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EXH11611 A 200105289 <br />PARCEL 1: A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N1/2 SE1/4) <br />and a part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (Sl /2 NEl /4), all being in Section Fourteen (14), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said North Half of the Southeast quarter (Nl /2SE1 /4), said point <br />also being the northeast corner of Potash Subdivision; thence northerly along and upon the east line <br />of said North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N1/2SE1/4), a distance of One Thousand Thirty Three <br />and Four Hundredths (1,033.04) feet to the southeast corner of Westwood Park Subdivision; thence <br />westerly along and upon the south line of said Westwood Park Subdivision, a distance of Six Hundred <br />Sixty One and Forty Seven Hundredths (661.47) feet to the southwest corner of Lot Nineteen (19), said <br />Westwood Park Subdivision; thence northerly along and upon the west line of said Lot Nineteen (19), <br />a distance of Thirty Seven (37.0) feet to the southeast corner of Lot Eighteen 918) said Westwood Park <br />Subdivision; thence westerly along and upon the south line of said Lot Eighteen (18), a distance of One <br />Hundred Seventy Four (174.0) feet to the southwest corner of said Lot Eighteen (18), said point also <br />being on the easterly right of way line of Sweetwood Drive; thence southerly along and upon said easterly <br />right of way line, a distance of Nineteen (19.0) feet to a southeasterly corner of said Westwood Park <br />Subdivision; thence westerly along and upon the south line of said Westwood Park Subdivision, a <br />distance of Two Hundred Thirty (230.0) feet to the southwest corner of said Westwood Park Subdivision; <br />thence northerly along and upon the west line of said Westwood Park Subdivision, a distance of Four <br />Hundred Eighty (480.0) feet to the southwest corner of Lot Thirteen (13), said Westwood Park <br />Subdivision; thence defelcting left 89° 23' 20" and running westerly, parallel with the north line of the <br />South Half of the Northeast Quarter (Sl /2NE1 /4), a distance of One Hundred Seventy Nine (179.0) feet; <br />thence deflecting left 28° 57' 03" and running southwesterly, a distance of Sixty Eight and Seventeen <br />Hundredths (68.17) feet; thence deflecting right 28° 57' 03" and running westerly, parallel with the north <br />lineof said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (Sl /2NE1 /4), a distance of Five Hundred Fifty Three <br />(553.0) feet; thence deflecting left 54° 57' 45" and running southwesterly, a distance of Sixty Two and <br />Forty Four Hundredths (62.44) feet; thence deflecting right 39° 05' 37" and running southwesterly, a <br />distance of One Hundred Three and Eight Hundredths (103.08) feet; thence deflecting left 39° 05' 37" <br />and running southwesterly, a distance of Sixty One and Eighty Nine Hundredths (61.89) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 54° 57' 45" and running westerly, parallel with the north line of said South Half of the <br />Northeast Quarter (S1/2 NEl /4), a distance of Three Hundred Fifty Six and Eight Hundredths (356.08) <br />feet; thence deflecting right 16° 38' 49" and running northwesterly, a distance of Sixty Two and Eighty <br />Three Hundredths (62.83) feet; thence deflecting left 16° 38' 49" and running westerly, parallel with the <br />north line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1/2 NE1/4), a distance of One Hundred Thirty <br />Five and Thirty Three Hundredths (135.33) feet to a point on the easterly right of way line of the City <br />of Grand Island - Highland Park Drainway; said point being Forty (40.0) feet east of the west line of said <br />South Hall of the Northeast Quarter (S1/2 NE1 /4); thence southerly along and upon said easterly right <br />of way of the Highland Park Drainway, and being parallel with and Forty (40.0) feet east of the west line <br />of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (Sl /2 NE1/4) and said North Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(NI/2 SE1 /4) and also being parallel with and Forty (40.0) feet east of the east line of Dale Roush <br />Second Subdivision and its prolongation, a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Four and <br />Forty Eight Hundredths (1,384.48) feet to a point on the south line of said North Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter (NI/2 SE1/4) thence easterly along and upon the south line of said North Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter (N1/2 SEl /4) and also being along and upon the prolongation of the north line of Potash <br />Subdivision and the north line of said Potash Subdivision, a distance of Two Thousand Five Hundred <br />Eighty Six and Two Hundredths (2,586.02) feet to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2: A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1/2NE1 /4) <br />of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot <br />Ten (10), Westwood Park Subdivision; thence southerly, along an upon the west line of said Westwood <br />Park Subdivision, a distance of Four Hundred (400.0) feet to a point on the north line of Lot Twelve (12), <br />Westwood Park Subdivision; thence westerly, along and upon the north line of said Lot Twelve (12), a <br />distance of Thirty-Five (35.0) feet to the northwest corner of said Lot Twelve (12); thence southerly, along <br />and upon the west line of said Lot Twelve (12), a distance of One Hundred Thirty (130.0) feet to a point <br />on the northerly right of way line of Elmwood Drive; thence westerly, along and upon said northerly right <br />of way line, a distance of Fifteen (15.0) feet to a point on the west line of said Westwood Park <br />Subdivision; thence southerly, along and upon the west line of said Westwood Park subdivision, a <br />Page 2 distance of One Hundred Eighty (180.0) feet to the southwest corner of Lot Thirteen (13), Westwood 98-6422 <br />Park Subdivision; thence deflecting right 90° 36' 40" and running westerly, parallel with the north line <br />of the Smith Half of the Northeast Onarter (Sl /2NF1 14)_ a distance of One Hnndred Seventy -Nine <br />(179.0) feet; thence deflectâ–º left 28° 57' 03" and ranni. g southwester a distance of Sixty -Eight and <br />Seventeen Hundredths (68.17) feet; thence deflecting right 28° 57' 03" and running westerly, parallel with <br />the north line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (Sl /2NE1/4), a distance of Five Hundred <br />Fifty -three (553.0) feet; thence deflecting left 54° 57' 45" and running southwesterly, a distance of <br />Sixty -Two and Forty -Four Hundreds (62.44) feet; thence deflecting right 39° 05' 37" and running <br />southwesterly, a distance of One Hundred Three and Eight Hundredths (103.08) feet; thence deflecting <br />left 39° 05' 37" and running southwesterly, a distance of Sixty-One and eighty -Nine Hundredths (61.89) <br />feet; thence deflecting right 54° 57' 45" and running westerly, parallel with the north line of said South <br />Half of the Northeast Quarter (Sl /2NE1 /4), a distance of Three Hundred Fifty -Six and Eight <br />Hundredths (356.08) feet; thence deflecting right 160 38' 49" and running northwesterly, a distance of <br />Sixty -Two and Eighty-Three Hundredths (62.83) feet; thence deflecting left 16° 38' 49" and running <br />westerly, parallel with the north line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (Sl /2NE1 /4), a <br />distance of One Hundred Seventy -Five and Thirty -Three Hundredths (175.33) feet to a point on the west <br />line of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4); thence northerly, along and upon the west line of said Northeast <br />Quarter (NE1/4), a distance of Four Hundred Fifty -Five (455.0) feet to the southwest corner of <br />Westwood Park Second Subdivision; thence easterly, along and upon the south line of said Westwood <br />Park Second Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Ninety and Fifty -Four Hundredths (390.54) feet <br />to the southeast corner of Lot Twelve (12) Westwood Park Second Subdivision; thence northerly, along <br />and upon the east line of said Lot Twelve (12), a distance of One Hundred Ten (110.0) feet to the <br />southeast corner of Lot Eleven (11) Westwood Park Second Subdivision; thence northeasterly, along and <br />upon the southeast line of Lots Eleven (11), Ten (10) and Nine (9), Westwood Park Second Subdivision, <br />a distance of Three Hundred Eighty -Eight and One Tenth (388.1) feet to a point on the south line of said <br />