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<br /> � � .INSTAlI.MENT SALES CQMTRACT AMO MORT6A6E � s�t.ES 8 2 6 9 7
<br /> COf2PORATIQf�1
<br /> 2660 NORTH DIERS AV�.,SUITE F , �"�"STREET � � � L�-
<br /> WIAND ISt.AND,NEblIASKA 6�01. �AHA,NE9RASKA 6s127
<br /> (�j��1� (i02)331-0275 . �
<br /> Sald To�C(�n �.i� �Il/J�- � . O � D�te l)f Thi. Conir�c� -l ��
<br /> Q �F1'LL IF.G4L V4\tE )F�,�I.1.fll�l'F.RS� ���.
<br /> "Addrcss'_ �� � 17bX 3�c�t> C,'��-�-1--���+�State__.JL�_ZipE���.���Telephone�. ���Q
<br /> In thiv Installmem Salcs C�mtrxt thc wonis 1. me. and my rcfer ta the Buyer nnd Co-Buye�lif anyl signing this cantract. The words, yoo and�•c�ur.
<br /> we �nd �� rcfe�la the Selkr and may also mean a bank ar other financial insti�ution if it buys Ihis rontrart. If it does, 1 will make my p�yments to
<br /> it. Under the McHtga e statutes, 1 am atso known ac the "Mongagor;'and yau are rcfemd ta as the"MonFagee". 1 undrntand that if more than one "Du�er'
<br /> signa below Ihat ex� will tx recponsible for all promises made and far paying the obligatioM�) in full; you may• collect again�t one or any. This wntract
<br /> cove�s my purchak vf manufactured pmductc af The p;iceselter Carpo�ation, and/or ciding Jistributed and installed by The Pacesette�Corpontion. 1'ou have
<br /> quoteJ.me a CuA Pricr and a Tatal Sak Pirice. The 7'otal Sate Price is the total cost of the praducts and sen�ice�if 1 huy on credil.
<br /> 1 naw elwose to buy, and you a�ree to sell, fii� Ihe Total Sale Price. .et fonh below, the praduct. and seM1•ices described below�. 1 ac�ee ta pay
<br /> y�u the amount tinanced in accordance with the payment scAedule set fanh below, together with interest iherean at the annual pementege rate whichis discf«sed
<br /> befow. 1 also agrce to all of the other tertns oo both sides of this cantract. Qnly products manufactured by The Pacesette� Corpa�atian are wsered
<br /> by 10 Yar LUnHed Warnnty.No exterior inte trlm. inHeg or i in . 11 De provided unla�specllted in fltis Co tract.
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<br /> for such "Addr�s' i�: ��s� �i.,�Tn p 1 S � 2 l���+/ �� ��S/ ��-//- 9
<br /> �0 AC
<br /> Ssyels acknowiedee that if Legal Description is not available at the time tAis cont�act i�executed. Scllcr hac the right to obtain and in.en the Legal Description • '
<br /> at a late�Aata �
<br /> ^ STJP+'I!!�AP.Y ^.F�,�:.�: l3asc cash pricc ��'7��C� ; sa� . '''�'' : additsonat uarranty:s.rs:i:e r.:tera�:.; `' ._C`� - ; '?�7s�.(9a =._
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<br /> ITEMl2ATION OF THE Ab10UNT FMANCED OF S_3 f 5`!� .2 j ; .
<br /> • � 3��• � Amount cmdited ro this contract ISamc amount as thc '•!'npaid Balancc.") �
<br /> , S A�c�_ Dc`"� ar
<br /> Amount paid on nct balancc from priar contract w�ith �ns. —
<br /> • Amount(s) �idt2a athe�s on my behalf: 5 a�- ��� to insurance company for Pmperty� Damage insuranct
<br /> S ��,L� to insurance company fo�Credit Life insurance S ��� �C�` to public officials for filing/rccordiag fces
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<br /> � �b� � to insurancc campany fo�Accidcnt and Hcalth insurance 5 �Zf? - �%� to fSpccify)�6��� '
<br /> �
<br /> � ANNUAL FlNANCE Amount Tota�of Total Sale Pr�ce '
<br /> ; PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments ?t�e tota!cost of my purchasc � �
<br /> i �ATE Thedollaramauntthe Ttteamountofcredit Theamountlwill ��eredit,includingmy � �
<br /> � The costof mycredit as crcdit will cost me. F:rn.:�:d to me ar on have paid after 1 Sownpayment af �
<br /> ' ayearlyrate. m}be�alf. asscheduled�p,y�cnts � ��� ��
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