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<br /> . `� ot tt�ad�tio'utl.aeu:��Trastoe�g ves to rnd canfeis upaa Eeneficisry the right.Po�ver and iutf►ority.dnrimg the wntinuance � ., ._-�
<br /> � �ci
<br /> � �d p�afits ot aasd peopet�:ea�ervIai�ta�cutor ti�e right,Frix to ury ddadt by Trastur�
<br /> ia paym�tit` hateby or in prfoezeance of hnY+�ment herew�der.to collce�and�ret�in eneh rents.ie�stus �
<br /> ad!pro6t�ss the��e due�nd payable. Upon aay nteh.deftvlt,Henefciar9 au.°•at aay p"me�ritlsout aatioe,either ira peraor�bg �
<br /> . . � �nR o�b!s no�irR to b sppoint�d by a oou*t,aad wil�att rr�a�rd ta the�ds4uae��f�nP ieearit9 for tlse mdehted�rs herehy�ecared. ..
<br /> , � . snt�t tipon ae�d 4ske�owrdasr ot s�id'prop�rty or aay P�r6 ti�eao�in hit awa wara snt tor or otherwLe catkct a�eh re�b.isnse�a�
<br /> , .- P�'o�b.�i tLae P�t da�e and�and aPP�y the ami�u{���ecured�ee�bY.�nd ia�h aedtr as Beoeficiuy� ' , � .
<br /> ` � esar dr4emin�.'FAe ent�rin[upon�nd tslu��ore�do�n at etid progeet�.tl�e colleetioa c�mcb renta,iawka and profits and the applicatiaa
<br /> •� ` BMerof ar afa�srti�,sh�lt�nt cuu or waivie an�d�taalt or natica of dafeatt l�ere+vtd�ar iav�lidate any act doae pur�aisnt to eqeb ao4iee.
<br /> ' b.Upon d�faalt bp 1�ustor in fhe payment of aay i�debtedna�iecaead he�eby ar��pesfonbanx otany�meat�atained herein, . '
<br /> aii w�a a�e�d hereby�aII imme��teIy 6aoome due�nd psyable at tbe optina of N.b�Bexliefaey.in eucA evm2 as��wrrittert request •
<br /> ` ! of B�ne6dv7.Tswt��hall eeU tltt true!peaperty.ia s�med/nee�vith the Nebra�its 1�uat Deeds Act.at Pr.bTi�:?eaP�in tb tfie higlu�t
<br /> � bidd�r.'Aa�pasiaa e�apt'I�.stM ma��6id At Truatee's aatr.l}uacee diafl apply tbi piaeeed�of the eale as fo�ai�:=<Li ta�,e espebse •
<br /> . of tbe srie,i�l��res�ooable Tru�tee'a fee;(2i W the obiiaatioa eeeared by tLis Iked ofTeve�t�t ihe eurplus,it anY.e�.E kee dietri6utea
<br /> - to llse p�rsoa+f�ad�tled therato: , _ . .
<br /> . ' 8.TlfiK!!�fitl/IO�YK GJ�C pIITCISi�Et 4t th@ lilE it4 alNl.�;W�fllgijr.whieh e2�aU coaveq w tlu pUrchaar'ti�e'•intareet in � . �
<br /> . tt�e peopesty+�hich T�vrG6s ha�a haa ths pawer to convep at the tirrt�eY hi�ezecrstion oi thi�DeeB of Teo�t,aod iaeh aa he aup tuve. .
<br /> ��law aad��U e�� �dad shall reeits tlr taeb stw�tin�Ctss��t:�`ra s�le�vas eonducted in complisnoe w1tA al{tJ�e�iretnents � .
<br /> i. Tntat„�rhich recftal iha}16e pri�na Gcia eetir,��ate of sueh aamptiance and canelnslve evedence tltereoi it�facror
<br /> ot 6ana tide ptu+drauers and eacumbeanars!or value. , � .
<br /> ' • 7.'I!►�power�C�ie ooagerre�by thie Reed of Tn�at is not an otctusive semedy;Benefcci�ry may cause this Aeed of Truet ta be forecloeed , �
<br /> . . � ar a awetgage . ,
<br /> � 6.In the event ot the death, irtcaptcity,diaa6ility or reaignatian of Teuatee. BeneSciary may appoint in writing a auccessor truatee. '
<br /> � and�u�an the remqdin8 of euch appointtaent in the mottgagie,recosds oi the couuty in wluch this Iked of Truat ie semrded,the succeeeor .
<br /> �i tcu�tee aha11 be veeted orith all powera of ihe originsl tr�ter.The tn�te�ie not'o6liged�,W natifY any party hercw of pendiag eale under� � '
<br /> � eny ott�er Ueed of`l�t or of any ection or�roeeeding in which Tru.qtor.Trustee or Benefciary ehall 6e t+partp ualeas euch actian or
<br /> ;�� praceeding is hrougfiE by theTeustee. ..._ _.. -
<br /> ;_ 9.77iis Deed of Tsuat apptL�s to, inurss w the benefit rjf..and is 6indiag not ont;�an the paKiea hereta, b►it on their heire,devisee�, ' • •
<br /> Ibaskes,tdministrttots,m�aatoro, euaeesore and aaaig�.v;. The term Bene6ciary s.'-a3! mean the hotder and¢�es of the nate eecure� " " � ' ,
<br /> � i` henby.wt�the�ar not n�med a�&rief►ciary herein.
<br /> . . .. .
<br /> 10.$equest fac�stice of Default or Notice of 9ate. it ie reque�t�;at e copg of eny Notice of Default ar I��of Sale be msiled to '
<br /> � ' e�ch persan wha ir:�amed in thia Teust peed at the mai1is44 addreaa-ul�axr.�o person as eet aut abave. �
<br /> ' NATICE TO CONSUMER: l. Do aot ef�tn t6js p�psc betore you read i� �.You ar.e�catittcd to a coDy _ , '
<br /> - � oi t6is a r.3.You ma re s the ua aid bsil�nce at ony fime wti�aut nWt eriid ma be en�itied � � .
<br /> P pe Y Q P Y P P� Y Y i :.«
<br />.. to recelve a�rcfund oi unearned charges in accordan�e:wjth l�tw. �. ��:,
<br /> ; Signed chie �10 dey of____,�_�_.A.n. t9..�. -
<br /> ISTATE OF NEBRA9KA t _x.._ ..,,.���..�,�._ ? �—�---- ..� -
<br /> � Na I I r Rg. � •
<br /> � COVNTV i _._ ';
<br /> f,2s�thia. .�d----_.—. day of.-.____.�a-S!,. A.T).. 19..���, before me, the•undereigned,a Notary Public,duly �
<br /> ' usam�ni�oned ard quatified for and residing in �aid county, pereanally cAme .---_Ch�_`1Q0@�J...�YIA�. �. _
<br /> ' . Sl..._..�+..e.. e�TSOn ____.� to me known to be the identtcai �.,ereon _�_ whose nnme . aflixed tA the foregoing • '
<br /> , ' ;netrument ae Trustor_ �..._.._...._ _.._......._. and ackaa•sie+�Ked thd ec►me to be_....._...__�1�'.1" .. __ -- - vol-
<br /> ur�t�ry act and c�eed. ,
<br /> l�icnene m,y hand and 11��I:;:Mial.''Sea2 the doy t�nd}e•ar��[a "
<br /> ;Vty Commisaion expires the .�_ - 8_ - ._-- _- � da. �rfM�.S�M�li�i � _:l-"?
<br /> ot' � __ .February..•--_. , iy 9�--.-- -��-����t=- ��..�,`'�`_'._.r-�r��
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<br /> ��. S�''AT� nF ���_...�...� __--- - --------- • .
<br /> , r e:�.
<br /> � _.---- --,._.._.. County ►
<br /> Entered in I�fumerical indea nad filed for rc�cord in thc of}ice:��the Re�;ister of i?eed:cf s�id county,the . .,_
<br /> day o4 - --...._ .. . . • . , I9. . �t. . . a'clock und • -
<br /> minutea _.._.—_________ . ..... M., and duly recurded �n l�lok of _ . . ..
<br /> Martgagt� DeK� � - �• - - - - - ' -
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