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<br /> �
<br /> 4
<br /> .� _� . . . ' • �
<br /> ���-�!'� �� ����Z1•
<br /> es��n nF �r�tuS� ���c��> i���.�`c�i�E. �� it��«•�-:� :
<br /> � - t` � � t:�:���c��:�� , ;tit'. .
<br /> � UYFI t�u�tYt�� � e ♦
<br /> GRAn�!'OR(�►: � `?99600996 � i70'"�Q�491
<br /> � I cw�r N�wr .�w�r �a�n�i. Ts��n.•n ."��n;.- �nn�w� Ir��fa'�• �
<br /> r��t�Mawoo��N " r.�. � � -- `�"���se +�wCPF�1, '
<br /> rjVG�RASKA
<br /> ae� •
<br /> THIS DI?1:D 01'THl-1P, �ta�1c thi��l6th ����• „� APRIL , �y_.90 , h�T��r,n BAKFR _( iSB ND ANl) WIFF) .
<br /> ' hereinaftcr calkd 71tVSfUR,�sh����addrec�ie 1321 �1.._SHERIDAN P�,yGRE�• ISI.AATD-��— ;,�� ci.a�t �(, ROGERS
<br /> _ ,l�cnin.il't�r c�U�d TRl'STI l, ��•hucr.,ddrc.:�.�Qft�NL11��T..__S31ITE 100. OMAHA� NE 681 S4 �
<br /> •nd AYCO I�INANC'lAL ti1:RVil'I.ti I�1'!k!`e11InV:\L. !\('., � h�bt.i�k:� r��rpur.�ituu, i�c�cit�etlr� rallod HI•=til�I�IC'IARl', whoso addrou 'is '
<br /> ___,��,42��ORTH W$$�..$Q���.j�Hp _ISLANI2. NE ._. _68803__. _ _ ..—. --_— —
<br /> WlTNESSE.TII: That Trustor GltA1T5, CO\�'Pl'S, 51 LLS :1\h \�'�1hR:1N fS !Cl fRl'STfI , IV l kl'Sl',�Ytl'!t Y0117�R OI�5:\LI', thc fulluwing douribed
<br /> ptopCtty,sliu9ttd in �'i' --.--_--_. l'��um}, \.•l,rr�ha:
<br /> Lot Fifteen (15), Imperial Village Third Subdivision, to �L�� �itg of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska
<br /> ; ,
<br /> togcthec wnh aU bu�IJmes ;md im��r�nrr��r��'. n��a �.r h�re.�ft.•r cr.:t�J thurr.•n :md .�h c.rern., ac�ru-��. ,hadr., ck�rm ce.h .�nd hlinds,and he:�ting.lighti�lg. � ,
<br /> plumbine, �;as, rlectrir, �•entilaun�_ n�ir.��atmp• .md emrund�n�mm� ryuipmrm �i�rd m :��nnr.tio�*. ��;r�wirt�. ,�II ui ��•hich. lor lhe purpux ut th�s Deed ut : �
<br /> Truct. .I�all t�e dermeil l:�ture.an�l wh•r:t t�� �hr licu hrr.•��t. .md thr lurrel�t.�m.•ntc.ind.�1,Purecoan�•cc pertainmr t.� thr prupetl�• above desx:tibed.and rll ! i
<br /> �trc�tt, lanes. dIICYC. UJSOCtS. \ld�`�. Nd!��1. Ndll'I :aur..., i�,ht,, Lberu�..ni.' p�niA•�;r,, ��li.�t.�,rr.r �hr�.unt„ h,•I��nLinr ur �n am•��i.c �ppertaining and the '
<br /> � r�versiunrand remaindcr�,a11 af�c!arL ixRicrrrJ tu hr�rivair.� .�.�'�r"��r.m�.�•.'. . �`�_
<br /> ' TO HAVF A�Q TO HOI.11 the:�b��ve•d�..ri!kd prr�ni.�c,�uth tl�,a��purt�n.in�ic.mA ti�tun•�, �rnt��the c:ud R�nrliri.�r��, it..u:.ec�orc and a«icnc.foreve�.fot i -
<br /> it�e purvuSes .►nd u� hrrein �t fonh. frcr trom aU nLlit. and lxnatnc un3cr and M� eirtu� ��!ruc Humc��cs� ��eu�uuwi Lr��s uf �he Sute of NehnaYa � _
<br />. _-.- .---' W�lll'}I li12Y �O l'fl3CtC�,w111C�1 q1C� iishts aced hene�t.��h�ti.U�1 ��tU�liii �luC�h�'�dh\ i'�pt,•.�I�•r.lraw.md R�eit��'w � , ----�
<br /> Triutot also ass?�r1s to Eette.''ftciaty'a11 rents,issucs and profits of said premi+rs. �:rantin�the rf�!it to coUcct and use thc samc,with or trithaut taking possession of '
<br /> the premises.dusing continuance of Jef�ult hercunde-..�nd durinR cantimiancc��f wrh dr(ault authoririnF Uenrti�i.ar.o entc►upon s:nd premises andlot to colleet � �
<br /> and enforce the same a•ithout regard to adeuu;,ry .+� .,��> .ccurity t��r thc mdrbtrdnesc Nereby u curcd bv any la�*f�[rne�ns inrtuding.,ppointment of a receiver in �;_
<br /> ihe name of any party hereto,and ta apply f•�• .;unc Icss custc and r�prn.��..,i uperatdon and c�llecuon,includir.;,reasonable attornoy's fees,upon any indebted- �
<br /> aeu secuted hereby.in sarh order a.Hcnefici:��s �nay dctrrmin�. � ��
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> ' EOR ?HE PURPOSF Oi� S[CURJNG: rl) Pcrfuunance .�f vach acrcement �i Trusto� :��ntairtrd tterem; t:) Puynrcnt of the pn��ip;i! wm with intetest.a� �
<br /> ' provided in aceordance ai:it thn ten�is and pruvuion� ��f a Psum�:�ury 1u�c . 1_��an A�c�emcnt fh«rfnafter rcferrod to as "promissorv note") dated '
<br /> ' ' �RIZ, �O_ 1990 , hr:e���i;h r��.uted b�• Truseor�nd p,iyable to the i�rder .�f }3rnefiriaiy, tn the R:rrip�l Sum uf
<br /> s �Ff�AI�O_ � ,and ha��n�!thr u,�tr oi its fin:,►�+a>•mcnt due„n_4r�•6.r�vv� .or as e�tend�d,
<br /> defened or rescheduled by reneu�;�l or r,cnsnce: t?► Pa��mcnt uf any add�t�onal aehanrec,ai::� :^terect thercon rs in�y hereaker be loaned by Bene�rtacN
<br /> • to Trustor in •r ma�imum sum of S 16,��p.13 u•�±hin 15>ear.tmm the ddtr of this Deed vfTtust;huwever,
<br /> I this paragtaph does not c�nsumtc � comnutment L� 43rn�t,�i.uy to make tuture aJvanccs. �-31 The pa�•men+ �+' .�ny moizry ��c�t inay be .�a�anced by the '
<br /> Beneficiary to Trustor fu' 3't)' (rati011 uT li� 1!iltd re::c+ uNh interest the:eon. ��'rere the :un��,.nt..�r, d�Iv.fniCd !n(�IU�CCt 1h: ic�LtlSy in acrcrci:cnce with the � 1
<br /> . covenartts of lhis Dced of:rust: (5)Any rcnew.i;. •�•a�.�nun� ar c�tension e.*�.ud pronuseory notc.�r,�m a!hcr r�reement to pry whtch m_x Cc substituted `,•�,'
<br /> therefor. ' ,
<br /> All payments made by Tru.tor un r��e et�i��rinn crcurrd h> ��n, I)r�d ��t tru�t �h.+�l `�r.+r}•titd e� �I:r tnlln��ing nrJ.•r. i '
<br /> FIRS'1': To tlie p:,ymrnt ut �.��.•;s:-;:.��.c.,in.nt. rh.n �,..�� S�: Irvird .ind .+,•,.•.:� .i�.nn.t ..�n:i:r�n�cr.,�n.ur.mrc prcmtumc,rep:+�rc..,nd all othet Chatgef
<br /> and expense+agrecd to b� ��s:�!by it�e 3�r.n�ur.
<br /> SEC'OND: ?o the ray�r*..c!tt t.f int�•rcr, dur uri.ai�3 lo,�n.
<br /> PHIRD: To the pay�r.r�r vC pn��u�.il. ,
<br /> ' TO PROTE.GTTHE SEClTRI'1rY HEltEQF,TRUSTOR(S)COVENANTS AND At;REES:(1)To kap said premises insured against loss by�re and other hazards,
<br /> cssuaky�ad eoatis�eacia up to thc .`ul •alue of all improvemenu fe•Lhe protccuon of Hene(iciary in suct,manner,in such ama:mts�and in sueh rnmpanies as
<br /> � Beaefieiity aiay from time to time a�,rove,and ehat los+�mccectc r,ea.ecprnse oT rul,ection)shal:,at Beneficiary's eption,be applied on said indebi��lacss,whethe�
<br /> duo or notos to the testoration of sa:d:^:r roti•ements.tr e�cnt ot :u„ I r:.titor w�tl g�re Emmedia�e nu[�ce by mail to the[3eneficfary,whomay make prooF of loss if not
<br /> � made prompdy by Ttustor,and each insurance co�n��any c�n�erned is hereby author:�ed zad dvec!ed ta make paymen:°c•such loss directly to the fltnefitiary instead of
<br /> to the Trustor.(2)Ta pay 4E!taxes an0�Dec�at a�srs+mrr•���:c:�iy kmd*hxt haee bee�=e�•hav 4c!evird or assrsecl:e^;•^sa�d�u�m:se�.:u�d to dchvcry to Rrneficiary,
<br /> . �r;,-�quti=Q�=¢,=g�,r.��,;.,.tit.��S�.z}.�,v,�t chn��nr nsymrnt nf:i!:�uch:sxr:s-c ascessmcn:y.t31 tn thc c��n:ot dc=aui:bi Frost�r undcr P:uaicraphs S or 2
<br /> above,Beneficlary.aE:ts op!ion,may fa)placr and keep such imurnn�e abi�ve proYidcrf Tor,n fo�ce [hroughout the li'e of ihis lleed of Trust and pay ihe reasonable
<br /> flretniums Qad chuses therefur;(b)r.ey a!1 said tatec xnu ascessments wiihoui cr.errninmg the va!�dity c!:creof:and�c)�ay such licnti and aU cuch d�cb�rstmems shall be
<br /> dcemed n part ot the indebtedrtrss xcurcd by th�a Uted o(Trust and shall he�mmediauly due a»:p;iy ab:e hy Trustor�o t3cnefic;ary(S�To pay when due any Iien on the
<br /> �toperiy which is Senior to'he lien of Bcnef�ciary and,notwithssunding any iight o:optien granted by any senior Len ur ay any�eniur licnhoider to perm�:!he princip�6
<br /> alance pf surh senior liea ro�nereas�,�Crustor w,ll not permn�he princ�pa'.bafance of a�:�enior lien to mcrease abo�e the balanceat the ume of the makm,t of thu Trust
<br /> I3ted until this Trusc DecC s?talt havc bccn paid in fu11.(51 To keer t!:c buifdings ar.�}o:her�mprovemcnit now eR�shng or he�cif�cr crccsed in gaotl cc�aidition:ind repair,
<br /> not to eommit or suffer any aaste or �ny use oc`s:��d premises Crn!rary fp res[nctir•r.s u�rrcorJ or can�rary!o I:n�..,rd ro^ern��t Nenef�c�arv to en�cs at a!1 reasonab!e ----------
<br /> .--
<br /> umes for tee purpose ot 1flSj1CC11t1j{[T!C j7fQI11ISC5; t10t ic�TCmUVC u- cirtnuinii any S�UI::IIlIV,iiKiCV11, �a+fc�:��c�+�v�vyi°j� ni��i �•�rt�;i.al.i dGG »vT�Cua'�i+lwt ii Bfi:7:i S^j
<br /> buildinas which may be dam.«rd ur des�rovrd th-rcon,�n1 to pay,wren,;�,e,a�l cla+mc.'o+!;�hor pert���med ar.d ma!ena;+f�m�.��a��hete(o,(6)That,il a�+gner of tht �
<br /> Ptomissory Note,he will j►ay,proanptly the inclebtedness,ecurcct herrhp,a9d ptrtorm all other ub:iget�ons in full compLznce w��h tht eerms af snid Promisxory Note
<br /> and thic iked otTrust.(7)1'ha!the hmeof payment of the in9ebtedncss hereby securcd,ot of any post�on thereof,may bc e�eended or renewed,anJ.my pvrtionsof th�
<br /> p:em�ses the-ein described mav,without not�cc,be re'.casr:l trum thc licn hcrcof,wt!ho�i*e;�avn¢n-:�ffec:�r.�•ihr rer,rna�!iab:hty o''any person or the prionty of lhis �
<br /> Deed of Trast.{8)That he does he:�by'orever warr:tnf aud wi'f fure�er dcfend t'�e ntle ancf pa..r>tinn �hacu! �gn.ns! •;e laatut clnims of any and all persons
<br /> whatsavrr.
<br /> (1) Should 'I'tustut '.ul Tu m.ikc any pe�mcni �,. J,� .��;� .�.t �. hcrcin �.•�..idci{. ��r �� .r.•� ..�� .•, .•r f•'��.••�.3iar �. i��rnT•:cn�rd ath�.h malcrially affects ~
<br /> L BCncllCtary'c in!ctcs! �ti !hr Prcm���•. ttirn ltr�c�n��n or I�u,�cr. l;ae unr • i1 � !'..,�i .n •• �!.� . .r ��r �•.� .,:,� �i:r�.: �.� �,• . �r•:ad ur�.n rrultor. rnd
<br /> tvat!�nu' rc'i•sanv I'r�eh+r !•.�tn .nn n!i!i�t��:nn R:ic i:•.l:r, •nnt n+.�kr •��� th.• ��•�i,. •,,� ,.,iy :.�� „nir<<,n��..�. ti rn•.�,m'.•.n�c.chatec
<br /> ��r :�c��. �•.l�:.;h in +h: ��.iJi n•rn• ��I ..•t�:. ,r��r. . � .. . .. ,! i,• ,.�r� .•�iJ . . .��r�� . . .�. . . ,��' . � . ,. y. ...1 �t`�.i�cti:•s _ri•,�nr.��� •?
<br /> °.�C dh.r'�rtt d� :!�n�t ti..,•��c:e��•i.� (•u,•er i'���:t .•.�� .!:.. i t• .a, i�� ' � �, .1 .. . � i ., • � . . . 't ,. ;tl. :-t ..il F. 1e
<br /> �v�fltua: �'rri.. � �r�,y:rdiete:r �i•�r e�?d p.��.:��.'. t�r • . ,.,.1„n ,n:�t �r:•r - " . ...�, �. . . . ._. ' i•� . •ir�•n, . .
<br /> �:� C!t��u!e1 .i.�e' i�rr••�itrc � in� . ���.,�.,.� �. .�•� n, � �. . . .�n� , . . .� � . , .. , n• , :�n,� � •� .�u�t�'� �
<br /> .,�a ot'•cr �.���pe���ti '!•crr��v•_..�I � � , . .. � t � , �� I,I•��,. . . � . � . ,� . . . . A
<br /> �� :L' ...�•: '�: ..���.. . , i �n . . . i.�.� . . .-�� . . . . . �_ . • � �• ' _ . • . " � • . . , • ' . .. . _ . ..i" .�� ..
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<br /> �:�
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