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<br /> v � �...�02536 .1DDITIONAL TEAMS � �
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<br /> PRFPAYMENT ANR ACCRL'A�.OF THE FINANCF.CHARGF.:E�•en thi�ugh I d+�noi ha��e to pa}�mure�han�hr rcgular,nc�dulyd uwnihl�pa�rncnt,l h:n�c thc right
<br /> to prcpay the whale i�mount owing to>uu in fuf i at any timc or in pan from time tu ume. If the tendin�;in�tituU�m or bank ihat buy.my cunir,�c1 c��mputrti ihe finan�e charge o7
<br /> dvty.� , tflg fisyupca char�e tivl�(he tess if 1 make an ear(p papment,and it�Li11 t+c hi chcr�f I pay lat�;I altin rerngni��that un� necr.,;u}�,lµ��nuent tu my tutat Sqanre
<br /> charg�wi fe�h�ti m my fenal bill;I also knoN•thiU the nmountc shawn on the n:�er�e+id�tur thr Financr Chargr.Trwl uf Pa}men�,.unJihe Tntal S;ile Price am esti•
<br /> m�tec baced ti�e accun�rti��n that yots wi1;ncei�r rach rf tltc}raymcnts e�:m8y c»�its ciur datc;and t knaw Mat tfiem�c�11 tw n�rfun��t t prcp:.)�txr;�use thcre is n,�lhing �S
<br /> to retLnd if i charged an a dail�•basis,It'the lending inuituuon or bank does nut computr the f inan��e chacge dad�,and if 1 prtpay the w�h��te ann�un�,}•�w Hill rtfund
<br /> to me the une partion of the finance charge tintert st)by the accountinF prcuedurc knawn a�Ihe actuarial methixl;und the amnunt af my rcbute will be iigurcd on the �8
<br /> schcdulev�dates amounis of my niai+tAl��pxyment un�f not oo the acluu!date�arnt amc�un«of the prepa}•mcnt�that 1 pay tn vou.I i.nn�r that a mfu�d of tesc than S t. �
<br /> xill no1 t�e made. {
<br /> Ib)Ihati•ertad,indetail,t parale"10-YEARLI\1fFE1?wARRANTY"whirh.itmade,accompaniesthiticontract.ItexplainE�hec itinnsaixieircumstances �
<br /> in which ihe manufbeturcd praduets 11 be�epairad or eeplaced.1 t�tke natiee of the limitations on the wartanty,and 1 particularly recagn�ze th ny implied warranry which i
<br /> appliesrothpg c assonlyaslong thew•nTramyor�enic��ontract. , n
<br /> . (c?�ha�t erad,in cktail,the se te"LIMITED I�1ST,�LLATtON WARRANTY"w•hich,if made,accompanies this rnntr�c t explains�he rnnditions and eir- �
<br /> eumsqncos in wfiirh tAe install�tion of t iding will Ue�rcdone.l take nutice o9the limitatioav on the wartanty,and 1 particulculy rcco �re tha�any implied warranry whieA � T !
<br /> appliestatheinstailation ac sanyaslong thewarraniye�rvenicecontract. � �;
<br /> SPECiAL-�RDER GOODS:I know ihat y ha�•e mea�ured my house and it�openings sathal yau can make the pmducts to fi y panicnlvr hauu. 1 t•rke nmice that the � "'
<br /> goods that are manufacturcd for my specific se proba'hh u ill nut fit an}•other hrnise�,and under such rnnditions,I know at I canna cancel thi.r contracl at any time —_�i
<br /> afltrthe periodof timegiven torn�,bylaw,in w 'ch tocancel.Rfte:that legal period oPtime.l knoa that I hu�•e tAe ubligatian pa}you in full the amountowed. D
<br /> MLIGATIOPiS PERTAINING TO PRnPEft INSL'R��iCE:�VD R1Y RF.AL E.'�TATE: l. 1 pmmise to keep house ingcxui rcpair and to keep it insured for � �
<br /> ut leyst 80�af iis replacement value b��buyi�g a fi nd exteaded co�etage insurance policy,The insurance campany� st t�e t��pm�ed by you.aad the policy must have �
<br /> a beneficiary cEause which�ays ihat you are to be pai 'f there is a ios.�.'f'he inwranc�camEnny must agree that it will t cance my policy withom iirst tell�ng��ou.1 au- z
<br /> thorize the insurun;e company�o pay you directly ior a loss.1'ou can choo�e to use Ihis insurance payment ta eithe pa}•any�amounts I owe�nu o�m rcpai�my houx. -t`
<br /> 1 havo t1�e optiunof Qroti•iding property�nsuronce throug n existinc polic}•ar through a polic}•indepcndently•obtui d and paid ti�rb� me.�.I afsopmmise that I will noi
<br /> allaw anyone else m place any luns on my mal estate wilh t}•our antten pertnissio7.;.1 promisc to pa)all t;itie u�sessment.and other charges on my real extate when
<br /> due.4.I promise to timely make all paymenta on my prior I n�secured b�m}•real estate.l also pmmi�e thal I 1 nat extend,renew or chan�e prior laan�withoul yaur
<br /> K•ritten permission.S.If ida not insure my house or fulfill m a�iher obliCations to my real estate,then you can it far me if y ou wan¢1 bu�}•ou do not ha�•e to).If you do
<br /> pay any of these obligations far me,1 agme ta pay you back on emand plus intenst at ihe Aighest law�ful contr 1 nte of interest. Until l pa��}•ou bxk.these amounts will
<br /> bc aKlded ta my debt to}•ou which is secured by my reat estate a hause. I knou�that if.�ou dccide to buy ins .tnce for me that you do not ha�•e to obtain any homeowne� �
<br /> cx liability insutance. " �
<br /> 4Al.F.nF MY HOUSE;I promise not ta sell,lcatie�rgere m}•hous o anyone until!ha�e full�•repaid my d t to}•ou. '
<br /> UUF.Ol�SALE:If I sell,lease or gice my house to anyane before f h �z€ully paid all 1 oK�e under�his� tract,you can declare aU that i ow•e under this rnntract payable
<br /> +t cxue and 1 agne to immediately pay you that amount.
<br /> QFFAUI.T:I w�i116e in default under this contract if:
<br /> I. 1 don't make a pa�ment when due;or �
<br /> Z. Ibrcakanyptomiselmadetoyouinthiscontract;ur / �" �.. ,-�
<br /> . = l. C^..mw"�..:::S:t^.L�.4 wi.�Ao�:'h:ch:::r.,:.�;a:sto.`,:.:�cr�:aF��a::ai�l:s ai3ua"ltC�i����c'ilUiti� '`i.i1A�j11UIItt�CU�V� •'\ � ' .-.. -..- _
<br /> • 4. idtfauitonanyobfigationsforwhichlamusingmphomenscoliate l;or '� �
<br /> S. Somethinghappenstomyhousewhichthreatensyourrights.ifany,i it. � , �
<br /> 1F i AM IN DEFAIJLT:t understand that you have the right to farcclose thc:�1 �age 1 hac iven co eou and have my hou�e sold to re a an amounts 1 ow if 1 �.�:
<br /> �m in def�ult under this rantract.Before my house is sold,ycu will do e�ery�thing at the law quires.If}ou hire an aftorney to assist y o se mp ou ,ar,t s me, �
<br /> ex.to pmtect your rights,l agree to pay you for your reasonahle attomey�'fees an or other elated expenses�uch as court costs,title se chec d on you nded y
<br /> to prcNee[my house,if you are allowed ta collect sueh amounts hy law. ,
<br /> OTHF.R RI�H7'S:We can choose na to enf��rce any of the riFAts under this eontract of n a.c we want without losing them.Or.we can lay enf i ng any of the nghts
<br /> without lasing them.We can also use any rights noa�or in the future given ta us by law.
<br /> • DFLAYS:I know that yau will use your best efforts to install the pmducts I am purcha• g on my house,but 1 also understand that in some situations you may encounter ,
<br /> delays Ihat arc caused by sfikes,weathzr conditions,delays you ha�•e in oDtaining ma Is,or for other eeasons that am beyond your control.1 understand that you will �
<br /> rat Ae liable for such delays. �
<br /> ARBITRATION:If 1 have a dispute or:laim tvith you caneeming the quantity,qu• ty ar rt'ormance of the products,I understandthat my dispute map be submitted to �'
<br /> and seuled according to the mediation•arbitration progtam that may�hace deceloped n my rn munit�•.1 also know that any deci.ion made by rn arbitretorlsl would be en- `�`�
<br /> [ereJ in the court h�ving jurisdiction o�er me and y ou.
<br /> SAI.VAGE VAI.UF:1 know that the windmcs,woodwork,siding.brick and ot er materials at ha��e to be rema�ed b}•��ou for this installation ha��e M�salvage value. '��
<br /> Whcnyourtmncethem,youcanha�ethemfcYUhate�•erpurposepouwant. ' '[
<br /> Si'RCUI.SITL'AT10tiS:Due to the uniqueness of some of tF:e praluct+that ou sell,l vnderst d that in special situations that�ourRegional Office rnay have ro review
<br /> und accept this enntr.icL 1 also understand that this sale occurred m m��home nd that you and 1 ay•rtot ha�e had all ihe cnrtect infortnation impa�rtant to thiti transactiun
<br /> ' - -°^--�—^-• •�••••ti.•�����pnnr<�ha�m;�c veoccurcedwhent blanksinthisrnntractwerecompleted.
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