. --_...___ � �
<br /> �SSI6NMENT_Of MpRi6a6E:_�ttpP�R9;14!: ��,,, �(,����
<br /> v
<br /> � ItNON All NEN i11 i�IESE F�ESEN�S� tA�! the __„c�tF�►��Y£,�I�1?�,.II�C:..__...-----------------, � corpor�tia��
<br /> t1t putY ol tAe ii�st put, �a cons�de��tion of tAe su� oF THIRTY-SIX THQUSAHO FQUR HUHOiiEO AND_N�1QQ�_�_;__�
<br /> := :r----::-:-::�-----_.... ------�-------------•---�------------------------------ •- -Qoltarf
<br /> 1i�fulwa011�t� i �Ae 119���ytitls pf 1UltiCiE t0 it 1R han� +i1i iy �N;A�1D MORT6A6E CORPOAAT IQN§ 5T27 T lewi;
<br /> tuisavk�ihaea 5 ----------------- ---•--•-- ----------_•.»�..,�--
<br /> ----------------------------------_.�..__... ---- --- - -------• a Carporition, tAe putY
<br /> �f tM secanr ��rt� it a pRfor� tAa en�e�ling �nd eilirery o1 tAese pr��ents�� retnpt �h�reof is Aer�by ackaoriedqed, h�s
<br /> , �►�atw, luqu�td, sold� as�i9ned� tranclerr�d� �nd tet aver� and, pY tAesR p►esents dees grant� barg�ia, s�ll� �s�ign�
<br /> tr�sfer, �d s*t�ovx rato t�� sild Pi�ty oi tA� secoal part, its sutcessor� �rtd �ssi��s, �ctrt�ia lNOENiURE OF MORT61�6E�
<br /> Itu�inq aatl _�26th of __ AUGUS3_�1�M�«M_� 19 83 � �Kade� ie !Nk DOC I�Mf�,t�T t�Q.pi�t$�Qj�,{{y�p
<br /> : of tA� Marty�9e Aeco�ds of �.�� Count N56RASKA M St�t�� an1 NIe br �
<br /> �AS A. LANDON ANO KIN8ERL1f J IANDdN�RD N�ID WI�� �'""""' "'.""
<br /> �__�»»���_..».�_...���.�:_�._._�... �..._•-._____--...»---- ~ -
<br /> to CRE I�T1YE FINAN_C1NG�1NC:�_ w � aad all its ►ight, title �M interest to tAe ptt�is�s
<br /> 11�r�l� ��suilt�, �s follais� to-M�ts�T����►�:'�=QO�b"�"
<br /> _ NEBRASKA.
<br /> i .
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> ; - .
<br /> , . . . .
<br /> ,
<br /> TagetAer tiith the note t�e�ein descnbed, �nd the aoney due or to Oeco�e dne tnereunder, includirtg interest' '
<br /> thereoa, TO HAYE �ND TO HOLD the s��e unto the s��d party o� the second put, its successor� and �ssfqn! ; ._�
<br /> foreret, subJeet only to tAe prov�sos af saad 1NDENiUaE �F MORT6A6E tAere�n tontuned. ' =—
<br /> � , :��-
<br /> . , An4 the puty of tAe fi�st patt does Aereby �atef canstitut� and aeaomt ta� said party ns the 4ccrn!� par�, =��- _
<br /> j its true ind liMful ittarneY, irrevn��bly, in it na�e, or otAerMise, but at their om proper eosts �nd thuges, �;�
<br /> -- -.. _
<br /> tQ �12Yl�_ -uil�- -aM lsln al l la�fg:.. �'�: �� �g:�� :�i aiiF irEusBiji vi L`ns iilo 1onlr iQq IOL!(lSLf i110� IO CiS! - .
<br /> a4 piy�ent� to disch�rge tAe s��e �s tAe pa�ty oi tht first part oight, or could do, i4 #hes� presents Mere not
<br /> ��de. . .
<br /> ! tll YIINESS iMEREOF� _ __ _ _CREATIV fIN�NCItj6 �INC. �
<br /> �»_________a _, a �arpar�tion of the st�te of _.
<br /> NEBRASKA �� A�s caused this Ass�gnsent of ilortpa�� to De eYecuted 90�r its Assistant Secret�ry
<br />' in� its Corpotate Se�l to be Aereunto �ffixed tAis 3��„� day of __ APR____�____��_� !4_,_�.
<br /> i .• S n/ .
<br /> C.
<br /> ; .
<br /> ; . CREATtvE FtNa;�CJti6� tl�.
<br /> � ,
<br /> f . . . `_ . .ar►_
<br /> � •�.._
<br /> . ;:—
<br /> ' � "� ' ' . �'
<br /> � . � BY _------------------- -�
<br /> �__�� .
<br /> . - P. Haffke, Rssist� cretary
<br /> � 1 ss.
<br /> :' , C�U1lTY OF G01lGlks ! - •
<br /> . . �.
<br /> an tnis 3!� diy o4 _QRRt�_� _�r L4 90 � before ��, � Notuy Public, Qu1y
<br /> tostiSsiQOe�d =ad qu�iiiied irb u�d for said Covnty and St�te, �8C5UII;I�y L.CQ t�F sDove oized
<br /> . ' �--�=`f�° _�� A»ist�ni Secretur of ifie Cre�t�ve t�nancing, � lnc., rho
<br /> is• pers�nallyw knoro to �e to be tAe �dentir�l persnn rAose n��e is �ffiaed to tAe �Oore Assignaent of MortgiQe
<br /> ' �s the Assistaat �rrt�ry� and she actnorlcdged tAe instru�ent to De her roluntuy ut aad dee0� and tAe
<br /> � rolunt�ry,aet ind deed of s�id Cerperition. � ' �
<br /> . � . , . ____
<br /> liliNF�S �y haed and �ffici:! se�l, in _M__....__fl!9�!?_____..� tiebraska _, in sa�d tounty, ,
<br /> on the Q�te tfor�s�id. .
<br /> ' ------------------------- .
<br /> Y.x..�..�,W,:�_..>,_ �� --� �
<br /> 6fRfNil 1qiARr-Sta!e af N�+�; k3 /�,,� / -
<br /> L MY C01;NISSIflN EXF[6ES: _ ----1t�liJfld�:i1.TCOt7 ---- - '���tc_:�_ _ .�_,�,_IXt_�-!�---•--------
<br /> ������ •1� , N01Afi�fU l8 IC
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<br /> FEiUAN T0: Cf�Eti1IVE FJHAYCili6, I�IC. �
<br /> 4�1 AE6EliCY P�RKIiMY ORIUE � ���
<br /> U!l�HA, tiE 6B11� t�
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