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<br /> 1 sutveyor, and ta onntain u �lccl�,tic�n c�f the ca�cancnts to the use attd be�eft of public utiliti�s
<br /> Eorev�er, and af thc street to the w�e of thc�aublic. In conaideratron of the acccptance oE the piat of
<br /> said PUL��'E SUBBMSION, the Subdivider hereby ooasents aad �grees with tbe City of Grand
<br /> . Ll�nd,Nebr�k�, that It will imtell oc provide at ita e�cporae the foilo�w�tng improvernents:
<br /> ]. Water and Sanit S�ev�rer. No City water se=vioe or sanit�ry:twer servia is aveilable
<br /> ; to the:ubdlwion;thereFore,the�City waives the immedi�te oon:truction of water and�aaitary�wer .
<br /> �
<br /> � lines and authorizes the ooastructioa of septic tanks and private vr�lis in the subdi�►�ion, but the
<br /> �
<br /> ! Subdivider agrees to cannect �ny stn�ctures connected to septic tanks or privete wells to the City
<br /> sanitairy searer service or water seivice witbin two construction seasons after City services hav�e been
<br /> made availabk to the respoctive lots of the subdivision. Furthtr,the Subdivlder agras not to protat
<br /> the crention of any sanitary sewer or water main districta within or abutting said subdivisio�.
<br /> i
<br /> ' 2. Sidewalk�. 'Ihe City hereby waives the immediate oonstniction of any and all sidewalks � �
<br /> ;
<br /> adjacent to said subdivision and within said subdivision. Hovu�ver,the Subdivider agrees that any and � �
<br /> all sidewalks will be constructed by the lot owners within six months after a directiv�e from the Grand ;,: 1 g
<br /> Ttlanti f`:tv f`nur�il
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<br /> 3. Fi��nd P1ain. Since the subdivision in located 'u► the flood plain, all naw structures
<br /> � constructed in the subdivision shall have the lowest floor elevation to a minimnia of one faot abov�e
<br /> � the elevation of the]00-yeaz flood, as determined by the building permit re�eived by the Subdivider
<br /> i
<br /> ' or successors from the Building Department under the provisions of Section 2-1506.06,R.I�S.1943.
<br /> No basement shall be constructed unless such basement is Iloodpraofed and eertified az suc6 by a
<br /> qual'�fied registered engineer or architect. ���
<br /> �' 4. Landscapipe. 'I7ie westerty thirty feet of the lots in the subdivision shall be landscaped
<br /> � except for drivcvrays through the thirty foot strip. Landscaging improvements include but are not
<br /> limited to screen planting�,Iavm area, pools, trees,shrubs, fences,and walls. Crushed rock, gcavel,
<br /> barkchips,etc.,sE�all rtot substitute ror lawn arca. Landscaping shall be prc�vided within twa years of
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