. _ __ _-_ _
<br /> . �T—�� . _ _ _
<br /> , � . . � ` ` ' . '
<br /> � . � �. . . . ` . . . . . ` . `� '.
<br /> �---�-�- � � , , .. ; -
<br /> _ � � � � � � � � �a--���s o 7 � �
<br /> . _ If Lender rcquirtd mortgs�e insurancr as a condition of mzking the tosn sec�rod`by this Securisy tnstrament. �
<br /> � ' : 8qsra�i sha!!pay ttte prt:rtiums gtyuimd Y�tn�satain ihe in�urmce in effect unnl such time as the requirr�ment for tAe � � • _
<br /> ; insurstue termiaatts in a�cotdance with Borrower's and Lender's written mg�ent orapplicablciaw. .
<br /> ' ` � e• I�ttios. [.m�er or its�aent msy maice reuonabi�entrie�nport and iaspectiony�of the PrcQer�y.Lender �
<br /> : � sba1F p��e 8orrower notice at the tifne o�'ds prior to air�nspection spetify ing reasonable cause for the in'spoction.
<br /> . E 9 CoMe�ntio�. Thc pro�,deds of any a�ard or claim for damages,dircct ur consequenttnl.in connution with
<br /> ." ` ' . sny cortdemnation or nther talcina pf any part of the Progerty,ar for conveyance in fieu of coademnation,are�heteby s. �
<br /> : � usi{tted utd shal!be pnid to I.RnQer. , . .
<br /> � � � �[n the cvent of a tatat taking of the Property.the psocads ahal�bc applied to the sums secured bX this Securit� � `
<br /> k. IAStritlnellE.wbethe`or not thrn du�witD any ea�crss paid to Borrower. In thc event of a partial talcing of tDze property,
<br /> . .,� � un1a5 Borro�ver and I.et�der aherwiae agr+�e in writing,ciie sums secured by tiiis Security Irtstrument shaIl br reduced by `
<br /> t6e amount�tl�ptneeeds muttiplied by t6e foAowing fraction:€a)`the tata�amount of the swns secured immediat�iy
<br /> : t • � before the t�lcinE,divided by(b)the fair market vslue of the Property immedi�teiy 6efesre the tatcing.Any baJarr�e shal}6e
<br /> . i_ � paid tc�Bormwer.
<br /> � _ ff the Praperty is abartdaned by Hanowet,or iP,after notice by Ixnder to Borrower that the rondemnor offe►s to
<br /> (k make an award ar s�ttk a claim fbr damages.Borrawer fails to rapond to Lertder within 3b days after the date the notice is
<br /> ` �iren,Lendec is autharizod to collect and apply the grocaeds,at its o�tion.either to rcstotadon orrepair of the Praperty or
<br /> to the sums aecured by this Security Instrument.whc[hes or not then due.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Horrower otherwise agree in writing.any applicatian of proceeds to principal shail aot extend or
<br /> postpone shr due date of ihe monthty paynten�s referta!to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cdange the airtount of such payments.
<br /> f ' 10. 'Barr�o�rer Not Ret� For6euapce B� Ieades Not�Wai�er. Ext�sion of tife time fot paymeat or
<br /> •. � modiflcation of amortization of the sums sccured hy this Secudt�Instrument granted by I.ender ta any sacccssor in
<br /> � ; intrrrst of 8arrtlwar sha}l not aperate ta rcle�se the lia8ility af theva�inat Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. �
<br /> Lender sbaU not be reyuired to commence praceedings agains!�Yy successor in interest or rePuse to eatend time for
<br /> . ,_��� • � payraentarotheEwisemadii'y�tnortirationofthesumssecaredbytfiisSuuritylnstrumentbyreasonofanydemandmade
<br /> by the4ri�inal Borrower os B�asower's sueces.wrs irs interest.Aay torbearance by[.ende�in exereising an�c e�,ght or temody �
<br /> ;` � shal�not be s waiver of or precYude the exetcise of any right or remedy. ' ' -
<br /> �l. SMCCa�ors a�d A�t�u Row�d;Jatnt ind Serer�l U�bility;Co-sipers. The covcnants and agreements of � �
<br /> u
<br /> � this Security Instrumrnt sJ�all bind snd benefit the successt�rs and assigns af l,endes and Horrower.subjoct ta the provisions � � . �
<br /> , ( of p�ra�rsph 17.Harrower's cc9tienantsand agreements shall be joint s�nd scveral_Any Borrower who co-signs this Security �
<br /> . i Instrument bu4 daes not exec�nr,�the Note:(a)is casignireg this Serurity[nstrumcnt only to mortgage.grant and convey �
<br /> : that Borrower's interest in the F'roperty under the terms of�hic Secnrify�nst��nt;(h;�,��^„d,-�d(jy�j j�iCtl tc�p'dy 1
<br /> � ti:e-aums se�nr�t i�yittis Stcurity Instrument;and(c)agre�w tliat I.ender nnd any ather Borrower may agrec ta extend, ����
<br /> modify.forbear or make any accomm9dations with�egard to ths terms oP this Security Instrument or the Note without '��
<br /> � thait HorrowePacansent. �
<br /> . � � 12. I.ou�C'liar�ea. QCt�e toan secured by this�rurity Instrument is s�.��jcct ta a law which sets maaimum toan : "{
<br /> y chas�s.and that law is�r,atG��:�tacpre;ed so Iha�t t�r interest�r other laan charges coltected or to be colJected in -
<br /> ' connection with the toan exreed the pr�caisr,xd limirs, then: {a�)eny such laan charge shall be aduced by the amount '
<br /> f necess�ry to ra#u:.�tae chatge ta the per.,a;:�ed limit;and(b)any swcns atready coAected f'rom Borrower which exceeded �
<br /> fpermittrd limita��:;be rePuncfed to Bonawer. Lender may choos�ta make thic refunA by reducing the priticipal awed ,
<br /> under the ritate or by makiag a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the redaction will be treated as a
<br /> ; partial prepayment without any prepayment chargc uader thc Note.
<br /> - , � 13. I,eRitlatlo� Afftetl�Le�der's Afglits. IP enactmecxa or expirat�on c►f applicable laws hag the cffccY QI' . '
<br /> i renderina any provision of'the Note ar�his Security lnstrument uae�::�arceable IIccordit�g tn its term�,l.ender,at�ts opti��,.
<br /> , � � may requit�immetfiate paye�nt in inl)of ulI sums secured by thib Serurity Instrument And may im�alce ony rcmedt�: �
<br /> i pems€�r�by ppragraph l9,�EL+.ender eaercises this�rum«:;i.endc�shaU t�ke the stepa specifieci in the sec�st i paragrnph of .
<br /> pata�e,.ph 17.
<br /> f 14, Notkes. Any nnucc to Aorrnwer proviQed fs�r in ehis Security In�t�ument shall be givrn hy del�v�ering it or by , ;
<br /> mailing it by fint ctass mail unless applicabte law reqwre5 use of another method. The nntice shatl be directed t�the ���~
<br /> 3 Praperiy Address or any other address(3arrower dcwi�ule+hy noncc to l.cnder. Any notice to I.ender shall he given by
<br /> flrst class mail to t,endet's�Qcfr�s�stated hetein or any ather addre�ti l.ender dcsiRnates by nc�tice ti►ilnrrc�wer.Any natice
<br /> � ptovidecl fur in this Security Ir.,;rument shall F�e deemed t�hav�hecn gwen to H�,rrc►wrr�+r I.cnder when given a��rov�ded
<br /> � in thi9 pa�agr�ph.
<br /> i IS. tiorerel�1.�R:Serer�Mllty. "t'hi�5ecunty In�tnunent shall hc g�►vernrd hy federal law ar�d�he law nf the
<br /> : jurisdiction in which the Property is lcicuted. ln the event th�t s�ny pruvi�iao ur cfaucc��f'thic tierunty Inytrument at thc
<br /> � Note conAiets with applicable law.cuch conflict shU11 nut a�'ect��Iher pravis'tons c�i�h�ti Scrurity instrument c�r the I�Iale .
<br /> � which can be given ef�ect withn�t Ihe ronflicting pr�vi�i�sn.TF+thi�rnd�he pr�,vi��ur�c of thn Security Inyuun►ent and the
<br /> � Note are dtclared ta be severabtr. � �
<br /> � . � 16. 8orrawer's�y. gnrroKCr sha11 he g�ven nnc a+nfutme�i r�►ry ofi thc Note a�rd��f ihi�5ccur�ty Inctrument.
<br /> l�. Tra�sfe�ot t6e i'ruperty or�HeaeHc�l Interest in Horrnwer. If all ev any p.ut af the�'toperly ar any
<br /> interest in it is snitl ar trarisPened(or iFa benefteial intetesE in tit�rrower�c�nld ur�r�n�Fcrrrd nttd Hurrc��ser«n����►auwiul
<br /> ' peison)withput Ixrtdet's pric�r wcitten cnnsent.Lender m�y.t�t qe upli�+n,reywre ttnr�ied�ate p�ymenl in fulf c�P��U 4umc '
<br /> seeured by this Security Incirument. Huwever, thit t,ptitm shall n�t be exerct+ed hy i,etr�cr �f exettisc�4 prnhihited by
<br /> fedcre)!aw as osthe datr c�Pthis 5csurity tnstrument: : _--—_----
<br /> . !flxnder exereises�his option.I,rnder shall gn�c 1k�rmwcr n�.tice c±t'acretcr�n�nn."the nc�tice�hall rrov�de:,penod '
<br /> uf not lessthan 30 ciays frara th.e date thc r�olicc is delirered c�r mailed within which H��rruc�cr tnu5!pay all sun��sccurrt!hy �
<br /> , . this Security Instrumint. l�I;o�rower taits tn pay these sums priur ta the expirs��i�aji af th���en�af.(,ettdcr rnav invoke�nv
<br /> " --- �r�e�it�pernritie�bYihis��ty tnstrumeat wiihi►ut fatthet ttutice e�t c{emanci cn��1ut�e�ucr. �
<br /> l�.Borrawe�►1e Rit�ht to Reinshtc 1f H�,rrnKer e►e�ts certain rcmd�tt�ms. Ilnrrr�«er shall havc�he n�ht ta ha�e
<br /> .. enf�rcement o1'this 5�carity lnvtruntrnc diyr:+'�ntinued�t Uny tirne pne�r tE►the earl�er e�f�(a14 dayc(��r�uch nther pcn�Kf a�
<br /> applirable!�w m�y s�tCsify fc�c reinsts�temenE)hete�re s�le c�f thc 1'u�perty �ersuar�t tn;in}�Enver�+f ti�fir cc�ntaittcci in thr�
<br /> L 5erurity instrumeri!;.c�r��aj cttt�y c►f�judgmrnt enforcing th�s 5ecunty tntitrmnem 'tt��,�r�:�t���fitmns tyre �6�t I�e�tr<�cver.
<br /> (ay p�yc I„cnder al1 rams w3;;ch then woutd tre ciue under�hi5 Scrurity tnstrum�nt :,n�1 the �3ote had ni�aecelcraui�n �
<br /> e�ccurred;(h)cut�s uny ciefnuit af�ny ofner covensnts c►r agrecmcnts:(e)payc all cx��cn�c� inecurcd us rnfi�resn;� th�s
<br />: ��uEiiy ItESlrus�rrfs, includiag.l�ut nat linttte�f tu. r�as�,nahte attntney� feci;a�ut fd��,�kc��ti:•h artion a4}ei�cfrt ursp . _
<br /> - T�aSOnbbjY reqnjr�Kr�i15�Uf�tI1�[_t�ie iicn nf t�iis 5�,:urif} IncLrurne�zl; LtflEll'F�G tl��lf� ttl sli� F'r:�E+,ety.er�d �a+rmwer'c = j!`-
<br /> �+bltgali[m t4• p�y ti►e sumv 5eruted by this Sccunty� fnctrumerit thall �i�YttlhUC unch;�n�;tcf (�pr,r� rer�,�t�t,mei}t �,q °" °
<br /> , Eieirtuu�et,this 5rcurily In�ttunient und the��t�lig�ltia�t�cceured hetehy c}i�12 tro��»�� tidl}rf!"ecli�r as�f��vac�etr.r.�t�n��h,,d
<br /> e�ccurred Hc�uever,thisright tare�nstatrshall n�rr�pplr�in ahec:s`rnt.i;�.cicr,,tc����e�ndrr p.�r.�kraE�ht 1���r )�
<br /> � -
<br />. . . . .�— __.. . _ —� R.i {�i� �Y; . –
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