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<br /> .�'"` (a) �eaw�r Not li�d.Extension ct tbs time tor payccrreent ar madifca'�an et en�o�za�on ot the sums securad Dy�i� ,
<br /> � D�edof Tru�t ptanD�d by�t�enysuuwssatn intsrestatB+ar�ovrerstt�tl rto4vpe�a9atQ�et�eite.in enY munner�ttte It�bility
<br /> . --- ottlfeor�a�8errewa�ar�6orr�v�sauccss�o�siainhnsfE�at�a�ttctberec���;.�EdRsCOmma►..�ceprOCeedingf�inst -
<br /> ' wctt wctasoror re6uts b��ri0 drtsetrirp�Ymentarott�acwtss mod��jarnort�zation oftha st�irrs sscure�d tsy t�hls�e�WYruat
<br /> ` by nasort of aag daman�t m�de b1l tt�s crfgirsaE Barnsvrer arsd 8ocrowei'a successors in in�rest . .<
<br /> � (bZ l.�b�is��.Without affectin�tf�s GabAit�°.o!any o�isr peraon lia�ts tor ths paymsnt ot arry o6ti�aticre Aearoin ,
<br /> � ' m�stlan�d.�ndwt�wutaflscNhn�tAetknbrchupso�I�isDqadotT�ustupananyportional�ePrap�r[ynotthenatherNatore .
<br /> re{MNd as s�cuMy for Me fuil amount of ali unptld oblipatton�.l.ends►may.trom tirr�to Urt�and without nodcs(7 rNat��u►y • ,
<br /> . p�non aa itabi�,tii}extendth�maturiry or sitsr any cf Mts terms ot any wch oDll�tions„{iH}QraM olhK irtduip�ncer.(tv�cNr�� .
<br /> ; or�sconvey.a caws to bR reiws�d a recomr�yad�t iny firtu at Laon�s opttan iny p�rcN.pa�Uon or�II bt ehe PrapM3y.
<br /> (v)fake or releae any other a addtponal�curiry(or any cbltQatfon hueEn menUon�d,or(v1)m�k�cormp4�itlons a oTher
<br /> �- i arranp�mmb wtth dsbbn in retafipr►th�rNo. ,
<br /> � (�f Eerb�►�e�!�L�nd�t fiet s Wa�w�Any torbearance by Lender In ex��slsinp 4ny ripht or romedy hare+mdar.ar � .
<br /> - � atherwise�ttarde3 by epplicibie law.shatl noibe e waiver of nr preciuQe the exerciK at arry sucb�ipAt or�amady.The _
<br /> pracursm�nt ol insuranc�or ths�ayment of taxes or o�er lisn�or crarpes by LenQer at�stl not be a w�iver of Lertdsr's ripht to
<br /> �accei�rate the maturiry ot the inde0tedness secured by this Oeed of Trust
<br /> � ���tcC�*snQ�i�s�ow�d;�o(M�nd��1 Lta�it�;C�pMonr.The cavenanis and aQreemfnb herNn con- ' . .
<br /> hined shali binA,and the rFQhts hereunder af�ail inure to,Me reapective auccasaora and essigns ot Lender and Truator.All �
<br /> � covenarib artd�Qreement�of Trustar ahail bs jairn and aevenl.The captians ana h�adings of tne para�rraphs o!Biis Desd ot - -
<br /> �' Truat are for ccnvenfence onty and are not ta be ased to interpret or d�ne ths pravisiona heraat �
<br /> . : (y ppwp la t/oYo�s.7he partles heroby�equest that a copy of any rtotice af detault hereunder and a copy of any notice ,
<br /> ot aale hereunder be maited to each party to Mts Deed of Trust at the address aet tortb abave in the manner prasc�ibsd by .
<br /> ' � applicable law.Except for any other notice required under appficabfe!aw to bs given in another manner,any natice provided
<br /> ; _ (or in this Deed af Trust st�a11 bo Qtven by maittng such nattce by ceRitied maii ed0�eased ta Me other parties,at the address snt
<br /> ' � fort�f above.Any nottae provided for in this Deed of Trust sha0 be etfective uDon mailing in the manaer designated herein.it
<br /> • , Trustor ia�than ona peraon,notice sent to the address aet lorth above ahall be naace to alt such peraons.
<br /> < (� /nr�tlon.Lender may make ar cause to be maQe r�asoraabte enulea upon and inspections o1 the PropeRy,pravid�d
<br /> . � tt�at LenQe�eha�l gtve Trustor rtotice prior to any such inspectimn specitying reasonable cause theretor related ta tende►'s
<br /> ,in.�er�st in the Properry.
<br /> ; (qj A�eonrsyanc�,Upon payment of ail suRS s�c:�red tsy this Deedot Tiust,l.ender shall request Trusteeto reconvey the ,
<br /> C ProparC��t�w shBU suRender thia Oeed of Trust as►d a';�rtot�s er•,i�erncing indebtedness sesured by this Oeed of Trusttg Iruatee. , ,
<br /> Trwtee st,aff reCOnvey the Property withaut warranty and witt�ut charge to the person ar pe�sons legalty.entiY�3'r�ereto. .
<br /> • • Trus6or sha,3 pay aii costs bt recerdation,if a�y. . � .
<br /> � (h) P�a�nat Prop�rhr. S�cu�ity AQ►�nt As addittonAl security far tire payment Qf the Note,Truatar hereay grants : �
<br /> , Lender under tha Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a securiry interest in alllixtures,equipmenL and othet peraona6 DroPe�tl► � '
<br /> as•sd in r+snn_w�:tt�n with the rwal e�tatA er imoravements tocated f!►ereon,artd not otherwise declared ot deemed to tae a part o! `___ _
<br /> the rea6 csfiaie secured hereby.This irs�ilment ehatl be const�u�as a Secvriry Agreement under said Cade,artd tt�e�.ertQe► �W
<br /> ; shatl hava ail the riQhts end reme�ies s�E�secured party unde!�cs Code�n additio�to the oights and remedies crea��under
<br /> ` a��accorded the.�ender pu►suant to this Oeed of Trust pravided that Lender's rights and r�medies under this paragrsph ehait .
<br /> � bEs CurAutBUve with,and in no way e limitation on,LQndor's righta and remedies under any other secur�t�a,�reement s�gned by
<br /> ` �Bonowev or 7rustor.
<br /> � (,} ���p�u�nbr�ncN.Trustw hereby warrants a�C�epresents that there is ao detautt under the prav�ks.��s of any .
<br /> , :` mariga�e.�eed of trust,leas�e or purchase contiact descndr;�g a�t or any part of thg Property,or other contract,:asV^ument or .. _
<br /> j a�reem9n!Constituting a lien or encumOranCe aga�nsr au or arr•y pan oi me rroperry�coiieciivoiy."�iaira j,vsiaiir�-,y o6 v0 ii�o
<br /> � .Qate of this Deed of T�usb a�d that any and alI exEst�ng L�ens remasn unmaAitied except as disctosed to�enaer�n Truator'a
<br /> written dlsctosure ot liens and encumb�ances pravlded tor herain Trustor ahaU time�y perform all 01 T�uatofs obflpationa,
<br /> covenant�,repreaeMatlans and warranties unQer eny and ao ex�s�t�rtg and�utura Liens,shalf promRtry forward to Lend@r copies
<br />� ot all n�';�es ol defAUlt Sent in connesvo?t w�th any and all ex.s'�nQ or tuture Liens,and shatl not without Lender`s;.^.!�►written
<br />, , canser�4�n any manner modity the prca�sions of or attow a^�v fi�"�uro advancey under ang�.+isting or tuturo L�ers.•
<br /> . �y Ap�liC�tlOn ol�ayrt�nb.Unless otharw�s3�equired�y►aw,aums paid to Lende�he-�aunder,including wjt!�;�,Lt Nmltatlon
<br /> i � �ay:�an:a of piincipal8nd inferest,insurance��QeeedB.condemnabon proceeds an0�ents and profits.sh.afl be app�ied by , ,
<br /> � E,enQer tplhe amounts due and owing irom Tr4stof��0 8orsowar in such order as Lender in its sole O+ss-��an aee�ta de�irable•
<br /> ;i..:.
<br /> � ;[cp ��t�bNlly.H any provf�ton o1 this dees oi'fr;;5i c�MtiCts with applrcable law oi is Oectar6cf inva;:C Gs otherwise
<br /> • ' unenfa�ce�bte,auch conNict or inval+diry sha�} rot attecr.'?S i5thpr prowaOn9 Of thiB f188d ot Trust or the fVO:�+K"��-h can be ;'��-"
<br /> � q�ven eflecl without tha contlicting provisian,and t9 in�s end tho provisions ollhrs peed olTrust nnd lhe NOte Arg C4�:�red to be •
<br /> � sevesable. .
<br /> ` (I) TMe1�.The terms"jrustor"ond"Borrower ah81t inGtudo both sinr�ular and pfural,and when the Trustor and Borrower
<br />� aro the aame par8on(a),tho�o torms as usod�n this Deed o1 Trust shali be mterchangeabte. •
<br /> (m) Gov�rnkp L�w.This Reed of Tru9t shall be govbrnod by the lawa of the Stat of Nebraska.
<br /> E Trustor has executed thl�O�ed ol Trusl as of the dnte wr�tten aUOVo
<br /> � %" �� ton�� - ---._. ..._.��
<br /> Mel jr s � �u�br ;'
<br /> �/.1� :..:..-,�}..r� �-e..."c� •/..�a�.'..._.__�. --- ..__. ..____._., '
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