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<br /> -' " W,.. ,r+1 ��._;%.'.''. __. ._.
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<br /> _ � � �
<br /> � NON-UNIFURl!!COV6NANTS. Bo;row�er and L.encteer Port?►er cavrnaat urxii r rec as follows: ��
<br /> u �� �o����
<br /> � 17.ForrciaMw�e Pt�aae�M�rc.ii LerKkrrtquircs immcclisue pAyment in full undeeparag�h 9, Lende y invu c sale
<br /> and anv athcr amedks pemiitted by appticabk t�w. Lend�:r stwU t+e entitlai to calcct all capenses incuROd in pursuing thc remeciirs
<br /> • provtded in thi�p�s�gr�h i'�, ir.cludieg,but not!':sn�cd to, reasonable attomsys' fcss nnd casts af title evidrnce.
<br /> U t�e�01�'o(sde is iuroi�ed�7�tee aWl rrcord�n�tioe o[defwit��c6 county te v�l��ey p�rt ot t!e Ptoperty la lo�ted
<br /> a�d ei�Iw�li p�pieY v?wl'�r 1Mliit�e iY(�s 6ti�iii��Q�es�i�`'i'wa'�i�a�pjiCibi2 lii�to B�i'Pi,Tr�tt'�ud to tb2 ot1�H'pliiOdtS pi'�cSCTsb�l11
<br /> �'�PP��I�w.A!!er fk tN�e e�e�indh�7 vPP���'. 7Ywtee ahW�ire puDflc nntla ot sek to Nie pe�woo�wd In t�e
<br /> �r P�'���!'+!!�I�w. ,aM�awt denn■d o�Barrowrr.�W�tlre Property�tp��w�ctios to tYe rl�eat
<br /> dekneis�r, 71�wf�ee �a�d r■ie�ttie te�ded�s�t�d is tl�e notice of eale io oae or mone p�+cci aod Im�,y a�der Tnrtee
<br /> n��a�et�o�stk t+l�11 or eeg P�'���� Y�R��Rena�ceanenl N t!�lk�e�nd pbce of at�
<br /> � p�eriw��e�Md de,I.e�i�r ar Wdpipee s�,�r p�+cWe tYe at�y�le.
<br /> - : 13�t ru'dM at l�c�t�fk prke I+M,�rirlee�W ddt�,r to t9�e p�+¢�er'itneke's deed ooa�+e�!l��PPZy�''P'�'�
<br /> ncll�Y Y tie 7t�Mee��aW bt�d�1l�de e�iderce d trut�ot the ehte�►m�de tierdo.'1�Mee a�
<br /> at tre�Me i�tk�aedie:W to ar�p�ts d tUe s�le.t�udta�,but aot Yorted to.'I1v�tee a fed as pa�arMted b�a� t
<br /> � wc�iie I�w,���baq�one�s'fee�i(b)to aq eud�ec�sd b9 tNs Se�rky last*�ent:aed(c)ae!'rYCew to t�e persoo
<br /> . l��.a.��.ee.v��rnax of�ll�securoa by thjs secur;ty v�rumay,l,e�xkr sh�u roc�ese r�usooe to c�ooavey d�e Pmpertyr
<br /> E and ah�ll wrn�der this Savriiry llutrument md W notes evidencing debt securod by this Savrity lnsmu�xat to 7Yusto�.T�uctoe sh�il
<br /> } reoanvey the Property widaut wur�nty and witlqut chvge to the persoa or persoos kgally entitkd to it.S�ch person or peraonv sfu�ll
<br /> _ � P�ya�r��-
<br /> 1!.Si�titde 1ti�tee.Leader.at ns option.rniy from time ta time nemove Tnutee and a�pQoint a suooes.s�o�tnutee to�ny'[tustx
<br /> � '�PPa�d�e sue�orbY tcu�oe efa11 succoe�d to�tt�e '�trtle,�powcr�na ancies ooarerr�a upon Trustee �rche in ana by°0n0�i�la�0
<br /> � ���e�l�Natioe�.B�on+aw�eequeats th�t oopks of the notias of dehuh and sak be seot to Borrower's add�rss wAich is the
<br /> Bas+ower�roa that sl�oukl this Se�urity Instrumrnt and the note socured thereDy not be ellgibk for insuru�oe under tl�e Nadoml Housing
<br /> ._._ Act w�ithiu 8 �ont i�s i'rom the daoe heroof.Lenckr may.at its opoon and notwith�tanding�nything la Puag�aph 9,�roqui�e —
<br /> inxnee�itle p�ymetK la ot alls�secured by this Security Ia4uuaienE.A v►�ritten shtement of any authotizod�geat of tde Sect+etuy
<br /> ��a� � IIOT1t 11S {�the datc dereof.declioin�eo iativre this Secvrity Ia�tr�unent and the t�otc sec�rod
<br /> � therebY,s1W1 bo doetixd ooaclusive pnoof of sucd ineligib�iry.Nothw�ditg the forcgoing.tt�option tn�y not be exercisod by l.ender
<br /> when tae anav�il�bility of insutu�oe ds sokly due to Lender's failcr�e ta nmit a mo�tgage intivrunoe premium w the�ecnerary.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> i+
<br /> ! RI�lIS�O IMIi SlCpf��IRfffll�lYl,lf one or more riders are executed by Borrower artd rocorded together with this Securi�y -
<br /> � Instrument, the covenanta pf eacte sueh rider shall be incorpe-ated into and shall amend and supDlement the ca�tenants and ; '
<br /> agreements of this Sceurity Instntnneal as if the rider(s)wete i�a�art of this Secucity Instrument.[Check apDlicable box(a)�. �
<br /> � .
<br /> � ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ Adjustat+le Rate Rider ❑ Cirowing E.�uity Rider M . =
<br /> ---.. _1 +-.�
<br /> - ----� r—� �1 i� ��R��7n�� �iQO��i��M �----
<br /> U Planntd Unit Development Rider LJ Graduatcd Payment Rider l_7 Other -4
<br /> -`
<br /> � _
<br /> � ;_
<br /> � BY SIGNING 9ELOW,Bonowes accepts and agree�to the terms contained in this Security Instrument and in any rider(s)
<br /> cxecuted by Borrowa and recorded with it. ;_
<br /> i �
<br /> � Witness: �
<br /> S i!.'sf�t� c.��Gi.c-�IZs,i'•_
<br /> �
<br /> � ------ — (Seal)
<br /> � .. �— $urraw¢r
<br /> i
<br /> • (Seal) ;:!.n;
<br /> ;
<br /> x��«<,.,��
<br /> ..�
<br /> -- _ (Seal1 -
<br /> NarrnNr, -
<br /> ' ($C3�)
<br /> � B�,u�....�
<br /> STATE QF NE$RASKw. Counry ss: HAl'..L
<br /> { 4a s�ic �C r3 �;�g MeY . 19 9� ,be#'are me.the undersignaD,a Piotary Pubtic
<br /> _ � ctt�ly "«+�4 �ad r�:rlified far said ccs:nry,�.-samtly�me ROBERT C BARLOW
<br /> • A 5IlVGLE PEfiSON , to me known co be t1x
<br /> idaNical persoa(s)w}wse moK(s)u�e subscribed W�he fongoing instrument and acknowlodged the exec�tion thereof to be
<br /> h1S voluntary ad ard dped.
<br /> � Wi��ss my nana and notuial swl at GRAND ISLAND in saia counry.the •---�
<br /> ' a..�te af'as+es�:�. _
<br /> , ��Ml�01MYS�e M Nebr�tb � ,
<br /> My Conuniuion expircs: My��IMI Et�Z�OMKE � ,;�LUC._S �.c�-f��'� �
<br /> d!lKXX�IXXXftl�14 � Notary u _
<br /> � SEPTEMBER 15, 1990 �����x��� CYNTHZA S ZLOMKE �
<br /> TO TRUSTEE: vt
<br /> The undersigntd is the twlder of the note or notes socured by this D��ed of Trust.Said rsote or notes,together with:�I other i adebtodness ti
<br /> securcd by this Dood of T�ust,have bcen paid in full. You are hereby d'uected to eancel said note ot notes and this Deeci of Trw�,which �
<br /> are delivet�d t►tteby,and to roconvcy,witl�out wananty,all thc estate now held by you undct this Beed of Ttust W�he persort ot persons �
<br /> legally en6Qod thereto. �.` �
<br /> Date: �> .
<br /> �•..� a., .r � - �
<br /> . ....._ .______.__.,_.,..._ _.._ . .. ._. . .. --- .-- - °----,.,_..._ ---�.. ___.._.�._. _—
<br /> __._ . . _. . _, �.. . . - : . . � , "�'.__' _'-'""' °---r•* --- • , .. —_.,��_J-
<br /> • . ' . , . ' ,. . ,- : �� �, _ � . , . -. • ' . - . �
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<br />