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<br /> ��, ; - � , D,UR�►HLE�.POWER �F A�RNBY ° .
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<br /> _ .: - , _ -- � - -= -
<br /> _: +. : . � 1@i�1 11LL MF�i HY THESL PRESENTS: �
<br /> � _ Tha�t f, HETT�f J►. 1KcL1�U�HLiH of Harxon County, Wiscxonsf.n, � "
<br /> . � do by�tbe�e pr�scnts, make, canst�tute an� appoint my hueband, � �
<br /> � ` � Thc�as .M. l�CLau hlfn, �of Hat1 Coiutty Nebraska, as n�-l►�torney- �
<br /> . , in-Fact, to do �or me and .on nt� behs��,,�ny of the fo�ic�rfaq: � . . - .
<br /> _. ' ' , -� 1. Ta �xecute al� cl+oewaehtB--or�,,mp=,-beh lf for th��- - �
<br /> ' � ' purpo se of purahas3ng an�� enaumbex�nq the
<br /> . . � �o17.iwinq�desGribed re�� esta�e: ,. : ;
<br /> s i � � < <. .
<br /> � � i . .. The North �ixty-Five� Feet (N65' � af Lot �►o �. . . . � ,:/:
<br /> � t 2� and the South Ninety-Five Fest (S9 5' ) of . � �:-,:::�<
<br /> . Lot Th�cee (3� in Black Four (4) in repla� of _._;`
<br /> `. � . Rirrerside ��Acres, an Additian to the� City of.,,:- ,_ : �
<br /> Grand Is].and, Hall County, Nebraska. •� � � �
<br /> - . �::,:,::-:- . �
<br /> ' 2. To execute on my behalf a2.1 laan docwnent�;,�:'�� �
<br /> . :} � Pr�nissory notes. deeds af trust,
<br /> � , ' acknt�wlec�gements, waivers fiaancing � .
<br /> discZosu�e statements � anc� any aad all other < -
<br /> . �� � dxuments�related to �hg purchase and , .
<br /> � , encumbrance of the above-described real
<br /> estate.
<br /> � � � 3. To execute on my beh�lf all real estate � � �
<br /> ���.;� � � clesixtq statements, �itle insurance ' _
<br /> �,;;;� statetaents, taac statements anc3 any and all , � , �
<br /> �� � � s�ther dacume�s neceesa=y for the closing of ; -
<br /> the urchase af the abo�e-described real � �-�
<br /> . , �sta�e." . . - =
<br /> � 4. To enter into any agreements pertafning the � ,,r.�`�
<br /> ,.__,f a�iov�-�e�cribed real e�tate _a�n my behalf on • • _-
<br /> -� -- . saeh terms as my Attoraey-in-Fact deems —
<br /> � . advisable. This shall incle�de all contracts `
<br /> f tine aicnpxaventeats and personal services for '
<br /> ,,; �c,�uS�sit3.on and maintenance of the above-
<br /> .:, f descrf,�Ned property and to borrow funds and
<br /> ; encumber said property.
<br /> � � , 5. In qeneral, tsb enter into any busis�ess �
<br /> : . . transatct�ion& pertafning to my property. This � ��-�
<br /> � shal� ��clude depo�iting or with8rawing py
<br /> � '' � check or otherwise frnm aa checking account, .
<br /> � savings account and any ot�ier �Financial �
<br /> . account tha� �L may have. � �
<br /> . � Z ra�i�fy a�tsi confi.rm all acts done b my Attarney-in-Pact - _
<br /> under this Powes Qf Attorney. 3� reserve �he �ight to� r�voke this •„�.:.
<br /> �� i Power of Artorn�� by the .filin of suc� revoca�ivn #�
<br /> : ( Miacella�eous Records g�a the O��ice of the Regis�er e# Deeds of �
<br /> Hall Coua�g, Nebraska. 'L'his Power of Attorne sha1Z remain in � -
<br /> : � f u l l f o r c e an d e f fec t ���n t houg h I may here��ter become mentally i �
<br /> � or physically f�ompetent. � �
<br /> '•:�.;
<br /> .,. .
<br /> . ,; .
<br /> ' ; D�iTED this � day of blay, 1990.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ' ��� 1 f { � , _
<br /> -�-
<br /> , - • t
<br />" � S►TATE OF Sr1I5CdNSIN 1 �
<br /> CaUNTY OF H�IRRON � S j� � _ __
<br /> On this ?th da of May, ].990, b�fore me, the undersigned a �
<br /> � , Nctary Pu'TI� wi�hin and fot� safd County personally ca�me �E�Y ;
<br /> A. McLI�UGHLtN, who is known to nte to bc �h� identical parson
<br /> , whose name iss affiMEd tp the �o�� oin� Power of Attcrne ! and � .
<br /> . --:- _ , aci�rzvw?��riq�d.-h�r �at�c�uEibr� to �e �ier voluntary act and �eed. - - - - _ .
<br /> � " . .k_, ' .� � � • ����'"'�-�' 9`2b-�3J , '
<br /> - ' o ar c .
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