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<br /> � Th� fotlowin0 �r• �tdd�hd� to th• Mo�t��/�. �t���• eh�ek th� •p�lfc�bl• •dd�nduw. Th•
<br /> �ddendu� eh�eti�d sh�tl b• �flco�po��t�d I�eo. aed ��ee�d�d �ith� eh• Mo�t��o�. Th• t��•
<br /> "Mo�iaaOtM shstt b� d��s�d to Includt �Of�t� of T�ustM. 1t •pplleabl�.
<br /> _�� FMA AODEMGUM
<br />_ As lenp •s th� Nortp�p• is outat�rtdi��� th� ��nd�� ■ay d�eta�t �tt •uws ��eu��d by th�
<br /> Aort�a�• to p• 1���dtat�ly du• snd p�y�bt• fft '
<br /> ' �. All o� pa�t a� th• p�op��ty It sold o� otht��el�• t��nat����d �otA�� lhin by d�vl���.
<br /> d�ae��t o� ope��tion ot l+v) by �o��ow�� Lo a pureh�s�� e� oth�� t��nst���l�
<br /> (1) Yho ean�ot r��soe�bly b• � •xp�et�d te ooeuOY th� p�op��ty •s • p�ineipt• ���Id�ne•
<br /> �ith1� a ��asonabl� tiac •1t�� th• sal• •� t��n�t��� •Il a• provid�d in i��tlen
<br /> ti3(e) �nd ti3�i)��) qf the .3nte��al R�v�nu• Cod• of 1l��. a• ���nd�dj o�
<br /> �11� who Aas h�d a p�ssent o�e��sAip 1n����at i� � p�lnalP�• �i�ld�ne� du�1n� any p�rt et
<br /> th� thr�s•y�a� p��iod �ndln9 on th� dst• ot th• �al� o� t��n�f��. all �s p�ovtd�d ia+
<br /> � i�otion 1f3td) and 1<3(taG2� ot th• lnt����l ��v�nu• C�d• ��xe�N! tA�t th� t�n�u���
<br /> "tOC p.�e��tN sh�ll b• •��stituted fo� �9S p��o�nt or �er�• wh��� th• latt�� app���s
<br /> ie !lCt10n 1�3(d)(1); p�
<br /> : �iii) At •n •equisitioc� cost Mhieh is a��at�� than 90X of th• av��ao• a��a pu�oh�a• o�ie� �
<br /> . (����s�� 4han ttax f or. j�ry�t�d a��a ���1d�ne���, •lt �� p�ovld�d 1n ��etlon 1i3�t�
<br /> and 1i3(i)(2) o� tha 1nt��nal Rev�nue Cod�� o� •
<br /> �iv) Yho�• fa�nity ineom� exe�sds 11Sx ot appliCab�� ��d1�� f��1ty 1neo�� �1i0x fo� a
<br /> f�wily i� • ta�peted a�t� r�sldtna�), •ll as p�ovid�d 1� =�atlon 143�f) �nd 1�3�1��2)
<br /> ot the lntt��sl R�venue Cods; or .
<br /> b• �o��o��� faits to oeeupy the �rop��ty d��e�iD�d in th• Mo�t�ap• �ithout p�1o� w�ltt�n
<br /> e0ns�nt of L�nde� o� its :uce�ssors o� •s�i�ns= o�
<br /> ' c• �o��o��� o�nits or miseep��s�nti a fact th�t 1� ■�t��1�t wtth ��sp�et to th• p�ovi�iana ot ' ;
<br /> ! S�atlon 1C3 of tAe Inteen�l R�v�nu� Cod� i� ae spptlaatlon fo� th• Mo�t��9�.
<br /> Ref������� • a�s to th e t986 Inte�nal 1t�v�nu• Cod• i� •tf�et on th• d�t• of �x�eutfon of tht � �
<br /> �o{t9ap� •nd•a�e deemed to includ• thf 11�pIf111fflLiflO ���ulatton�.
<br /> / / � , �;-
<br /> - /� �,��-�v�,�a-- %�G.!' G�(��� ?__:
<br /> , �,_ VA NORTGA6E AOOENOfDM
<br /> i .
<br /> ; lt, so lon� as th� Mortp�p� is outstandin�. atl ot any pa�t ot th* prop��ty fa •otd o�
<br /> f � t�a f�r��d by �oerow�� ytthout l�ad���s p�1o�_,��ttttn aona�nt� oth�� than � t�an�i�� bY .'�
<br /> � , d�v�e, dueent or by ope��tion ot� l�� thi L��i�� ■ay, at L�nd���s optt�an, d�el�r• �t! th� �
<br /> `��►'sua��- s�eu��d by the Nort9�pt to b� i���dt���ty dua �nd pay�bt�. �
<br /> �� �
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<br /> �. DATE Mar 4, t990 • � ; � � !
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