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<br /> 'Thc fulioa•ing notice brin•,�o m>�iucminn thtnghts tha� li,«<r�cn��h�n Ih�,contrar!i.,�td t�+, lin.�n.�al inUrtuUoni�r a hanl..;md{�h�,uld nutirr th�t thc imjx�r.
<br /> � tanceefthispmci�ion�cstres+ed�)�itsnppearanccinlenpmm, Idf.ur�yEK 90-- 10�535
<br /> NOTICE
<br /> This cndit contract Qn�ncee a rcha�se. All le�al �ighta which a �uyer hss agsl�st the Seller �risin�
<br /> ou� o� this transactio�, includin� sl �falms and d�t�naes, aro atso v Id a Ainat �ny hol�ler af this contnct.
<br /> T'h� �ht to rocovtr mon�y t�om t holder u�der this provisTan is U it�ta tha amount paid by the buy�r
<br /> u�r this cantrut�
<br /> A cl�im Is � I�alty valid re on for suin� the Selie`. A datenss i a legally valid re�safl tor not pay np
<br /> ths S�Ilar. A holdar Is anyon� t �g to collect fo�the purchsse.
<br /> ItiSUAANCE�CA�ICF.I.L�►'f'10����he hold9r e his co tsact n u•ritin���l�know hai the ca uellat��of�my �crare wiii be amins d w�lthihe insur�an5�carrierl�i u�nd
<br /> date of this rnntract by natifying y
<br /> afulircfu�xiufm�•prcmium(s)tngetherwithapplic IefinAncecharLCC�vill creditedtothisrnn[r,�ct.
<br /> PLEASE NOTE:If 1 hace nc�u�ested insurance i thisp urch�.tie.1 will recei�e within thirty(301 d�ys a cenificate P insurance morc fully dexeribing the insurance cove�age.
<br /> 1 knaw that if thece is any eonflict in the cove e orthe languace of the certificate of insurance and the followin Natice of Pmposed Insurance that 1 am cocered oniy to
<br /> tAe ecttnt siated in the fallowing Notice of Pta d Insurance.���«���w that I ha�•e insurance caceraFe onty if I •i�•e t►een charged fur it.
<br /> 1 take notic�e that either C�rdit Life or �t�r accident and Health Insurance.OT�III,will be applicable to this ales Contract on the raverse side only if 1 ha�•e chosen
<br /> it by siF�ing the request for surh insurane T►.�.�s�.+��urance u•ill onl�co��er the person signing t�e request at the cost f each t�•pe of insurance chown.Sub�ect to necept•ance
<br /> � by the insurance rnmpam•,the insurnnc µi!6�.�`-fecti��e�s of tcxiay and w•ill condnue opty for the number af nths atter the effecti�e date equal to the aumber of
<br /> monthly payments.1 unde�stand th;it th� part9:�:.Ca:insurance may not pmride co��erage for my last few payments, d that du�ng that pericxl of time 1 w�ill nat ha�e any
<br /> insuxance ca��enge.All beneFits.=nda e to m<��e in'tual ar.a�,�t'of Cred t Life In�u�ran en s the amount�required to r �ay h To al c�f P yamenC�thereafterhthe i�urance
<br /> interestc and any balance will Ge�,�
<br /> deccraees by the amaunl of each mo ly pa�r,�.e��on a sche.:�::'�30 day basis.If 1 am aintl�•.�9ligated oa the Sales .ntract with a Ca-8uyer.and a�e ha�e both sisned
<br /> the request for Cc�dit Life Insurance. ea¢h t+en:";:s will be pa�•able unly with respect to t�e fint 4�.-�e af us w die.Subject �exc[asians,eliminadans or waiting perind stated
<br /> in the in�urance policy or ceAificate, redit Acca;f:n�a�d Health Insurance is for the t�enefit amocnt af 1�30th of eaeh mon 's paymcnt for exh day that 1 am totaUy disabled
<br /> due to an injun or s�ckness whil..l •e any pa�.r•�=n1 to�•ou:hou•e�er.l undentand Iha�1 ha�•e to be prevented f�om K•ork g due to such total disabiluy for more than four-
<br /> teen(14)cansecudr•e days before t e incurnnce benef t is pa�d back to the first day of my total disability.l aiso knov� t I cannot obtaln any insurance from you tf I
<br /> e�ase�s,the endre amo�uet thal i o e��ou.Dkue to the nt�ax n um amc�u�nrot e o epraRe taa�tedpn themn u�nnjP�'li y�1 kn.�c t a�y unp d amounthn excvess of the n ur�an e �
<br /> cove�age w ill still ha�e ta be paid. f the Sales Cont�act is prcpa�d in full prior to the last pa��e}-4,��t de.cc hing my n.sur�a c co�erage Slf ihe n�uranceas4c�c a c pt d by
<br /> nerpreseribed by law.Within th' (301 da�s, 1«ill recei�e the cenificate of imurance m�:a.�_.�
<br /> the msurance company.I K il1 rec ive a refund rf�I�:insuran:a premium�1 hace�aid.
<br /> BW ER:The next t�vo pa graph�contairt�vartanties relati��e ta thiti sale gn�en by us to the financial institutinn ar bank in o er for it to buy this contract.
<br /> FOR VALUE RECEIV A.Seller hereby sells,assigns.�oovzy��•transfer�und deti�eR r.r
<br /> encumbered�hereby Auign e i hereb ye uhstitut d�a tRton�,ag e under the Mnrtgage pro icions�af th s contr ct hSe�lle�xatrant a d represents(1)It has the righ to make
<br /> ihis assignment:(2)All�ta ments and figures in thi�contract and in�he Bu�•er'c statement am materially tnie and cortec�:!;f'fhi conaact arose from the bona fide sale
<br /> of�he coods and services scribed herein;la)The cach dawr.payment+hown in thi�contra�t was acivally paid by Buyer and na p of said downpayment was loaned di-
<br /> - " rectly vv indirectly by�et r to Buya.(51 G,:h Euycr iz l:gs!}��mrn�,rr�rt to contract:l61 T4is contract is not and will nat be subject o�Mny�rc m,�efyne�d�¢ulation�ww
<br /> of offset:171 The execut n of this contract and the underlymg�►e�transaction giving rise N.-eeeta did oot viulnt�asy i:ders!rr�f'-t_ ; - ,_
<br /> IO Ct[CCI:lo%�i iiK:�C •2�i.^.��his£er.t*?c+.nr ehe underlym�sales irantaction is sub�ect te 3113�11 Of(2SC�5:'O'w rw wvCNltllOY�l` RuOCI`f1I CC SCtSSiOD O�C311ClII3-
<br /> .�«..�
<br /> tionperiodhase�pirrd ndneitherthe�alrnurehis.ontracthasbeencancelledorreccinded.ERC3tiU1f1tU1Gtl�auLUO►o�a�GwRttf� �+..�..• -
<br /> IN TFSTI:NONY HEREOF.the under�igned is an authonred representative of the S�11er and has signed below on t+ehalf of t e Seller on th�s �
<br /> � ,19 . ' �
<br /> day of . --
<br /> �x foregoing in+trumem wa�acknawledged t+efore me on —.. THE PACESETTER CORPORATI N (S�tNr) i�
<br /> � i . 19 B� -
<br /> - • r
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<br /> by the autlmrized agent of Seller aho is � � % , ,
<br /> Mycommissionexpireti: . _. .-,.�`�;;:� �'
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