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<br /> • � ,
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<br /> `� � . , . ` . , - ` . . , �.� . ��. .
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<br /> 5'�ATE�C)F NEBRASKA j ,�s , ,
<br /> C ` . . � . � �.0�5��� � �
<br /> � ����r o� �L � �--
<br /> . .
<br /> � �NURMII� M. .TAKOB� befng, fi�st du].y sw�rn upon her oath, deposes arid '
<br /> , 4 �c
<br /> � � says that #�er �pouse, He�^►ry L. 3akob departed thfs lffe ot► April 2, 1990�
<br /> ' � in �rand Zsla�rid. Hall County,. ��tebxaska; that a copy gf his �Certi.ficate �
<br /> - of Death �f s attactied �heretn as Exhibf t "A�'; that al l �aroperty sub j ect ko �
<br /> aonSideration ansi camputatf an for�determinat�on of. any Nebraska Inherf- �
<br /> ? � ' tanae Tax artd Federal Estate Tax �aas property awned by affiant and � � _ ,
<br /> � Nenry. L�. Jakob �n �oint tenancy; tLzat the ��_�al ualue of all such property ;
<br /> as of April 2, 199D valued at its ���r market va�r�e on tMat date, c2id
<br /> ' �not �equal or appr�ach the sc�m of� $�QQ,0[1Q o �kxat l�crr�ra Ni. .�c�:k�b is;er�titled . ,
<br /> _ � > `. to an exemptaon in con�putat.zai� ot either �1�hraska Inhe��tance Tax and
<br /> ';`::;::�>� :� , Federal Estate Tax of .the total value of al�_ �s�zc�i:. .t�xable property •
<br /> received by her by reason of the death of Et!c�y�.��:,.;`Jakob or atherwise, � ,
<br /> � and that the�� is no,N�braska.ir►izeritance ia�E n�r Federal� Estate Tax due �
<br />`�`� `�` or aWing by l�torma M� �akvb by reason af property�,��assing to Izer upbn
<br /> ','::';;�;,:, , . .
<br /> ; :�'��. . . the d��:�h of Henry L. �Jakab ap Apri 1 2, �990. . Th� real estate owned by ;�-;
<br /> � .;. :� :the parties 1�n joint tenanc;�:�#s described as follows: .
<br /> s
<br /> Part cif Lot "H" of ,ioehnck's 5ubdivision, , I pcated on part af the �
<br /> �Af1fYfPAR� ���artwr (SF71 �f Section 15, . ir. T+o.�?��hip 11 Npt'th, Range _�.__��
<br /> . .
<br /> ---.-- _... . . m�,•.. .,,�.�� ,� -
<br /> . 9 West p� ���e 6th P.M.. more particul�.�L.y e.�...c,fbed as follows, to-
<br /> wit: com:r.t�ncing at a point on the Scu�i�������. �.iinve c�€ MacArthur � --
<br /> . � Avenue and on ti�.�� Westerly lin� �f Sou��h 'C�.��.�t:*��� �4:�+��:��, which pofr�t
<br /> � i.s the Southwes��i ly corner o€ .�"�:� fntersee��:.4-�;'Qf: r���i�.N:ac�rthur '
<br /> ; Avenue and South Che�^c^}r "�Street; then�s�'C�ester;.y a�c�t�r. ���::�r,�n the �
<br /> � � � SautherXy 3,ine of Mac�A��°�Ihur Avenue, a:.:{��'±�tance af �+-�� ��Iun�#�ed sixty- �
<br /> � ' � , " five feei;.' r;16S� ) to thc:���tual pofnt ci,�::��C�S�c�c�ing; ttience. Soutl�ferly
<br /> ' i, alonq and upon a 1i�ne One Hundred Sixty�.'��.�+�.,-.(.z65) Feet Westerly
<br /> ' .• � from and paral lel to the Westerly ]inf� ,af ����x.`�:�t Cherry Street, a
<br /> :�::;,,; di.�Z�r�re:.pt Un�..�Fi�aru�red �'orty--Une anr3 �i,r_rc .C��:�`�fis (141 .6) feet; ,
<br /> � , thence t��iT�terly alonr�'��B�'uNG�t :�� 1 in,�,.c���-�� �ta�ndared F'orty-c�ne and sfx
<br /> � , � tenthS fY�41 .6) feet Sni,��t�ertly from ar.cts par4���1 .,to. the� Southerly line
<br /> '��';j;.; ' .
<br /> p� Sd�cArthur Avenue, ��:+.��sta»�e af Sixty-fiv� �;65) feet; .henae
<br /> � ,` ; , [,ti�iri�'herly along arsd unui� .a Iin� �`wo N��dred `:t�£rty {2�C►) fe�f, Westerly �"`
<br /> , fram anc9 parallel ta tly:c�, ►Jesteriy lir:�� of Svu�n Cherry Street, a •.�:
<br /> � di5tance of one hundt^ec� forty-ane ar.�.�r,x� th�.r.�hs ( 1�.1 .6) feet to
<br /> the Snutherly ] fn� of t�lacArthur Aver.u�`; ��r:�s��r- Fasterly along andupon
<br /> , the Southerly 1 itie o� MacArthur Avenuc�, .� cl�s,s�ance of Sixty-•f ive (65) ,
<br /> feet ta GhP ac�ual �aint af bc, nninq. " !
<br /> AATF.L� thf s �Yt day af �� C ,�, - - , 1�9b '���. ,
<br /> �
<br /> ' f,'�'-�1,r-rc.� I'l1� � �-n�
<br /> Norma P�. � f�kob
<br /> � �ubseribed -nd �worn tU Y�c�f carE� mc� �� FJptary F�uh]ic thc� � c�ay af
<br /> � , 1�JC}. f�
<br /> ��`!f!-�/�y (/ ' --
<br /> ���� :=-- _,:- .
<br /> PJotary I it�
<br /> - �s � 1M�
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<br /> • ��� �{ �
<br /> .. . �'. .. t S -�C_' "Ttt 1 �" J' .T S ��:i''J^ . . ...iN.:f�i�.i.�u�i;...?�- _.-
<br />