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<br /> !.Gr�a�tos Accekntfos ot Ue�t.
<br /> 9a�-- �02��8
<br /> ' t�)Det�pM. Lendtr m�y,eacept ae limitrd by re�ulattons issued by tht Secrataty ia the case of�ayment clefautta, requirc
<br /> immsdiate paymrnt in iufl ni�U suro��ecur=cl by thi�Securiiy in�trument ii:
<br /> (i)Borrower det�ulta by failins to pay in full any monthly paynufit requlre�by tt�is Security Inslrument prior to or on
<br /> � tAe dut date of the nrxt munthly payment�or
<br /> (�1)�defautts by fa�lins�for�pe�iud af thtrty days,to perform Rny other obUtxtions cont�ned in�his Security
<br /> lr)S�M WIII��1 G�iMt A�d.L�eeriee at�ll.if pem�itled bY�PP�k+�law aad witA tho prior approval of the Secretuy.rartit�e
<br /> in+n+alMMS�ilet'Mt�d!of d!t5e�uan aecured by tEls Sectuityr Instruma�t if:
<br /> , (i?�11 q��rti►f lue 1�ert�r�othavri�e tt�sferrad(otlier tl�an by devix ot desoerrl by thie Bo+rrower.aed
<br /> ' (ii)'t'be Penperty i�noi on,�upiect by the purchuer or grantee a dis or her prirt�try or aeoondory resicienoe.or the purclwer or
<br /> panee does�o occapy dio Pmpaty 6ut Ais or ba ctodit hd t�ot beefli�ppmve+d in�cco�da�re wid�the cequiran�s af the Srcudmy.
<br /> , (c)N�R►�hsr.If circv�nstancp occur that would permit Lender to require immedi:te payment in full,but Leader doa not
<br /> � requi�e wch paymeau, I.ender does not vraive its rl{hts with respect to subsequent evenu.
<br /> � (i)R�IMIer st HITD Seerel�r�r.In many circumstances re=uladons issued by the Saretary will 19mit Lender's ri�hts.in
<br /> 1 the c�e ot p�ymeat defiulta,to requirc 3jnmediite payment in fuU and foreslose if not paid.This Security Instrument does
<br /> , not autAotl�e acoekr�tioa or foreclosun if not permitted by resuutions of the Secretuy.
<br /> I�. ltei■rb�t.Borrower ha� a rlght to be reinstated if Lender hu required immedlate payment in full because of
<br /> I Borro�rer'�failure W pay�n amount due under the Note or this SecurIty Instrument.Thia riEht applies even af'ter forecloswe
<br /> ' proaeedinjs an lnstituted.To reinstate the Security IastNmeat,Bonower shall teader in i lump sum stll amounte required to
<br /> : brint Borsower'a aocount curreat includin�,to the eatent they ue obligadons of Boaoxer under this Secnrity IAStrumen2,
<br /> forecloeu�e coats and reuonabk and customary attomey's fees and expenses properly associated with the forcelosure
<br /> � prooeedfos.Upon reieatatem�nt by Sorrower.thia 5ecwity lnstruiaent and the obligutions th�t it secures shtil temain in effect as
<br /> - lf Lentke dad not rtquired immediate payrtaent in full.However,Leader is not required to pecm9t reinstatement if:(i)Lender h�s
<br /> � aoapted reiAStataaent after the commencement of forecloswe proceedings within two years immedlately prcceding the
<br /> i commenameat of a current foreclosure proceeding, (ii)reinstatement will pmlude foreclosnre on differeat grounds in the
<br /> future,or(ii�reinstatement w�l adversely affect the priorlty of the tien created by this Saurlty Instrument.
<br /> � il. MReower Not Reteaud; Foe�araue By Leadcr Not s R+atver.fiatension of the dme of payment or modificadon of
<br /> ' amotti�uioa of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument granted by Lenc�a to any suecasor in interest of Honower sh�ll not
<br /> operate to rele�se tl�e tiabiUty of the or�ginal Borrower or Bonower's succ�ssor in Interat. Lender shaU not be required to
<br /> . commena proceeding�ag�inst any successor ue iaterest or refuse to estend tieue for payment or otherwise modify amortl�ation ' '
<br /> , of the sums secured by t1�IIs Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Horrower's
<br /> i succes,wrs ia interest.My forb�uance by Lender in e�cercising any rlght or remedy shall aot be a waiver of or greclude the
<br /> � exercise of any dght or remedy. �
<br /> S �����t���:Ja����d S�vend LhMHtr:Co•Si�. The wvenants and agreements of this Security �..�.'
<br /> — Iuyirument ahsil binci uta ixn�t the successors and assigns of iender attd Borrower�subject to the ptovlsions of paragaph 9.D. __
<br /> _. .- -_ ,�,�,••;��•'S�J�::,i'o iii:"�ca"'Gauts Su81i`vc'v'u�i iwu'Scv2riti.ifn
<br /> �
<br /> � not eaecute the Note:(a)���.o-s' � y�'�O1Y�WIIO°0'���s�°riiy ti�siiii;iieui'vuf uoes _
<br /> �e pro �;nin;thls Security lastrument oNy to mortgage.grant and convey that Borrower's interest in _
<br /> perqr under the terms of this Security lnstrament;(b)is not personally obligatM to pay the sums secured by th9s Security
<br /> Instrumrnt; aad (c) agrees thxt I.cn�er aad any other Borrower may agree to extend, modlfy, forbear or make any . _
<br /> accommodadons with regard to the term of this Security Insuument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. ��°�
<br /> ; 13.Notica.Aay nodce to Borrower provided for in tlils Securlty Instrument shaU!x given by dellvering it or by maiGng it by �
<br /> first cliss mail unkss�pplicable law requira use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address or any
<br /> j other address Borrower designues by notia to L.tndtr.Any noticc to Lender shall be given by first class mail to L,ender's address
<br /> � stated herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.My notice provided for in this Securety lnstrument shall
<br /> , ; be dcemod to have ban given to Bonower or Lendu when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> � ' 1�•��eni�t��;��KSbWh•This Securlty Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and the law of the jwisdiction in
<br /> wlucb the Property is locate�.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Iastrument or the Note conflicts vrith ap- t
<br /> plicable law,snch coaflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Inswment oz the Note which can be given effect
<br /> without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Sccurity Instrument and the Kote are declazed to be •
<br /> severable.
<br /> , ���
<br /> ' l5.Borrower's Cop�. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � 16.A�sip�!oi Rent�.Boaos�er unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the renu and revenaes of the Property. :
<br /> • Borrower authorizes Lender or Lendex's agents to colloct the rents and revenua and hereby directs each tenant of the Property
<br /> to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agenu.However, prior to Lender's aotice to Borrower of Borrower's breach of any cove-
<br /> nant or agreement in the Security Instrument,Boaower shall collect and receive all rrnts and revenues of the Property as tnutee
<br /> for the benefit of Lender and Bonower.This assignment of rents constitutes an absolute assignment ana not an assigtment for
<br /> additional savriry only.
<br /> If Leeda gives notice of breach to Borrower:(a)all rents received by Borrowu sheU be held by Bonower as trustee for bene�t
<br /> ' of I.ender oniy,to be applied to the sums secure�by ihs Securiiy Insirument;(b)Lender sh�1f ba entitled to m�lect aad receive all
<br /> of the nnu of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Property shaU pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or I.ender's agent
<br /> ______ on Lender's written demand to the tenant.
<br /> Boaower has not executed any prior assignment of the renu and has not and will not perform any act that wauSd prevent
<br /> Lender from eaercising its rights under this paragraph 16.
<br /> Lender shaU not be required to enter upon,take control of or maintain tht Property before or after giving notice of breach to
<br /> Bonower.However,Lender or a judicially appeeated receiver may do so at any time there is a breach.Any application of ren�s ___ _ __
<br /> _ shall not cure or waS�e any default or invalidaie any oth�r right or remedy of Lender. This assip,nment of renis of the Propeny �
<br /> shall termiaate when the debt stcured by the Security Instrument is paid in full. - �
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