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<br /> �
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<br /> �i
<br /> NQN-UNIFOltM C'OVENANTS. Bors�owcr and Lcndcr fLtthet cuYCnant�tnd agrcc uw fultows: ���°i Q 2 4��
<br /> !?, ��Mr�ure lkrrcedu�r.!f icnder�qu ire.e irnmodiate p�ymcnt in fuU unkr pua�raph 9, Lendrt n�ay invokc thc paw•er of salc
<br /> ' �xf�ny other rcmociies pGnnitted by�ppixybie law. lrcrxler shxll be entidc+d W colle�t YII expenses incurred ut put��ing the ren�Qles
<br /> ptavkiocl in thispw��rpph 17, i�citding hut nW limited to, reasor�blc�ttomeys' fees aM costs af tille evidencc,
<br /> It t1�epowa�o�e�le i�iavoked�7Yaelit eh�U reca'd�aoiice�f de��it in eac�county 1n vrhicb�a�r p�rl oi lhe i'roperty b lacatrd
<br /> wd�W�11�opies d wcl��otice M tbe m�ooer by applicabk law to Barto�rer and to t6e otber persoos pn+crib�d
<br /> � br y�Yabie rw. AMr !!�e Niue�7�p�.'ilrurtee eWl d�e pabiic notics ot e�le to tLe penoos aod in tl�e
<br /> mroev pravWed b�r�pp�eable law. �witiow dem�od oo Bareo�.si�q�ed t�e I�raperty�tp�p�c wctloa tu tl�e hiltl�es�
<br /> � bi�Mler N tM d�e aed�oe a�d�ader Urc terme dat�ted i�tLe eoNce at e�k tn aoe or ma+e p��nd io any order 7�uwee
<br /> � � a�esml�..7t,rlee�y po�tpoMe,de ot a�or a.y p.rcd or tie P�rq�pubii��uo�x�at tl,e time ana pbce or,wy
<br /> �v��rle.I��6id��lYueta°�siv d�d[rer to tke prcl�r 7�etee's deed ooaveytoe 8�e Property.T1re
<br /> �scitar Y tre 7Yu�tee- '�deed i�ll be pNm�ttick evideoce ot trotL dttie stakmeats n�le tie�+ein.'fYastes sWN apply tbe prooeai�
<br /> ot tl�e�ale 1�tre�1�a+dv:(s)tn ar expemes ot tAe e�k,iseludiag,but nat limited W.'ilra�tea:'e lrees m pvmkted by sp
<br /> �liaiie 4w�d�e�e attot�oeys'fas:tb)ta�9 stut�s secmed by tl�+Sec�eily�y awf(c)�sy exe�s to t�e person
<br /> : orp�o�le�e�titled to N.
<br /> 1�.Ra�aaR �aace_U��ymea oi a11 sums soccaal bs this Socuriry Insu�,�.ai3er sh�ll�e�'�ee��axrnnvcy the Pcupe�ty � ,
<br /> ' aM�Aiii��st�tr ti�e.a it�tat�tt�nt$n3 a1� ontes evideacing debt savtod��dtis Security Instrunxnt¢�a TnLStee.Trastee stnll
<br /> ; coconvey the wittxwt wartants aad withuut clrargo to the person or persons kgally entided to it. Such person or person4 shall �
<br /> � p�y�n a�oc�.
<br /> n
<br /> ; 1!. Tti�lee. 1.eMer,at ia option,may from time to time r�ert�ove Truuet ard�po�n1 a suoasxx tn�oe oo any Ttus�ee
<br /> � �ppoia�ed herew�der by�n i�navmrnt tocor�ed in the oo�uny in which thi�Securlry l�ment-]s reconded.WliI101U�011YCyi1�11�C Qf lI1G
<br /> , �.the woassor uustee sh�ll succeod ta all the dUe. powcr and dutks amferrai upon Trustce hereln and by applics►bk law.
<br /> Rewat for NoNces.Borrower rcquests tt�t copies of the natkc.w of def�ult and salo be sent to Hortower's�ddress which is the
<br /> Pe+operty lledress.
<br /> Bonower qrea Wt sM+uld this Securiry Irottument and t!�nde sxu�ed tlxrcby rx�t t+c eligibic for insuraooe under the National Hausing
<br /> ._ Act within 90 days fmm�e d�e herooi.l.e�rier n�y,al it.c�ptine�md n�xwilhwanding�nything in Puaanph 9,ra�tiro _
<br /> immediate p�ymed in PoII ai tll sums�ecurod by thie Socuriry Taunimenl. A written�tatemrne of�►y anlhc�tir.o�d�gent af the Socrcwry
<br /> clMed aW+eeqtKM ta 90 days fmm tAe d�c heronf,decliMng to insurc this Socurity InsaumerN uid the ncxc socurod
<br /> theRby.eludl tx doemod�onclasive pra�t af such ineligibilNy.Nothwith�tandin�the toreaaiog,this aption rtvy nat be exercised by l.ender
<br /> wl�rn the unav�ilabiliry of inwrmce is sately due to Lendcr'9 failurc to«mU a mortgage insunu�ce prcmium to the Secatary.
<br /> �
<br /> Rlde�s to thB Securily Instrument. 1f one or more�iders are exocuted by Borrower and recorded together with�his Securii y
<br /> Instrument. the covenants of eaeh such rider shal;be incorporated into and shaU amend and supplement the co�•enants and `
<br /> agraments of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were in a part of this Securiiy Instrument. (Check applicable hox(ez)J.
<br /> r-� � r�F'
<br /> ❑ C��ndominium Rider � AJju.table Rate Rider ,_. Gr��aing Equny R�der -__-
<br /> _ :-_,
<br /> - - f"1 . r"1 _' !
<br /> -- � I—J Ytanned Cnii Uevetc�pmeni Kider ___; Graduated i�ayment ttr,�er t—.: chher : - _
<br /> � BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower accepts and agree�to the terms contained in this Security Instrument and in an� rider(�)
<br /> • .� executed by Borrower and recorded with it. '�_
<br /> Witness:
<br /> � � m�"t/�c�'b�!�i�. (5ca1 l
<br /> �
<br /> Vanhsy Soms nith ".""'""
<br /> � �'Y�i S'!�1��rh ---- (5ca11 i'�'
<br /> � Tang Somsanith """""`�`
<br /> _. _. _... ._ .- - — - _. -- ---- (Scall
<br /> Nnrn�..ar
<br /> . _ -- - - -- - -- -- - - (Scall
<br /> is„r�„H,�
<br /> STA7'� OF NEBRASKA, Hall Counry ss:
<br /> On shs's 4th day of ma, . 14 cn Mf�,n► mr. c��!r�i�ed. a N�xary P�bl�r
<br /> duly cammissioned and qualified tor said counry,peisonally canx Uanhsy Somsanith and Tang Somsanith,
<br /> Husband and Wife , co me k�wn eo be the
<br /> identieal person(s)whose name(s>az+e subscribed to the forcgoing instrument and acknowlodged the eaecution theroof to be
<br /> their voluntary a« ane deed. �____--
<br /> Witness my Iwd and notatia!seal ai l,�AnG� Is�a�d. NPhragk8 in said awnry; the
<br /> date afonsaid. �
<br /> My Co�*.r�ission e.�pires: ��.G�"" ' �� w s/�-rN�- • "
<br /> —7'�" '�'-�
<br /> 6�pE�1111 NOTARY•St1b Ol 1111ruk� ;�:otary Public �1
<br /> - MAr Cama.fi�p.Now 2�1991 ^
<br /> 'f'U TRUS?EE:
<br /> Tiic urdetsigned is ttie hotder of ihe nae or rxxes secured by this t�ed u("frust Sacd note o�notes,tugethcr w�th all other uxiebtedne�s {�
<br /> secureA by th�s Iked of Tnist,havc t+cen paid in full You:uc hereby ditected tu catK.el saul riote or rwteti anJ th�ti ikcti nf I'ru.t,tivh��h • .�
<br /> �re deli�•erod herehy, anJ tcr roc.mti•ey, wrthtwt warrtv►ty,all th:etitate�x+w hetd hy y��u urxter thi+ Iked�d"1 ru��,r�dte per��m��r�r�nm
<br /> legally ent�tlec! theret� �
<br /> U�tc
<br /> , , . .�.J
<br /> ,,..Y.______�—�_.__—.`._._.�_..._..Y._._.._.v.._...._.,...--^-r^-- ` - - - ...,r �.� �..._...�.....—..._...�— — -_
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