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<br /> � �� �larr�nt Cemcter Deed
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<br /> � �.`:.�:; o���a ia�a, x.v:�,
<br /> `��" S a c�m�tery essociatios
<br /> i� :��'-`�� incorporated und�r fhs
<br /> ` � ���� c�m�t�:y law�of tho
<br /> j '�'�'� Stat�of N�braska
<br /> � ;�
<br /> � ..,.
<br /> * ' � �s aiam�t��: x�ee t�._ 2 6 t h �y �------A p r i 1 ---------------------i►. D.. i�_9 0__,
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<br /> i � . . a� „__HarrY__R.__H�.X�s_8_B�rba�ra..C.._�@Y��----------------------------------------
<br /> ; � 1�uaband and wife,�_as_„joint_ter�ants_anc�_nQt_�s ter�����_ig_
<br /> , - - .__�_� .
<br /> � ��, common,__with_ri�ht_of �survivarshi�______________________________ �� �y.
<br /> ._ -- - - ---- -•
<br /> i � WITN�B$L'T23: 7'hat Fir�t Party for and In coniideration oi iba nun o!
<br /> ' or�� doll�r_a�d_oth�r__v_�1_yable_c qn���j,�;�,��Qr�,�____________________Dpy�,��
<br /> W�tMCeipt wZfereo! 4 Lereby aClttiowlM�ed. ha �old utd by these praenL doa srlu�t.coave�aad contlsen
<br /> ,� wsW t�e 8�cond Puty arid to Becond Party�s heira sad anE�ns _._o r_t o h e i r s a n d
<br /> ' "� asaigns of the survivar of them forever, Lot 395, ,
<br /> � � Spaces 3-4-5-6 , Section ��B�f----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- --------------------------------------------------------of W�STLAWN lIID[ORIAL PARK `
<br /> ; , at arana LlanO, Nebrnalu, adtuate�t in Hall County� Nebra�ka. a cemetery to be v�sd tor intermmt pur- + . ;
<br /> j � �. pw� ao1�. MI� �o dediated aud dccltred. the Piat o! uid cemetery befns recordW in tDe oftfc� of the ` �� �
<br /> � '_ .- is�i�i.�e vi I3�ewL vi T�'aali Cv��.y� :LSe.'►�---..iw. -=-_
<br /> - -__� - _ �/. A�wA t� SS��w:�..^. JZ 1�::� 0: :.w., n�..w ��.T�.f".:.'.:�. :i:.a. :G '5�.2 ��.�:.^ �'.22.� ".'�. ..!'�"L':�L:�'.� ��
<br /> i " ot WCSTLAWN aial[7RUL PARK CLM�'L'LRY ot Urand Ia2and, Nebsuka, and to aay chan�a in aaid �"'
<br /> ! Isw�,b�t-Lw�. rules aad re�ulaUons. _
<br /> � � Aay tranat�r of titl� ot any p�rt ot the above deacrlbed pwperty ahall not De valid unW the asme �
<br /> • ha�Deen recaedb upon th� boolu ot the lYaL Puty. ��
<br /> '``1 i�Vl�TI�AWN l�[SIIORIAL PARK CF.alETEF2Y OF (}RAND ISLAND, N�SRA9KA, hereby Covt- �
<br /> aaat� aaa qrea to aad wlth the 3econd Party aaQ wltb the heirs and aad�a� of�e Second ParLy ttut . �
<br /> � „� . �
<br /> ! 1 at !h� tl� ot th� atecutfoa und delivay o! thae preaenL ft i�lswtully seised o! a�fd preini�; t2ut it Aas
<br /> r..
<br /> • � �ool sijltR aaa lawtul au�a�ity to convey the wne; tAat they ara iree irom encwnbrance aoa �'[r�t Part�l �
<br /> � QoM h�nDy covmatit to warraat �d defend tt�e preml�es aaairut the lawlul clafrru of W personi whomso- '
<br /> . ; e�►a',
<br /> . WZ8'TI.AWN l�l�[ORUL PARK C�tETEtiY OP' GRAND ISLAND, NESRASKA. asree� to fur-
<br /> • nf�perpetu�l care, adminfttntion and mslntenance uf tL=e a.bove described premf�e as provlded by iL by-
<br /> lawa
<br /> ,'�r:
<br /> I9LAND, Id�8RA8KA. bar hveunto caused �tr eorpor�te eeal to be dfixed anA thde presenL to be d�ned
<br /> by lb �tadQent the day and yar flsat above v�Titten.
<br /> , W�liTLAV!'N CE1H� OF i . N�D�AB�A
<br /> . _ ,�- . . �-------- - - - - � -- - -------------
<br /> • e _. PralEent
<br /> • . :i� _,� ',
<br /> � :'s9c�r�o cr rr�+s�u►, �
<br /> � - -. - cot.s�rrg o�P�icz�. "'
<br /> � . �.._. ��'=:'���=h--�y o! ------------------.ti�r��-----------------------------------� �o_..`��_.
<br /> bltqt mt t1M w1Aae�ted,• notary public, in and for uid county anA etate, pereonally came _____________
<br /> ----•-----------•--------------------- A r t hu r-P�--S t e 1 k--------------------------------------- .---__:� -
<br /> Ps«id«►t ot Watl�wn a[emarla] Park Cemetery of Gs�nd Ltand. Nebruka, W me personatly known W be '
<br /> - E+�Pewfaet atxi iae iaenticai perwn who�e name is afrueo to tAe above coAVCyance, and acknowlM�M
<br /> tbs 17c�CUt1oD Uleteot to be h7s voluatary a,ct ariA deet! Y auch oiflcer and the voltanttry act anQ deed ot the
<br /> �ViTat�awa HemoNal Pask Cemetery of (irand Ia2anA. Nehruka, and thst the corporate ua1 of the�ald �
<br /> WMtl��wn H�fnart�l Park Cemetery of (3tand Idina. Netrruka, w� thereto atfixed by It� authorlty.
<br /> W�TN18�my hand and notazld seal the d�y and ycar laet above wrltten. �
<br /> �-- � .. - �-�-�--- .��--c��---�-=-�3---�.-
<br /> �Mj��M�� Notary publlc �
<br /> MNII M. �AKEII
<br /> .Et�O�t 9,t! �'
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