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<br /> � 90-102556
<br /> In accardance with the provisions of ehQ Nebraska Farm
<br /> Homestead Protection Act, the underaigned, Donald L. Shuda and
<br /> Judy M. Shuda, Husband and Wife, prior to executing the attached
<br /> Mortgage or Truet Deed dated May 8, 199U by and between the
<br /> underaigned and Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A. (hereinafter Teferred
<br /> to as "Mortgage or Trust Deed") hereby state and acknowledge:
<br /> 1. That no part of the homestead of the undersigned is
<br /> presently or in the future will be situated on the following
<br /> deacribed real estate (hereinafter "Parcel 1") nor are there any
<br /> : buildings aufficient to be designated as a homestead presently
<br /> located upon Parcel 1:
<br /> See Attached Exhibit 'A' �
<br /> 2. TI�e undersigned acknowledge that �h31e the Mortgage or . ,
<br /> Trust Deed remains unsatisfied and a lien on Parcel 1, they shall
<br /> have no right gresently or in the future to make a designation of �
<br /> homestead on Parcel 1, including without limitation, in the event
<br /> of a foreclosure or trustee's sale under the Martgage or Trust � -
<br /> _ � � . Deed. �:�_�
<br /> - _ - = 3. T'ne unnersigned acknowledge that if, contrary to this i {
<br /> Disclaimer, the y esta b l i s h a h o m e s t e a d o n P a r c e l 1 d u r i n g t he �w
<br /> time the Mortgage or Trust Deed remaina unsatisfied and a lien
<br /> upon Parcel 1, they shal.� have no right t o make a designation of '�
<br /> homestead in the event of a foreclosure ar trustee's sale under
<br /> the Mortgage or Trust Deed.
<br /> 4. The undersigned state that this acknowledgement is their
<br /> knowing and voluntary act and deed and canatitutes a written
<br /> disclaimer and acknowledgement under the Nebraska Farm Homestead
<br /> , Protection Act and the undersigned do hereby disclaim any right
<br /> to designate a homestead 3n the event of default upon such �ortgage
<br /> or Trust Deed or in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale `�'�
<br /> under the Mortgage or Trust Deed. ,
<br /> ;
<br /> � 5. The undersigned further understand and agree that this .
<br /> acknowledgement and DiscLaimer shall be f iled as a Preface to and '
<br /> become a part of the Mortgage or Trust Deed.
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