediatc payment-i.�s fu11 �1'all�umv iccured hy thiti Sccur�ty In��rurrtent and may �nvnkc aoy rem.edres '
<br /> � ; _ permittd3 by paragraph lQ.lf l.end�exerr�5es this o�tian,t_c�.�der sh�ll take the stt�•�}�ec�fi�d i��he recund paragtaph c�f :�
<br /> . : pa�agr��?��17. ,
<br /> ' . 11. Naka. Any nm�ce Io F3arn�R�er pr�vtded fnr�n tht�Secunt,r•lnti�rumrn��hal!he grven hy delnenng n��r hy � ��
<br /> mailing it by first class mad untess appl�cable!uw reqwres uye uf ann��;er mNh�i. 'fhe nc,n.e yhail be directrd�o thr ��
<br /> p�aptcty Addres+nr any alher addres�Horreswer dacignateti hy noticc tr;•i.ender.Any nnttce ta Lendet�haU be gwen b} � .
<br /> flrse cl�e,msul u�t.ender's aQdress Ktuted herem s�r any mher�ddress I.cnder de5�gn3a�hy nanrc w fk►rtc�wcr.��xy aut�ce � �
<br /> ���. , prpvidct3 for in tht�5ocurity InsttunMrnt shall be deemed tn A�a�c been given tu H�urc�wer�rr Ixnder when g��en at�roytded
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> IS. (iortral�l�w;�rtrrdllity. T"h�s Secu�dy ln4trumen!ihull hr Ku.rrned by frdetal law and�he law uf the
<br /> , jurisdiction in which the Pruperiy iw lcx�ated. (n the event�hat�ny �rov�smn E�r elauac��f th�s ticce�rn}In�Irument or tt�e
<br /> Nt�te confljrts wuh b�plicaDle law,such ronflict shrll nut�ff�c1��thcr prrn���un�uf r3�,v Sc�urqy Insuument c�r r'�c tiotr
<br /> w�hich ezn be gi��en efTect wuhuut ltte cunfl�rhng prnvr5ion.'1'n th�s end the pra����cn�n;'thtt 5erut�ty In�tn,n.c�;t s��a9 Fhc
<br /> ' Nqte are de�;larod tcr t+r se�ert�btc.
<br /> , 16. 8arrowtr's[:oNp. iiorrower�hall t�e g�ven�n►c r�»�fnrnerd�yspy��i thc ti��tc a�►d��f ttuti Secur►ty ln�hument
<br /> � � 17.�Tr�qter at the i'r�e�ty or s[leeefkid Intcrext in itorrarrer. tf all nr any part c�f thc Eh«percy� ur:�rry
<br /> �atetCSt ia it is st�ld ur transferred f��t da hcneficea!�nttrevt u�Nt�:u�wrr ir�+,[�td i�t�r�inc(ctred and fk�sre�Ker ic mrt:s ttatura{
<br /> perst�nl without d,cndcr'�pr�or written consent,i,eader may,a1 ua e�iiUun.tcyu�re untr�edr,�te puya►nit�n fuU uf�ll yunn
<br /> Se�urctil by Ihis Seeutrtty Instrurnent. Nuweccr,ehi�uption shull n��t t►t r�c�c�sed h� txndcr �f�cxerc�ec ��pruh�F+itc� !►y --- __-=
<br /> • federa!t�w�s c,f thc�t�c.f thi9 Sccuru}1nKtrument.
<br /> !f Lcnder enerctse�this opuan.Lettder shall gt4t Ht�rruKrr tua�uc c�f�ccetrrat�an �'hc n�ftue+hall��ruti�d�rM�k ritxl
<br /> of not tess'lhan�Udays frum thr clate the�ouce��delwrred ur rn;s�lcd t�nh�n a•hnh Hnrr<�ucr mu��pay a)1 sum�tiecurr�i by •
<br /> _ - - - this$ecut�ty 1nSlrut11en1.IPgttrtt�xct f�ls ia�ta�r thesc snms Qr��sr tv the exgtreecu:3�,f the•�ru�1.1 reecier tn:..,�:��,kp:�ny ' . _
<br /> remed'its�pttntiltecl by!h»Sct:c�nty Imtrument w�thuut further��nt►ce rr dem��►d�m iinrre��er
<br /> 1�.Eiartdwtt's[��I11 t0 Rtl�htl. If E�crrrower meeis certain cund�t�E�nc. N►�ttu�+rr.h;il{l�a�e�t�c ng}�t tu h;,vc
<br /> enfurcrmrnt oFthis Srcur�ty tn�trument d�sa�n�inucd r�t puy hir►,•pr�ur tu thecarii;r uf.�a)5 d:+y�l��r curh�+thrr;�en�T�f a�
<br /> . ,) . , ttpptrcAGle 1aw ntry sE�eclfg fur tetnsta;etnent�bef'€�te�ate ot`the I'r��peri}'pt�rtuaii�te•.tiris �x�urr��4'��Ir�t�►at:uncci�n th��
<br /> Stcutily.lnstrumcnt,E�r(hl cntry�f e�utlg�neul tufatciu�;tht�.Scv.urelf G�S�rai�:ent Ih,,;e c��nd�t!���r�ar� �fFat!t•�rr��ti.�r �
<br /> . (a?Cays Lencter ull sumti whrr� then wc,utd h� cfue �inder thi�See�unt}� I+e:Eru�t�rr�e ar�c! sh�� �.�ae t�n�i ���. .,;�t).�r,�rf�.i�
<br /> � E1l�lJttfit.(ff)�Ut�;�(�y (jg(dl1li Es�iU11y 6►j�tl•i �l)YC118J1TS Uf O�tECRiCYl1�, {CI j+7�• ��E i'KF+tll�« Ift.URt�J t'i �'r�l��titt�;, th�� �
<br /> �ccowt} ip:trut�iEnt. irrctu��tt�.t�ut aut Ifiinfeii tv.►��7i[tttabl�3(lt�tfik��� fcc-;: ar�c�irfl t;�(c��u;:h :�t-nrF a4 trn�frr r�zac � �.
<br /> _ _ _ =
<br /> tcrsunahlq icyu�rr��t�u�+�ure thut the lierr f,f lhtg �cks�r�tp Istvt�unrrnt. !rrrcfrr c rst�ht.en Shc �';n��:f3y :ir��i 1►:�cr��:srr v �-
<br /> ' Uh11fI711[�!t tcs i,;�y t1:c tium� Ec�utrd by thic �t�Uftty �Itctruf���'��1 ti+;�ff �e�:�tirns; ur��tsan�;e{f E J�: r, f:'tff�lil}1'!Ft^I�i F,.
<br /> f�k�rtei�ticr.th��ti���►LIIY�f1alltf�7T�ft!utlt�1IICU�I�,*i111b1t!;�C:.ttttt!i�Ctet:F�sh.�ll tetu;Ut�t11��}C��l'��l�l'�s�if i�+�.►:cC�"Fil�? �IF f4_��j
<br /> u�turrcc} IIe�HEtrt.tiit4 t���hl icti te�nslate�hail nnt aF��l��n Il�e�:��r�,f.�.�rlrr:sti,�rc utrtlrr���t:��r::,,"s�� t��.► i'
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