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<br /> ��-�. 10244 0
<br /> � JOINT s11�V�Y0�SHIP DEZD - ME��IISKA
<br /> �IOii ALL 1�EN aY T�SE !1l�S'�S:
<br /> � TltAT Jaok Kemp . Sscr�t�ry of Hausiaa �nd �lrt�an �evelopn��t.
<br /> oE W��hia�top, D. C.� Gr�ator, lo con�idwr�ei.on of th� •um of ONE DO1.lAtt ($1•0(1) �nd
<br /> oth�r valuabl� con�id�ratioa� ia h�ad paid. do�a her�by �cant. bar�ain, sell �nd convey .
<br /> � uato Venhay Somaanith and Tang Somsanith
<br /> p� (3rand iaiand Neb��a�a � . Grante�S,
<br /> a� �oint tan�nts, �nd not a• taaaat� ia comn�n, the follarittg aa�cr e 1^2�1 pruperty
<br /> situate ia th� Couaty of Hall . State of Nebrieka, to w1t:
<br /> The North Seventeerrn Q 17�) Feet of Lot One Hundred Five (105) And A11
<br /> o�" Lot One Hundrec� �ix (106) in Haxt��rne Plaoe Being a Subdivision
<br /> ' oL' ��rt oF Lhe Nar�33�te�t Quarter (NMt�6'�) of Seotion Tt�epty Z�ro (22)
<br /> in Toxtish�� 6leven (11 ) North. Range Nine (9) 4Jest oP the 3ixth P.M.,
<br /> � Hall County. Nebraska.
<br /> �
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<br /> BEING the ��a�e property acquired by the Grantor purau�nt to the provlsions oE the
<br /> l�l�cioaa�l Housiag Act, �e aaended (12 USC 1701 et seq.� �ad the De�artment of Houstng �nd
<br /> Orban D�v�lopieat Act (79 Stat. 667).
<br /> ,'�i
<br /> � ?OGE'fE�R NITH all teneseats, h�reditamenta �nd �ppurtenaners thereunto belonginR. .
<br /> . and •11 the e�tate� right. title. interest, claim or de+aand vh�taoeve� of the sald '
<br /> , Grantac� of. in, or to the •��e, or any p�rt thereof.
<br /> 1t sElt� the intention of all ��rtiea h�reto that in the event of the deeth of
<br /> either of •sf8 Graatee�. the entire fee •i�ple title to the ssal est�te desesibed hetcin
<br /> shall ve�t in the aurviving Grantee.
<br /> . ?4 tlNVE AND TO kQLD the sbove described pren�ise�, vieh tt�e appurcenances. ��ato the
<br /> --- ae�d Gsan*_e�+� a� _Tpint c�nants. aad not �s tenante in conaan� •nd to �heir asaiRae, or
<br /> to the htirs and asaigas of the aurvivcr of than. fosever, •nd rhe said Secretary of
<br /> Housing �nd Urban DeveYop�ent, �nd for hi� auocessora �nd �ssigns� does covenant with
<br /> the Grantees herein nased. and vith their assign� wnd vfth the fieirs. and asstgna of che
<br /> survivor of thes. that the a�id Gr�ntor ia lawfully aeized of said pr�mises; th�t they ; - �
<br /> er� fr�e f,s� �ncumbr�nce; that ehe •aid (:r�ntor ha• good ris�ht and lavful •uthoricy
<br /> - to •ell the aawe, and th�t the •aid Secretary of Housing and Urb�n Develop��t. will,
<br /> and his. �uccessors and aiaign�. sh�ll, iiARRANT artd DEFEND the •ame unto the ��med �rant ees �
<br /> . �nd uRto thefr •�signs and the heir• �nd ���igns aF the •urvivor of chem� forever. sR�inst '
<br /> the latirful cla'�me and decoande o� all persone clsimin�; by� throuRt* a�r under rt�e�m, and
<br /> � agaios t no oth�r clai�as or den�nde. �
<br /> �UBJECT to all cov���nt�, re�trictioa�, re�ervatione. eaee�nr��tr, rundittons and �
<br /> rights appeari:�g of record; �nd SUSJECT to •ny •t�te of f�ct,� en erc��r�te N��rvr�� �+�+��I�I �''
<br /> •ha►. �
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