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ORDINANCE NO. 8601 (Cont.) <br />line of said Lot Ten (10), a distance of one hundred five and four tenths (105.4) <br />feet to the northwest corner of Lot Eleven (11), said Block 3, Second Addition to <br />Holcomb's Highway Homes; thence continuing southeasterly along an easterly <br />line of said Lot Eleven (11) a distance of thirty (30.0) feet; thence continuing <br />southeasterly along an easterly line of said Lot Eleven (11) a distance of forty six <br />and two tenths (46.2) feet to the northeast corner of Lot Twelve (12), said Block <br />3, Second Addition to Holcomb's Highway Homes; thence continuing <br />southeasterly along the easterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) a distance of seventy <br />six and five tenths (76.5) feet to the southeast corner of said Lot Twelve (12); <br />thence southwesterly, along the southerly line of said Lot Twelve (12), a distance <br />of one hundred forty six and eight tenths (146.8) feet to the southwest corner of <br />said Lot Twelve (12) being a point on the easterly right -of -way line of said <br />Cochin Street; thence southerly along the easterly right -of -way line of said <br />Cochin Street a distance of one hundred sixteen and one tenth (116.1) feet to the <br />northeast corner of Wyandotte Street and Cochin Street; thence westerly along the <br />northerly right -of -way line of Wyandotte Street a distance of sixty (60.0) feet to <br />the southeast corner of said Lot Eight (8), Re- subdivision of Block Four (4), <br />Second Addition to Holcomb's Highway Homes Subdivision, being the said point <br />of beginning, all as shown on the plat dated June 14, 2000 attached hereto as <br />Exhibit "A" incorporated herein by reference. <br />SECTION 3. Said improvement shall be made in accordance with plans and <br />specifications approved by the Engineer for the City, who shall estimate the cost thereof. Bids <br />for the construction of said water main shall be taken and contracts entered into in the manner <br />provided by law. <br />SECTION 4. The cost of construction of such water main district shall be <br />assessed against the property within such district abutting upon the street or other right -of -way <br />wherein such water main has been constructed, and a special tax shall be levied at one time to <br />pay for such cost of construction as soon as can be ascertained; and such special tax and <br />assessments shall constitute a sinking fund for the payment of any warrants or bonds for the <br />purpose of paying the cost of such water mains in such district; and such special assessments <br />shall be paid and collected in a fund to be designated and known as the Sewer and Water <br />Extension Fund for Water Main District No. 435. <br />Approved as to Form <br />- 3 - July 7, 2000 ♦ City Attorney <br />
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