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200105237 <br />HB - 12: Tract 4A & Tract 4B <br />A Thirty (30.0) foot wide easement situated in Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of <br />Section One (1), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th <br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />A tract of land comprising the easterly Thirty (30.0) feet of the westerly <br />Seventy Five (75.0) feet (measured perpendicular to the west line) of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), and the westerly Two Thousand Twenty Nine <br />and Fifty Eight Hundredths (2,029.58) feet of the northerly Thirty (30.0) feet <br />of the southerly Sixty Three (63.0) feet (measured perpendicular to the south <br />line) of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), excepting therefrom, the westerly <br />Seventy Five (75.0) feet (measured perpendicular the west line) of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), thereof, and containing 3.17 acres, more or <br />less. <br />HB - 13: Tract 4A & Unplatted (Tract 2) <br />An easement situated in Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section One (1), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />A tract of land comprising the southerly Fifteen (15.0) feet of the westerly <br />Seventy Five (75.0) feet (measured perpendicular to the west line) of said <br />Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) and containing 0.03 acres, more or less. <br />HB - 14: Unplatted (Tract 2) <br />A Thirty (30.0) foot wide easement situated in Section One (1), Township Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />whose centerline is more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the west line of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of <br />said Section One (1), said point being Seven Hundred Forty Nine and Eighty <br />Three Hundredths (749.83) feet north of the southwest corner of said <br />Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4); thence deflecting right 92 000'45" from the west <br />line and running easterly, a distance of Seven Hundred One and Eighty <br />Hundredths (701.80) feet; thence deflecting right 89 033'30" and running <br />southerly, a distance of Two Hundred Twelve and Fifty Seven Hundredths <br />(212.57) feet; thence deflecting left 100 003'45" and running northeasterly, a <br />distance of Two Hundred Thirty Two and Seventy Two Hundredths (232.72) <br />feet; thence deflecting right 20 023'18" and running southeasterly, a distance <br />of One Hundred Twenty Eight and Seventy Four Hundredths (128.74) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 18 °47'17" and running southeasterly, a distance of <br />One Hundred Sixty Three and Seventy Two Hundredths (163.72) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 16 022'24" and running southeasterly, a distance of <br />Two Hundred Fifty One and Seventy Hundredths (251.70) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 00 033'41" and running southeasterly, a distance of Forty Two <br />and Ninety Six Hundredths (42.96) feet; thence deflecting left 45 °42'32" and <br />running easterly, a distance of One Hundred Two and Twelve Hundredths <br />(102.12) feet; thence deflecting left 31016'07" and running northeasterly, a <br />distance of Two Hundred Fourteen and Twenty Eight Hundredths (214.28) <br />feet; thence deflecting left 68 °10'57" and running northerly, a distance of Two <br />Hundred Eighty Two and Eighty Four Hundredths (282.84) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 61008'26" and running northeasterly, a distance of One <br />Hundred Fifty and Eight Hundredths (150.08) feet; thence deflecting right <br />33 °03'49" and running easterly, a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Nine <br />and Thirty Three Hundredths (279.33) feet; thence deflecting left 6 037'50" <br />and running easterly, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Two and Seventy <br />Seven Hundredths (222.77) feet; thence deflecting right 39 032'33" and <br />3 <br />