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JUAN RONQUILLO LATIN RONQUILLO 203653 05/31/2001 <br />200105227 <br />REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT <br />AND FORECLOSURE UNDER SUPERIOR <br />MORTGAGES OR DEEDS OF TRUST <br />Borrower and Lender request the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust or other encumbrance with a lien which has <br />priority over this Deed of Trust to give Notice to Lender, at Lender's address set forth on page one of this Deed of Trust, <br />with a copy to P. O. Box 17170, Baltimore, MD 21203, of any default under the superior encumbrance and of any sale or <br />other foreclosure action. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust. <br />- Borrower <br />` - - -— - _ -- - Borrower <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County ss: <br />On this -_ _ _31st__ -_ day of - May - - , _ ZQ0_1__ , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came - Juan _Ronq illo and _Latina Ronqu.illo- <br />to me known to be the identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the <br />foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be His _ voluntary act and deed. <br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island in said county, the <br />date aforesaid. <br />My Commission expires: BENEiAI' KE'VINI CTTFMA <br />Notary ublic <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br />TO TRUSTEE: <br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes, together with all <br />other indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or <br />notes and this Deed of Trust, which are delivered hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty, all the estate now held by <br />you under this Deed of Trust to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. <br />Date: - <br />Nebraska 26876 -4 1/98 Original (Recorded) Copy (Branch) Copy (Customer) <br />Page 5 of 5 <br />(Space Below This Line Reserved For Lender and Recorder) <br />