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<br /> �� ItNUW A4L MEN l3Y THESE PRES�NT. 1'hat �o� �, ��4 / �
<br /> �(��� Fri tz Wegner unr�narri ed w9c�ower
<br /> � . herei n ca i 1 ed the grantor whether one or more, i n
<br /> consideration of Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Eight � 50llOQ------------------
<br /> (: 2G�8.50 ) QOLLARS received from grantees� does grant, Barga9n,
<br /> sell convey and conflrm unto Hall Countv
<br /> herein called the grantee whether on� or more, the following described real property in �
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> A trac� of land situated in the Southeast (SE;) of Section Twenty-Four (24), Township
<br /> Twelve (12) North, Range Ten� (10) I�est of the f:tii P."1., Hal e County, Nebrasak�, and
<br /> more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beg:nn9ng at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE;); thence running
<br /> westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE�.) , a distance of
<br /> Fifty and Eighty-Eight Hundredths (50.88) feet to a po9nt on a 5679.58 foot rad�us curve;
<br /> tltence runn9ng northwesterly, along the arc of sa�id 5679.58 foot radius curve to the
<br /> left, a distance of i�inety-Eight and Thirty-Six Hundredths (98.36a feet {chord distance
<br /> ' 98.36' - said chord be9ng on a line forr�ed by deflecting right 8B 29' 49" from the
<br /> last described course); thence co�tinuing along the prolongation of the f1na1 tangent
<br /> • of the last described curve, a di stance of One Thousand One Hundrsd Twenty and Twenty-
<br /> One Fiur�lredths (1 ,120.21 ) fee�t to a poi nt of curvature; thence runni�g �ortheasterly
<br /> ayong the arc of a 5779.55 foot radius curve to the right a distance of Four Hundred
<br /> Ninety-Five and Eighty Hundredths (495.�0) feet (chord distance 495.65'-said chord �
<br /> � beging on a line formed by deflecting right 2°27'25" from the last described course) .
<br /> to a po9nt of tangency; thence continuing along the prolongation of the final tangent
<br /> of the last described curve a distance of Seven Hundred Sixty-One and Two Hundredths `
<br /> (761.02) feet to a point of curvature; thence running northeastprly along the arc of � �
<br /> a 5679.58 f��t radius c�rue to the left, a di�tance Qf Qr:2 Hur�drE�i T��x�ty-�ive a�+d --.==
<br /> Fifty-Two Hundredths (135.52) feet (chord distance 135.52'-said chord being on a line r �=
<br /> - ° tarmea ey aettectang left 0"41 `Ol" frori the last described course to a point on the �� �
<br /> � north line of said Southeast Quarter (SEa3; thence running easterly, along and upon the � �-
<br /> ' north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE;), a distance of Fifty-One and Sixty-Eight _
<br /> Hundredths (51.�3) feet, to the r►ortheast corner vf said Southeast Quarter (SE:); thence ��'
<br /> running southerly along and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE;), a '—
<br /> d9stanCe of Two Thousan� Six Hundred Eight and Eighty-S9x Hundredths (2608.86) feet to �
<br /> the point of beginning and containing 4.55 acres, more or less, of which 1.98 acres, �
<br /> � � more or 1 ess, i s present 1y occupi ed by publ i c road ri g ht of way.
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tene�ents,
<br /> � hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, :;�"
<br /> or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with
<br /> :� :the he�'rs and assigns of the surv9vurs of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said '
<br /> � premises; that they are free from encumbrance excepting easements and restrictions
<br /> '� af recard
<br /> : , that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and tha� grantor
<br /> warrants and will defend the title to said premises against the lawful claim of all
<br /> • �� �persans whomsoever.
<br /> _ - '� It is the irttention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either `
<br /> �of Lh� �raate�s, th� en�ir2 f2e simale t�tle to the real estate shaii vest in the
<br /> ' � �'survivi.►tg c�rantee.
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<br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowl edg�d before me on __�py, s, / 1�'v ;;
<br /> i"; -� li.'''�r�' •�' -tr', l. t�<G•,., �2� cc �,C`[. �.�
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