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<br /> � ' , , , � , � . � . ' . .._._ , ,�
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<br /> ` � �� � '.._ _ . . .. � . _ ` .� ' ,
<br /> . ,. p$gp OF 7'RUST � � ���Q�v�� ,
<br /> , , . <. _ ., ...: , �,. +�q#��• .
<br /> Tbis Dlt� oP fs �ade tttir� d•: of t'�iy . 19���� by a�dta�on� .
<br /> � � Craig D. Boshart��K�,rla J. Basha� husba�d an�w e `
<br /> <� -rttfrr+�d-� +4s-"'te�stoss, r�tbRS a� or���o��e . � harsia -
<br /> . "is4 Rt- 3- $�-R�d.River, Hebrdskd 68883' �6�se s�i�it� addreat � .
<br /> , ,� ��., ,` ; �,8!A_�i 1�� . ,''
<br /> � , l�i�i�aftaer s�terted to iui "�'r��t�•"�xhose �flint.
<br /> � , aidras� fs �p�c._4i�, �� �e_ t�ef� �,d �i �1l�•��, .
<br /> �Ot�frf�. b�reiqfit*r tyeterr�d to 'sa '�elicfar�►," Whase aailins ad�reas ia Box 42B "
<br /> ��"Q� � �. , ` ' s , .
<br /> � . � !or rsla�l� cossid�eatfw, ?�uator�. irr�vocibl� srar�t, �raaifer. coarer �d �asian to �
<br /> � trastre, fn trust, Mftit ywrsr at asle, tor�t6e beuetft aad eecuri.tY of Berteticl�, imder �
<br /> � and iub,��ct ta t�e ter�s wd c�ondi�Io�a .or tbi� �a ot �.t, tbe toYtoKiu� described real
<br /> _- --`p�Pert! .locsted ia Nalf� Ca�ty llehraska: ' • .
<br /> --__.` _.__
<br /> '_ f
<br /> ' ' Tl�e Sast Hslt` ot tbe liortheast quarter of tDe 9onthe�et Qusrter
<br /> ' ` . (�1/2NH1/48B1/41, Aectfon 23, Twm�bi� -il Nortb. Itan�e �E, Nest �
<br /> � <. � af the 6t6 P.N.s Nall Co�unty, Nebraska. � �
<br /> . . .. _
<br /> : ' . ,
<br /> � tatether"Mith s11 bui2diass, l�Dr�ve�nts, fixtqrea, atreets, alle�i, pasaa�ei,�r�,
<br /> eiaNeats. rf�bta� priril���a and apDurttriaaca Iocsted thereoA, and all persoAal
<br /> property
<br /> that sy be or hereaft�r becors an fqtesra� p�rt of such buildines �d i�pt�ore�ents� all ' �
<br /> crops raised thereae. and all v�tar ri�bts, a11 at �+bich, includrns repiace�tente ar�d �
<br /> ` .eaitto,� tber�to� ace hereby deelsre� to be a part o! the re�i e�tate con�ered fn trer�� �
<br /> � hereliy� it befA�. ajreed th�t �11 ot the tore�oins �ball be hereia�tter reterred to as the
<br /> r ��FroDert�." - _ _ _ _ . , :; --
<br /> . _ _. ._. _ � �,
<br /> -��:
<br /> ' !� ?H� R�P�= Qp �LAJ�IN�i: . ,f
<br /> ' a. Paya�nt of iadebtedne��s erideaced by Trqatora� note o� even date� herewitb in tbe . ,'`f '
<br /> ! arfncip�tl aus at S 4�l�000_00 . tat�thsr Witb fntereit at the rate or rates provided ' � ��
<br /> therein, aad aay �u,d all c�aeKal�, wditications ari� eictensiens ot �ucb note. lwt�
<br /> . prfnciyal and iater�st op tlie aot� b�in� �yab�• in sccordaace Nith the t�ru iat torth ' �
<br /> � ; therein. Mbieb b� tbia r�t�rence is b�reby rade s �srt hereot; `
<br /> b. 4he pertorwic� ot �sch a�r.e�nt and co��naa! o� Tt►v�toes herein cantainedz atxl�
<br /> �• 7'1�e Da�at of all sws sd�snc�d b� Btnelfciar� under the teru� at this Oe�ed of '�
<br /> Trust, to=etAer witb inL�r�at th�r�op at the rate �rovfded ie� the note.
<br /> . .
<br /> '!�0 P�OrI�t.T TIR 8�L1JYI�T 0� Tf{I!! DRD 0� ?��'� 1'QUS'1�OR8 �Y OOf�p►A1f! AlID l�i: ..
<br /> i. t��y riet/u� tb�riulNl�t,�t.�i�tsrNt n� tb iNeltehen aifetcei S� tle tate, e�u�n► �eer ul Ul otler��w� w�rarlled �'�
<br /> �� llf I�Y�YtCwNb� .
<br /> �. lrat�h�r� W�n.�i tM�InNrt�yl WN tM ri�lt�N MtYr1�r a ueaa �Ii�NK ul ftut l� rnNct te tle�reNrt�. �
<br /> L T�W� ����ll tua, Neei�l ww�My r1�ll �tMr du�n K�fut th�nKrt�. Nfa�tt��w MaK lelipu�t, TfYkt1 ' .
<br /> ; iiadl�y�ll ta�r1��r�«a�id w w lnt�l�p twttlelt�t�'�itttrat inei��r��tlt�je�i�t Trut ot tw kli tKUH i�ri�,
<br /> �:t;i�G eepM u�l�Wt�y w wetd i�iy IMM��t W�Ml��t��Wl ti�tMt t�tN leuflei�t�.
<br /> ' ,f. !*t�q►t!e ipn��u����y�t�M ��n�rt�ia�eM�int iw��It tlre til uel�tNr Iyu�u tle kuficiu�
<br /> ��I�ie�� ir�+Mwu wi a�ia ueni�t�.3�t!�In�Tcoi�rt� Iu1 i�wr�e Nlie��ull a�t�it��t�lu/M�R�q�elwr i�bror ef
<br /> � � ft�r�'iei�. frrt�t�i�ll �r�t1�re�1�� Ni�ti1�11�c����rt�1r Y���!tlerst, w tiit, eree�t �ot orlttul ku ui teu� t!t
<br /> �e�r�rry�I�ll Nt leteet�rate.
<br /> � � !. 1�tb aMt iN�nNwty� er�l Mr��rNf� �11 M t�tn 11 a1�!/�i�� tl�kuficiu!i�e�t1tlN to alt�ct ui«e�i�e�l
<br /> _ u�trttiN�licl�y M pi1 fK W�eNrtt�.�et tu tw�N u�e�eth�et t�ta► ul t!e Nutiei�r!�1�11 tpl�ucl eoljffltl'LO1� �t!t� .
<br /> - o/tle�� e111�r u�rNcciloi ol tl�lNdt�htef aeuN kr�y� or N re��ir y1 re�tan!ie�nnry N t�te�. �
<br /> i. tM/wrflolul�y. ws�111u���illt�tla u�N�f tet�11c1 truun Itte yre�i ht hilN ta b,v1 tM knliclvl.��SN�o
<br /> . W Kt it 1��cn�v�to�ntK�tb liM irrNG ttMUn�p�r u tM�l�q��Nwl, ���w���s�lellt tb Ih�fleiu�t�r�tie�r� -
<br /> I�M�M. ul W�M N e�r�ld�11 w�N�I u ti�Wdtif�ty Nawl l�t�lf r11Ma�e MnrM y t!�!in lersf. !It fentec�ur�bll� _ - ---
<br /> i�at y�li�illit�tNeuu�4��tiiy ft w�N MiE y/�Me�r.
<br /> t. fle M r r��ci�r��1�1!lu� !b ri�1t'��r YI�MtYelt�Mrlu ti�a�tiiwcs�t tll�IeN��.�'#ut te ee!!r�! E!!r��tst •--s:3
<br /> ���a��'�'�'�`������1��1 I�t�t tMi��Iti�r�I�M�t t�ti�Nnenie��t tM.�reKre��ZfeefN tereh,u� truton
<br /> _ . _.. . _ /
<br /> kiti��l�tet��1�itia�tl�wtp d!pc!•n�u. it��11�wiit�b t1e le��tici�e►. fl�1n�liciut, i��e�rr, teteq eaue�t�to
<br /> � lwbt�' nitati��ul eete�ttel�t uct reiti, ii��u u1�t�llli� w toq v lrt�t�n u��Qt� tt�se1 ti�e. 1�1ef��it�ltl ret�eet to �
<br /> W iM�it+i�kt�e�l lu�y��r 1�tM it�n�ee 0i IUreit ot
<br /> L 1� �1�ttt�nt qtn�t�r. it uj en�i�t ktult Ittttlkf ierafter i�rerycet to tii�
<br /> iNl�f tral�WI la�Kcrrs�l�/M e�tIuly.t1e twtisiut:���ttta�l ript u1 ritio�t�otice t�fruton or tuote c1�i�iU uler
<br /> trular�� Y!�itN�t.cepr! te t1i ��1��of tN It�t attb or U�i�ttr�rt ot tl�ttuter�tteni�. t1�1) Itte tte ti�lt to y�l�to ul eout �
<br /> � luiu j�riNictio�t4 ypl�t�reeei�et ot tw�n�ety. �
<br /> - - " i. tt�k�efi�ijrtt or i#�qr�t�.ue�ttorite�ta eatet at ui teua��i16 ti�r���r €�tel 0��ot![�oropeel� for tte p�r�a:e o►
<br /> • if��ectfq tla rur u�far'tle�u�ors af �ertoni�u�ot tie t:t�ttef ur uttavEU� ts �ert�n�a�er tle �era ct e�, iau iutra�e�tf e:ec�tea �
<br /> �1 ttu��n. . '
<br /> ' �• ��f}�Ot UI pil�6� U!pt0ptt{)OP p� iltlRlL 0�TfULOf� it E:�d, {t11�Itt[t,Ot Iit«tl lfCltOttlQ YlE171� «E�tl�llt COrttlt 0� :�E
<br /> Se�aticr�r'� i!:te��ficiie�a�declue�It ��u��ao�red Qj !U�•trut Oers ta be iu��i�tet� d�e u�p���lle�t!pra:e�d to Ne retri�er aull�3le
<br /> t� �e �reer ue aet�te.oro�►�iou ca�Uieed iereia. '
<br /> �.
<br /> --- -�.�-.�. _--- -- =°�= -—-
<br /> �3 �� +�
<br /> ..—.. _.. .._.'_.-Z: .� ._: .i . _--�.. —=�F:z'._�.r3�z.rj'-�ivs . ..� ,'_ - - _ -
<br /> _ ^.�'� �` ._ '�/ ;.. _��.�����.���.��� .
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<br /> � u. - tY• 31/.. _ -j-..._�
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