` : __ . . ,
<br /> , ` . . " �. ' � : .
<br /> .. .t-- . _ . , . . . `� � � , - V . �
<br /> � ; - . �
<br /> -� � _ � ,
<br /> � � .
<br /> � iJNiFOAM COVENANT&8arrowrer and Lender covenani andAgree as faltows: ���5�� . -
<br /> 1. ►ay�ntaRPtineipMandln�Pt�paynK�ita�d4ateCfis�es. 8orrawersl�atiprompttypaywt�en�uethe.
<br /> ` �tinCipal ot�nd inierest on the debt evidBnc�d by the Note anQ any prepayment and late charges due under the Nots. � •` < <
<br /> - .- --- � �ea�torTu�saad�e.,..SubjecitoaQDl�caDle4awartoaw�itenvv�ive�hylenfier.�oareraha�l�ay . � - -- -- -- -
<br /> _ • t ,to Lendlr on tha dsy monthly payments ar�dua under the Note.ur�tll the Note is paid in futt,a aum�`'Funds"�equat to � "
<br /> j. � o�e-tw8ttth o1;(��yearty taxes and ass�ssments whirfi may attain priar+ty aver this Securit�r Instrumen�:{b)'yea�ty � � ..
<br />� � t�qMofd p�ym�rttr or prounQ�enq Q�ths Ptaperty,it any; (c)yesdy hazard insuraece premiums;and(d)yearty � �
<br /> < ` mOttQagt insurance premiums,ii any.The3e itEms are catfe�'escrow items".Lender ma�r estimate the FcinQs�ue on the ,
<br /> F.: ., . . basii bt current data.and reasanabie estimates ot future escrow items. , � � - . , ,�
<br /> = TheFund�tshallbeheldinaninstitutiQnth�depositsqraccouhtsot�rhichareinsuredorguaranteedby�atrQetslor ' � `
<br /> t'� � � state aqency(inC�uslag Lender ii Lende�Is suct►art iastitutian).tender shali appiy the Funds ta pay the�escro�r items. ��
<br />� � : % �snde�msy aoi charga for hotdl�g and apptyit�g!ha�unds,analyzing the accouni oi vesifying the e�crbw items.untess
<br />- �'� � le�ider pAys 8orrower interest on the Funds a�d appticable faw permits Lender tp mak�such a charge.Borrower and , � �
<br />' _ � LeqAer may agree in writing that interest shall be paid•on the Funds_ Unless afi;agreement is made or applicable taw _ � .�
<br /> ' �equires intereat to be paid.Lender shall nOt b9 requi�Qd to pay 8orrower any Entier`�$�ar earnings on tha Funds.lender
<br /> ; sh�tUgiveto8otrower.wfthoutCharge,anarr��i�leCCOuntingoithePunQsshowl�gCie4itsaa�rtebitstotheFundsandthe •
<br />� � , purpOS�for which esch Qebit to tne FuncY�.�vz�s�ttaQe;`i#�e Funds are ptedged as ad{litionaf security tor the sums secured � .
<br /> , ' � by tAa Security lnstrume�t. " •� � • �• . , � ,
<br />�-_�s � IitheamountottheFundst�atdby�en�er:toge�ta9twiththetutusemonthtypayme�tsofFundspayaE�Fepriortothe •
<br /> . � , deiedt�te�oltheescrowitems,shallexceedtheampilqY�Bquiredtopaytbeescrowitemswhendue.thee�ssbaltbe.at
<br /> ` � �x,rrower's option,either promptly repaid to 8orrower or credlted tv 8orrower on monthty payments ot Funds.If the , ' •
<br />� � amountolftieFurtasheldbyLenderisnotsuNic�enttopaytheescruvritemswnendue.8orrowershatfpaytoLertderany
<br />_ - i amount n�cessary io make up Yhe deficiencY in one or more payments as cequiced by Lende:. � . ' • `
<br /> � Uponpaymentin/uft�at':sumssecuredbythisSecuritylnstrument,lenctershallprompttyrefundto8orrowerany ,
<br /> ' � ' FunQs held by Len��r.l!und�r paragr�pb 19 the Property is sotd or acq�,ired by��nder,Lender sha�l apply,no tater than -
<br /> immediatefy prior to the sale af the Prap�rty or its acq��sition by LenQer,ang��unds he�:d by LenQer at the time ot'
<br /> " (. applicat+on as a credit against tho aum�r�wured by tA�s;ec:ueity tnstrument �
<br /> � 3. Applkatbn ot Paym�nts. Urttess appli�&btQ iaw pravtdes otherwise,aU paym�it*��^viceived by l.,ender under ' . _
<br /> � paragraphs t and 2 shatl be a�pf r�a:tirst,to Iflte cnetge�.Que unQer the Nnte,saconrl.to�repayment th�zg,��s dus under
<br /> the Note;thi�d,to amounf�a�y,�.:le under paragraph 2;taurth,to�ntorest due.and last. to pnncipal��n.'� ��`
<br /> ' 4. CtfMqt�;LMns. ��.11�aWel ahall pay atl tAxes,assessments,charges,bnes and�mpositions aft�bc,tabl8 to the `'
<br /> • ' Propeny whiah m�y attain �r�erity aver tnis Security frtstrument;and teasehold payments or ground rents, if an�. � .�e
<br /> Borrower shall pAy these obt"st�a3dons In tMamanne�ptouided in par�:�raph 2.or it not paid in tr.at manner,Barrower shalf � i
<br />--_-:..--. -: �►A;!hp�Q.�t:a��di.•e�u�tath:�:t.��crta.��opaycimcni:��:rav:�rsn�Itf!Qf:lytlt4i�z�sr.ta�c�cs:rattnasiccsaaa�nrwntrte - -- _'j _--
<br /> ' ! he paid under this parapraph �iK po�fawer makos fhes�payments d�rectly.�.;s�-�vrrer shall promptly tum�sh ta Lende� , ;--
<br /> recelpts evrdenCing tAe payrnerit3 ,
<br /> � Borrower shetl promptly AiscAargrsan�r lien wh�ch has pnar:�r��ver~��,,Secunty Inst-�rrem unless Borrowar. (ay � -
<br /> . . � ag�eea in writing t0 the payment ot the o�Lgation secured hy the::.:� �a�rrY.ner acceptaG�•°So,Londor;.(b>contests in
<br /> � good laith the Hen by,or detends against enforcemert o}the I�en m, isgaf;.�c�esedings wh�ch�n the t��J►dar 5 dpinion
<br /> ' - opetatetopreventtheenfarcemQntofthetienorforie�r_�a�fanypartoitnePrc;.�r�y�.or�clsecuresfror,•fn:�t�olderotthe
<br /> lienanagreementsatistacforyta�ende►subordinaUnglhel�entothisSecur�tyr�;�trument Itlenderdet���r►Fnesthatany �
<br /> parf of the Property is sub�ect to a lren wh�ch may atla�n pr�anty over th�s 5er,unty f nstrument.tertcler may g,ve 8orrowar a
<br /> � notiCe identifying the I�en.8arawrer shaU snt�sty the I�en or lake ane or more ot the act�uns setlorth above w�fhan 10 da�s r,1
<br /> tho givi�g of notrco. ,
<br /> S. Ma=ua Inwnnce. ��rrowa►shall keep Ihe�mp►ovements now ex�,+;ng or hereaftRr erected c,a t?^e Prcpeny
<br /> f insured agatnst toss by tire.nuTards�nCtuded w�thin tho term°extenAeO ca•.+�r:�ge"and any other hdz:��:�2�tor w*.�� � �
<br /> l@r1d@t�Bqu�Ie9 iltsurenCe.This insurartC�±shalt be mainta�ne4��the amounfS and it�r the perrads that Le�i°r r�wu���i�
<br /> ; 7heinsuranCeCerrierprovidinglheinsur�n:;ashalibochpsenbyBarrpv�ersub�ectt�L�nde�'SapprovalWhiChShaU�GCJ�B
<br /> unreasonabty withhel0. � • ��
<br /> � All inSUranCa poliCies and�enf�wals 9ha11 he acceptabte to Lend�r and sh�U mctude a afandarA mc��:-.�a�o cteuso.
<br /> , Lertdor Shell heve the n�ht to hold the pphcies and renflwaf.s.lt Lenc9er iequ�res Q�r�owei shaU prpmpUy gwQ to Lendf;r all ;�•
<br /> receipts ol pa�d p�om+ums and ronawal not�ces In the ovent af io:�k��rrowe�shall g�ve promp!nolicv to the insuranCe ;
<br /> • Car�ie►and Lendvr.kander may mako pfipol ut I�ss d not made Gr�;�+�G::�t��3ur�uwa, � '
<br />. � UnlassLvnda►andgqr►owerotherwiseagreomwnting,msur�nco�r��c:c,•�s55nanbeappl�edtarc�sto►at►�norrepair •
<br /> � ot lhn Pruporty damegQd,�f the�est�r�3b�n or rapa�r�s ecunn►n�ca��y 1eas�t��rc.�^�ti tender'�SECUnty�5 not�u�ia4,ndd.tf tAo
<br /> . rOSttltAtiOn ar rep8�r i5 not vCOnbmicaUy tE;asiblv or Landar's security woutd c�3�e°s:sened.the�nswance G�et�c�c:dr.flhell be
<br /> apptlod to fho aums sc►curod by th�s Sec�r�ty Inst�umant.whotncr pr ncit tnen rscl�, w�ft1�ny�xGf�s9 pa J*�E�GrMVwEr�.tf
<br /> 8or�owornbandons the Propv�ty,or Gqr���ipt answer W+th�n 30 dNys a nohc:e t�am�.enQer<a:,t thp�n54ia���e Carr�er t1�tA
<br /> Otfflrod tosotl(o A Cl7im,then l.onder may£t�t{ect 1h��n�;uanGe p►ac�;ccf5 (.E!nde�IT1ay U50 thft�i!pCftP�s ta•��b�f Ol fp$tU�e
<br /> ' F th�property or to pay sums�UCU�ed by th�s Saeur�ttt��ts'cument.wtretr►er or n�t ttsen eiuc 7he:fU c]ay pt�r��ct w�ll bOgin
<br /> when the ndticv is g►ven •
<br /> � Untosslonder and E�ort�wer dlherwisc agre�in wntmg,an y,z,;,pt�cat��n vt pracec�ds to pnrrc�pal5".stt n�textenti or
<br /> ' ' postnnnetheduoddteplthpmnnthlypaymeritsrE�terr�r�ftoin�ar,:,ur,a�,hgli�nd2ort,h��n�E�IhE��mUUn1C"t•':UpFlyrnvnts It
<br /> uA(!Ot{�eragreph 19tnv f�rupt�rty�s�cqeurcd by L�nder,pprrpwcr S r,r�nt tv any t'ngurAnCe�SOIrC�es��nd p rcceeds result�ng-
<br /> f�Omd�magetothc�'�bperty pno�to Ihvacquisdinn sh<dl pass tv t.ende�Iu tt�c:extc:�t of Iht�5uii�S SEtCUr��i C•�th�sSCCUr�ty
<br /> � fnglrumUM�mmed�atety pr�ar to tho 8cquisHron :_- —_-
<br /> 6. Pr�arrdion�nd M�fnlManci OI OfOpt/fy;�l�NhO1Qf. fiUrrov�er sh�d!i�Ut tic�stroy,u►dtir�':y0 G�SU�iSfF�n- �
<br /> !
<br /> 1�&�tyCh�ng�fhvi'IOperly.�IlowthoF'ropertytudc�ter�oratE�vrevrs+ni�tv�aste Ilt►�rs5ecu��Eytn&trumenfrsanaleasch�fd. ,
<br /> � 8orrowarsh�tlCpmptyw�lhlRoprov�s�nnsoflheJeasc+.and�f�drr�wvr��cp�,uestec t�tic�tnthet'roperty_the!easah�ld�nd ;
<br />�..___� . +tQe i!!!e sl+.3!!n�!�erge e�t��s L�n��r��s Sei!����3�sn�:l:l�t3- - . �. : s -
<br /> _ T. Prot�etianoll�nd*P�RI�hhlnthsOropMrty:Mort�aseln�uranCe. HElorrowc�r}�r�lstc�pe�lnr�r:�r,ccc.v<�n;,nts
<br /> UndAt�reament5 cvntained�n th�s Secunty Instrumant.or tAerr.�is a Ic�q�t proce�cs�ng tnal rnay s�yr►�hc���,try attecl E�ncte►s .
<br /> � r1�ht9tnthePrOparly(9uCh�s�pruceed�ng�nAanhruptCy.prpDnte.fartondemr�at��nortUC�nfarcel��wsorr�c�ultri�onsi.
<br /> thCn�endCr•m�y do and pay tar wnntaver�s��e�E��st�!y tU prc,tr.cE tnc-vfltue ot.fhE•t'rppc�ty£lnd LE�ntlE!�'S��ghfS+�!hE
<br /> Prnporty Lendg►'g aet�bn3 may �ncleadP payeng �7ny Sur�.� se�cned by a lieix Y�t1tCh t�i15 Vr'U��1y tivlK 1�r�C �t�cc,rrfy
<br /> fn5tr�imei�t.uppaariaginCC�urt,p�y�nt�rEnsbn�bte7ltorneys feesandente«riqonmc���n:'iartytc�r»��KC�rFqidlfrt Attri�,i�gh
<br /> , , ,
<br /> ' l�ndor may takv aCtion und�r this p�rag�Aph 7.L,t�ndt�r clUps nc►1 h,�vv fv cft*sv
<br />� . Qrya�ipt�r�kgd�St�Ui�GUt�yCEne�Ert,fi��e�lhi�i�t�:ar�f��h7sha�l�tcolr��a��elr�•,eal�ebt��lf�s.�re,,4YS�rs��e,re��t>y4�,s �� y-
<br /> SGGt�taiytfl9YtuhiEnl ftnit§yf3oir�we►<indLE*nderc'�cJ[eett�UthE�rfe«SC31ti�'�y!��[°rti ff`NSE:4!r�:�_t'�?S«��i�tKt;�irlilC�►f;SflrUnr f' "
<br /> tha dat�ot t1�St�t�rg��r����E Eit 1HE NUtF�luit��hd Sh�ll bE��yablt. ���1h �nt�test u�an ri.rt�t r� �r:,�!�lr�f�dt�r frr fit,rr�3�rit�r
<br /> reqacs�ng p�iym��nt
<br /> � ..
<br /> � �_.___ �_ � aam -
<br /> •�.s t�.�._�`,.'_'.�.'i°4`;E��R7'�� .. ,�' __�4._�i4.+7�+ _ . ..... . .. ' ?''=''`�as�_ ..��� ' —7 .. .. . . .�''s,!/;wrsC -..i•{;'ss.�z��.�.�s_�� #��a�i�:�_17`���iC`?'-�+-,i:
<br /> �._" � - -
<br /> . .. . _ . . ... ' ' - .. . . - . .,_ ., - _. ---- _
<br /> r� . „ .. . .. . : ,
<br />