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<br /> NON•U(VIFaR111 COVENANTS. Harruu•cr aTxl L.cndcr fun?►cr c�vca�nt uixi ag�ec ns f�llows: 96��w �02(���
<br /> 17.Furecbaute Pro�edYrc. IP�.en�krrc ircs invnaiiair paymrnt ia full urn9cr�+rng�9, L,cndfr nuy�,�vokc thc poN�e o aale
<br /> qu i
<br /> �nct anv a�her catmd�rerniNnM hy�llcaMe [aw. Lcndrr shnll Dc ealitle;l to collcrt nl!e�pcnsrs irn�usstt! in pur,saing tt►e remeailes
<br /> pr.�ei�la! in Ihisp�� 17. inciudin�, but r►�t limitad to,rc�son�Me anomey�'foc+w�d caccv af titk evicknec.
<br /> if tre oow�er o�We(s i�wtcd.'ilrwlae ri�ll r�curd+�uolk�r of de[.uN�e�h c�enr.ly M w!!!s!�a�y past eI.►t..�%P+repat,�laca:eaJ
<br /> aW�i wil ro�d w�cA�otke I�tre w�er �y�Ycable hw to Horsu�er�nd to the dher Perwr pnac�ibed
<br /> r ��i��eNNe itw.'I�Mee� ������`IY�wta e6d tire pYbi{r notke of ak to ti�r peno��n►d M tYe
<br /> bii8�re t�t t�� wN�o�e d�,w�wd o�Ilarawer i�M uM tl�e hopMy�tp�b��uctloe to tbe Y�bat
<br /> pi�te a�i�8er He lee��le.ip�hd�tl�eeHce d ede ie a�e ar moe�e p�eb�mid le ae�aid�er 71�nttt
<br /> d�MrwdwM.7twMr ar �t�e Mk d�ar�ny�r�cd d tie bi public�eAau�ae�xnt N We tlme aed phce e!aey
<br /> � pt+t+�iw{t ui�M��.Lrier ac ih �wlY P�'s'�'��'b'�t�q a�ir.
<br /> . t)�w r�iM�t K2'�e�t af li�e rrice��ie�+rer ta tYe pre+c�7'�C'r de�d 000reyiq�!!�l��P�'a'�
<br /> � �i�IM T��Me�i�M aM/be�r1�hde evWe�ce ai trnM af U�e�e�e�q�le ll�e�d�.TnMee aW
<br /> aE tMe a�M Y 1Me oe�s: f�J ts aiia��+s ot 1l�e a�ie. � 6at ndt Waited to.'�e's t�a�p�mi�ed oq ap�
<br /> a�M �
<br /> � �Me�Me In�a�l rla�eri'[eesi(b)b a�w��entnd b�t1�Te Securify le�vmeat:a�d(d aq)r excnr to tie peiaoe
<br /> ; ��N�b►�N M.
<br /> ��P�P�Y�of�ll su�secv�ed by Ihis Seeurity Instn:ment.I.ender shall tequesc 71�uaae to[�o�onvey the Property
<br /> � recan tbe M,���iN wL�et�uarent anc!all notes evideacina debt socured by Ihi,i Security Instnunent to T�v.cteo. Tnista shzll
<br /> ` �Y��r �-�� Y�. �Y�����i�!a the perooe or peraoRS kg�liy entit�ed ta it.Such peraon or per�ore sl�1!
<br /> � I!.�b�q�e TrMee. I.a�der. at its option. ro�y from tlme to ti►ne nmove 7ttuta�rd�ppoint a suoce�sor uustee to any Trustee
<br /> � 6etander by an�mco�ded in the oounty in which Ws Socuriry IratnIIne�x is e+ecorded.Witlww 000vey�nce of the
<br /> �the wcauvr tnrloe shall suac+eed t4 a!!the dtk,powtr ud duties oonferrod upon Truitee herein andby�ppli.yMe l�w.
<br /> �y A�fsx NatMe�.B�rower raque�ts that oopies of the notic�es of default and s8e be sent to Horrower's�diess whicA is thc
<br /> � Borrower agnees th�t should this Security ItumuneM ud the note securod thereby na be di�ib�e for incuranoe under the NaHauJ Housing
<br /> . f — Act within 8 1�011t hS fran the date hereof,Lender rtu�y,a1 its optioo and notwittssqndiqg anything in pbragraph g,roquire ,
<br /> �P�i'�����n�aocurod by Nia Secauity Ic►cuwieM.A written statement of any�uthorizod ageat oi the Soc�etary
<br /> ���K�� from tAe date hereof,declining to it►suro this Secvriry lmttument u�d the aote securod
<br /> d�ereby,s�11 tx+dea�od oonclusive prooi of such inellgibiliry.Nothwi�nnding the forrgoing.this aption m�y nat be exemised by l.ealer
<br /> when the un�vailability of in�urance is solely due ro Lender's failurc ta rcmit a mongage insu�nce prcmium to�he Socrttuy.
<br /> i
<br /> � Ri�de�s to tMis 9ec�rity Iwstruiueet. IP one or more riders are rxecuted�+y Borrower and recorded togethe�with this Securii�� ' '
<br /> Instrumeai,the co�•enants of each such rider shal: be i�corporatrd into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and �
<br /> ` agreements of this Security Instrument as if thc rider(s)were in a part of this Security lastrument. (Check applicable box(es)). •
<br /> �
<br /> 4 r
<br /> �
<br /> ❑ Condaminium Rider � Adjustablt Rate Rider �� Growing Equily R�dcr �-'r
<br /> 1+-
<br /> i � Planned Unit Develo ment RiQer � �} �� MC1K I liAliE AODENDU�'1 -�_
<br /> �
<br /> p � Graduated Patinxnt Rider .
<br /> � � --
<br /> 1 BY SIGNING BELOW�Borrower accepts and agtee�to the terms contained in this Security lnstrument and in any rider(s) :.
<br /> �
<br /> executed by BorroWer and recorded with it. -
<br /> {
<br /> ,
<br /> ; ess:
<br /> �
<br /> I (�. • ,� ,.
<br /> �
<br /> •, � ` — lScal)
<br /> ! ilnrnn,cr
<br /> � :.�i
<br /> � - ' (Seal) `'�-
<br /> . K 1� OOMAUIST K��«��N« . ��
<br /> --- --- (Seal) '
<br /> w�.���,,.�•: -
<br /> � ----�----- --- ---- _ tSeall
<br /> : �s�.r�,,,.��
<br /> �. { STA'!E OF NEHRASKA, Counry ss: HALL
<br /> - . On this �� �y of M8Y 19 90. befor�e me. tbe undusis�ned.a Notary Pubtic
<br /> Hoommissiooed aM qnalified for sald oounry, petsonally came DENNIS !i BLOOMOUIST & KARRY J@LEtOM�UIS7
<br /> I�'�BAiVQ AND W I FE .to me ima�m eo be the
<br /> �tjda�x�''ai]perso�(s)whose rsarne(s)at� subscribal to the forcgoing insttunxnt and aclmowlodgod the exavtion thercof to be
<br /> voluntuy sct and deed. - --
<br /> :-- ---- -
<br /> Witt�ess my hat�d and notari�l seal at GRAND I SLAND in said county,the .
<br /> �_ . d:dz af�z��i. ,� �� ,
<br /> My Ccxiunission ezpines: ��Jw1 l.r , � [J�.. �
<br /> -�. a':.':.cc'�""..u.^-�_�.,r...;.r-
<br /> JULY .� . l E;:�idEY-;ih:a ;t Ij;^�:.,�� NaarY blic �
<br /> L F�� �O��Fi3rA�. ���p ROBERTA L REED
<br /> �•.•.: .�., ��ra,�,i F,� 1.P
<br /> _,r.�•..� A y 30. ?"�y1
<br /> _ -:p,�=._.��..___.. �U�:ST FOR RECONVBYANC� �t
<br /> TO TRUSTEE: r..
<br /> Tht undersignod is the holder of thc�wte or notes secured by this D�ed of 7'rust.Said note or nutes,together with all other iraiet�tec:ness �
<br /> _ securod by this Ueod of Tntst,have been paid in fu11. You are hercby dira�tsd to cancel said note ur rxKes urxi this bted of"iru+t, which
<br /> — are deliverod hereby,and to reoonvey, widwut warranty,a11 the estate tww hcld b W LLl�fi[I71S D�fCd(�f TfUtil(V ItIC . 4
<br /> _ legnlly entitted thereta Y Y person�r persons ., .
<br /> --_= Uace:
<br /> v-� -- -- — —... --- -.... - --�-'-- -J. � . � .
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